My neighbor recently gave me two bamboo trees. She said to keep in vase with water.Can it survive in a pot with soil or is it best to keep in vase? Roberta
I think what you have are called Lucky Bamboo which are not actually bamboo but rather Draceana. If they came in water it is probably best to keep them in water. YOu might want to read Caring for Lucky Bamboo or Caring For Lucky Bamboo Plants. The Caring for Lucky Bamboo Plants has a picture of lucky bamboo, so you can see if your plants are the same thing. If not send me a picture of your plants and I’ll identify them and give your care instructions.
I think what you have are called Lucky Bamboo which are not actually bamboo but rather Draceana. If they came in water it is probably best to keep them in water. YOu might want to read Caring for Lucky Bamboo or Caring For Lucky Bamboo Plants. The Caring for Lucky Bamboo Plants has a picture of lucky bamboo, so you can see if your plants are the same thing. If not send me a picture of your plants and I’ll identify them and give your care instructions.