Ask the Expert: what type of vine is this that has a purple flower I’m doing a project and I’m having a hard time identifying this vine. Tabetha
Plant Expert Reply:
I believe what you have is a type of morning glory. The funny thing about the morning glory is there are 1000 plants in the morning glory family – Convolvulaceae. Some look very similar and some don’t. Yet, commonly they are all called morning glory even if they are also called by other names. There are 10 genus associated with this family – Calystegia (island morning glory), Convolvulus (bindweed – bush morning glory), Ipomoea (orn sweet potato, moon vine, morning glory), Merremia (Spanish morning glory), Rivea, Astripomoea, Operculina, Stictocardia, Argyreia and Lepistemon.
So long answer short, I believe it is a Ipomoea tricolor.