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2011 Fall Wedding Bouquet Trends

Featured Fall Wedding Bouquets *

Our florist friends on Facebook constantly keep us with our jaw on the ground. Each week they post some of the most amazing designs around! Because it’s wedding season, we’ve seen a lot of amazing fall bouquets! So let’s take a look at what trendy designs are popular for 2011 fall brides!

*The gorgeous bouquet in the photo above was created by C & C Sensations in Waynesboro, VA. It features deep red roses mixed with circus roses (orange with red tips) and hypericum berries. This florist also did an amazing job weaving in bright bits of green with bells of Ireland.

Sunflower Wedding Bouquet

Sunflowers are a staple of fall. The above sunflower wedding bouquet was also created by C & C Sensations. We love the addition of rooster feathers and leucadendron to give it an even more fall-ish style. The colors of this bouquet are spot-on for this season!

Fresh Flowers Fall Wedding Bouquet

The Flower Patch & More in Bolivar MO shared this gorgeous fall bouquet featuring country-blue hydrangeas! This bouquet is perfect for the Southern bride, or any bride who loves the vintage-chic look. This bouquet also includes honey-colored chrysanthemums and rustic red sedum.

Colorful Fall Bouquet

Who says fall colors have to be dark? The Petal Patch in McFarland WI knows how to make a statement with their fall bouquets. They used coral-colored roses, yellow-green orchids and green, fuzzy dianthus (carnations), pared with chocolate-red leucadendrons and hypericum berries.

Bird of Paradise Wedding Bouquet

Here is a very interesting spin on fall wedding bouquets by Greenhouse Gallery Florist in Colts Neck NJ. They used the bird of paradise tropical flowers to really make this orange bouquet stand up and say “HEY LOOK AT ME!” This is a great idea if you’re looking for unique wedding flowers sure to turn heads.

Purple and Pink Fall Bouquet

Oddly enough, purple seems to be one of the trendiest fall colors this year! Check out this recent bouquet by Flower Bouquet in Cherry Hill NJ. This wedding bouquet is classy and sophisticated. It features an ivory-cream as it’s main color with hints of dark purple and raspberry reds in the callas and stargazer lilies. The tiny sprigs of wax flowers adds a touch of rustic-ness for an all-around beautiful bouquet.

Purple Wedding Bouquet For Fall

Banda’s Bouquet in Longview WA shared this lovely lavender bouquet with us. (Gorgeous photo by LemonDropsPhotography.com) Amethyst hydrangeas are an instant stand-out and you cannot deny the beauty of purple roses. This bouquet features a range of perfect purples mixed with classy white flowers. An excellent choice for the fashionable bride.

Purple Wedding Bouquet

Monday Morning Flower and Balloon Co. in Princeton NJ shared this photo of fabulous bridesmaids bouquets with us. (Fantastic photo by Casie Photographics) These ladies look stunning holding their powdery-purple blooms. The intricate textures of these bouquets really force these pinkish-purple roses into full focus. The green hypericum berries and bupleurum only add to the texture of the hydrangeas. These ladies have topped off these interesting textures with a chunky cluster of bling bling! Excellent style!

Purple Chrysanthemum Bouquet

Lane Florist & Gifts in Hickory NC shows us their take on purple for fall! This wedding bouquet features big purple chrysanthemums bursting like stars mixed with bright green roses and smaller mums. The pink roses add a bit of girlish color to this interesting bouquet. The florist finishes this arrangement with a shimmery blue butterfly, a keepsake the bride can cherish for a lifetime.

Colorful Wedding Bouquet

This fun and funky bouquet was created by Ashlee’s Floral Design in Lufkin TX. This playful bride went for all-out fun when planning her wedding. Not only are the colors BRIGHT and BOLD, the florist also added hot-pink spirals of wire and fun loops grass. This is also an interesting hand-tied bouquet design because the fuller flowers are featured at the top while the other, smaller elements spill down randomly. Love it!

Classic Wedding Bouquet

We can’t leave out the traditional bouquet. This rose and calla bouquet was created by Finest City Florist in El Cajon CA. This perfect orb of roses is beautifully accented with shimmery pearl loops and ivory-white callas. The florist has expertly placed small pearls in the center of the roses to make them even more for a princess!

When it comes to bridal bouquet styles, the sky’s the limit! Your local florist can make your dream bouquet a reality, and even better than that!


  1. flowers Dublin says:

    So lovely photos these are. Amazing bouquet designs and beautiful flowers.

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