Ask The Plant Expert:
Have been trying to locate and information on Anthurium Clarinervium? – Robert
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
Anthurium Clarinervium are different that the anthurium plants we are used to seeing in stores. They are more known for their beautiful, heart-shaped leaves than their flowers, which are small and understated. Anthurium Clarinervium is native to Mexico and found almost exclusively in that country. Because the leaves feel a lot like cardboard, this plant is often called, Velvet Cardboard.
Anthurium Clarinervium is an easy plant to grow as a houseplant, and can be cared for much like other anthurium house plants. These plants need good, rich soil, a good choice would be soil recommended for orchids. They like to be moist, but not wet and misted often. Lighting should be bright, but indirect sunlight.
For more, visit this post: Anthurium Water & Fertilizer Requirements
Image via i-saint on Flickr.