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What Is This Houseplant?

Ask The Plant Expert: “Hi, my names is James. I have a plant in my house and I would like you to identify it. I have attached a photo.”

Type of Philodendron

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply: James, It looks like you most likely have some type of Philodendron plant. The genus, Philodendron, is the second-largest member of the Araceae family, with over 500 different species. I’m not sure which species of Philodendron this is, but you will care for it the same as the Heart-leaf Philodendron (Philodendron Scandens Oxycardium). For care instructions, see Heartleaf Philodendron Plant Care.

Perhaps one of our readers will be able to help us out on further identification. Thanks for the inquiry; hope this helps!

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