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5 Reasons to Send Flowers April ’17

Easter and Administrative Professionals Day aren’t the only reasons to visit your local florist for flowers this month. From finding your inner Scotsman (or woman) to taking care of your library staff, keep reading to find out 5 reasons to send flowers in April.

National Tartan Day- April 6

Chances are you or someone you know has some type of Scottish heritage. Why not send them a bouquet featuring the colors of their clan’s tartan? 

National Sibling Day- April 10

Shop Easter Flowers Now!

Brothers and sisters can be a pain, but they are also our first friends. Send them some flowers or a gift basket to let them know you’re thinking of them, even if you don’t see them every day.

National Library Workers’ Day- April 11

Show your appreciation and brighten the day of your local library staff with a colorful arrangement!

Easter- April 16

Enjoy a day filled with family by decorating the table with a vibrant spring centerpiece.

Administrative Professionals Day- April 26

Our administrative professionals are the backbone of most companies. Tell them thank you with a bouquet of flowers!

What is your favorite reason to send flowers? Let us know on the FSN Facebook page! 


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  1. Interesting blog.


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