Ask The Plant Expert: I planted several Endless Summer hydrangea plants last summer. Most seem to be doing okay, but a few have a brown spot fungus (I think) on the leaves. How do I care for them? Second question: When should I place Aluminum on them to turn them more blue?
Thank you – Christine
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply: Christine,
If you see the spots starting to spread, spray them with a fungicide. Your local garden center will have the right fungicide for hydrangeas.
As for care, Endless Summer hydrangeas bloom on both old and new growth – so prune them right after they bloom. Do this by pruning the flower stems back to a pair of healthy buds.
Like most hydrangeas they need a slow-release, balanced fertilizer from April through August. Because hydrangeas love a rich well-drained moist soil, it is best to water them thoroughly with time between waterings rather than a little every day. Mulch them well going into winter and during the heat of summer. During the summer, don’t pile the mulch too close to the plant.
In late autumn or early spring, you can add aluminum sulfate to the area surrounding the hydrangea to encourage their blue color.
I hope this information was helpful. Please let me know if I can help with anything else.
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