Ask The Plant Expert:
Can you tell me the name of this plant, and the care required? Thanks, Nanci
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
What a beautiful specimen. Your plant is commonly called Prayer plant and is known botanically as Calathea roseopicta. It is in the Marantaceae (arrowroot family).
It thrives when potted in a shallow container and placed in indirect, bright or filtered light. It will need a high humidity environment. If possible mist the air around the plant every day or every other day with lukewarm water. Keep the plant moist during the growing season (spring through fall) and feed once a month with a well-balanced fertilizer. I like to use a water-soluble fertilizer that I can dilute to a light ratio. By using this fertilizer method, I rarely have an over-fertilization issue. Don’t fertilize during the winter months and, if needed, reduce the amount of water.
The plant will be in a rest period during this time and will not need as much fertilizer or water. However, keep the humidity the same. This plant does not like to be cold so keep the temperature above 55°.
Bud mites, spider mites and mealybugs sometimes attack this plant. Leaf spot and cucumber mosaic virus can also occur with this type of plant.
So keep an eye out for them.
Hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if I can help with anything else.
where can i find this plant in concord n.c or charlotte n.c or any close by the calathea -roseopictal known as a prayer plant and how much do they ususally cost thanks
The first place you can check is with a local florist. You can find Concord NC florists at and Raleigh NC at The prices may vary from florist to florist and depending on the size of the plant. Another source would be your local greenhouse garden center.
Where can l find one of these prater plants in the uk,?
Hi Jackie,
You might be able to find them at your local nursery or garden center.