Let’s face it, as we age our memories are just not what they used to be. If you’re anything like me, you’d loose your head if it wasn’t attached! However, with new technology, there are lots of things you can do to help yourself remember, the most important of these is your cell phone! Whether you’re carrying and old Razr or an iPhone, make it work for you in more ways than just calling friends.
Most modern cell phones have some sort of camera on them. Sure, it’s great for grandkids, but it can also be used for many other things you might not think about, such as aiding our memory.
15 Photos Florists Should Keep In Their Phones
- 1. Where you parked – For some deliveries, this will really come in handy!
- 2. Pictures of any refills – Take pictures of the sizes, brand, or other specific information on refill-type products you might use in the store, such as: printer cartridges, specific flower food, light bulbs you use, gift items used often, etc.
- 3. Common design recipes – Keep your best-sellers handy.
- 4. Delivery vehicle license plates – Just in case something happens, or you need to know it when they are gone. You can also take a picture of the mileage when necessary.
- 5. Hotel room numbers – When going on trips to florist conventions!
- 6. Delivery drop offs – Keep a record of how the flowers looked when they are delivered.
- 7. The White Board – If you have a white board or other place you write out shopping lists, take a picture of it right before you leave so you don’t have to copy it all down again!
- 8. Products you love – Out on vacation and see a product you’d love to sell in your store? Take a picture of the label!
- 9. Anything ‘borrowed’ – Remember anything you might need to return later.
- 10. Wedding consultation reminders – Take pictures of things your bride’s favorite products as inspiration for creating the perfect wedding. (You might copy these to a Pinterest board.)
- 11. Measurements – Any sizes, shapes or lengths you might need to remember later. Not just your air filter, but in products you use.
- 12. Business hours – Remember the business hours of certain places you deliver to often. Just take a snapshot of their hours, usually on the front door. You can also take pictures of business cards so you have them with you on the go!
- 13, Favorite lunches – In case you want to surprise your staff.
- 14. Behind the computer – In case something gets unplugged.
- 15. Pictures of every room – In the event of a fire or other disaster, you can remember what was in each room.
What would you add to this list?! Add your suggestions to the comments below!
Great Advice!
Attached Image: Floral Cotton-010.jpg
Take pictures of your leftover holiday merchandise in displays before undoing the holiday and packing it for next year.
Good one!