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5 SEO Tasks For Success

For any search engines, like Google and Yahoo, to consider your business relevant, they need information about your company. The following tasks will help you get your information to the search engines.

5 SEO Tasks For Success____ Claimed Your Local Information in the following Places:

Be sure to include your Flower Shop Network eCommerce URL as part of your information. All FSN websites orders are 100% yours. Make sure your information is consisted every where.

____ Create keyword based Meta Information for every page of your website.
Select keywords that are relevant to the page. On Christmas page concentrate on one or two relevant keywords like Christmas flowers. For more information about meta information check out CComponents Google Uses To Determine Organic/Local Ranking

____ Encouraged online reviews.
Search engines value reviews. Encouraging reviews in all of the places where you have claimed your local information.

____ Exchanged links with other local business.
Links from other reputable websites act like a vote of authority to the search engines.

____ Participated in social media.
Being active in an online social community like Facebook is an indicator to Google that you are more relevant.

Do you have a website through FSN? As a free service with your website, FSN will help you claim your Google Places and Set-up a Facebook business page for your shop. Call your FSN representative for more information.

Other article that might help:

Easy Ways To Increase SEO for Your Flower Shop’s Website

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