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Gelatin Like Substance On Lucky Bamboo Roots

Ask the Expert: Lucky Jello?

Lucky Bamboo Roots

Lucky Bamboo Roots

My Lucky Bamboo was a birthday present from my mother almost 3 years ago. I guess I never really looked at the plant, but today I noticed a gelatinous substance in the roots. Also my plant has stopped absorbing water as often. . .

Lucky Bamboo With Gelatinous Substance

Lucky Bamboo With Gelatinous Substance

I don’t know what to do.   I’ve attached pictures of the mysterious gelatin-like substance that’s permeating the roots of my plant. And a picture of the roots just in case that would be helpful. Dee

Plant Expert Reply:

Your plant may have come with water crystals ( a polyacrylamide substance that helps retain water).  These crystals absorb water so that later they can release water when the plant needs it.  I don’t know why some lucky bamboo sellers do this – it is unnecessary.  After all the lucky bamboo is in water.  The crystals shouldn’t cause a problem.

However if the substance seems more organic or has a bad odor, decaying material may be the problem.  The rooting plant material may have caused a fungus which will cause problems with the lucky bamboo stalks.

Either way you can get rid of the gelatin-like substance by washing the roots.  It may also be a good time to prune the roots or move the stalks into a larger containers. Before you place the stalks back in the container, test all the stalks making sure that they are all firm.  Remove any stalk that feels soft. This way if any disease has occurred, you will be removing it.

If your plant looks healthy, I wouldn’t worry to much about the water intake.  It could be related to a humidity factor in the environment.


  1. Thank you so much! I’ll be following your suggestions in the hopes of keeping my plant healthy and beautiful.

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