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5 Reasons To Send Flowers February ’16

There are many holidays to celebrate each month, some of which are very…different. If you want to surprise a lover, family or friend, keep on reading. February is packed with reasons for you to send flowers!

1. Send A Card To A Friend Day – Feb. 7th
This day is perfect for getting in touch with long lost friends. Write a heartfelt message on a card and along with that message send a beautiful bouquet of flowers! Everyone likes the delicate aroma and sight of beautiful blooms. A single rose is perfect for this occasion, it is not about quantity but quality.

2. Madly In Love With Me Day  – Feb. 13th
In order to love others we must first learn to love ourselves. Treat yourself with chocolates and, why not, flowers! Colorful blooms are great stress relievers and boost our mood, making us feel happy and energized. Take it easy, relax, take this as an opportunity for getting to know yourself better. Loving yourself unconditionally is the key to true happiness.

3. Valentine’s Day/World Marriage Day – Feb. 14th
Today we celebrate Valentine’s Day and  World Marriage Day! It is a time to celebrate love and for all those married couples, a day to celebrate the beautiful bond that comes with marriage. Flowers and chocolates are today’s most popular gifts! Flowers in shades of pink or red are perfect for this occasion.

4. Do A Grouch A Favor – Feb. 16th
This is definitely a very unique holiday! Let’s be honest, we’ve all been in a position that puts us in a grouchy mood. What usually makes us feel better is other people’s attention, we like the reason for our grouchiness to be understood. If you know someone that is not looking too happy, send them flowers! Flowers are extremely therapeutic, specially bright and colorful blooms.

5. Floral Design Day – Feb. 28th
This is a great day to let your imagination loose! Maybe you missed Valentine’s Day and want to make it up to your lover, friend, relative. Head to your local florist and have them bring your imagination to life! Be creative or let the floral designer showcase his/her creativity!

Celebrate the “month of love” with all those who matter most! Visit our Bloomin’ Blog for ideas and tips to help with all your floral needs.


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