What kind of houseplant is this?
Plant Expert Reply:
It is always difficult for me to identify a plant strictly from a picture, but I believe what you have is a Peperomia Obtusifolia. This plant is sometimes called a baby rubber plant – not to be confused with the commonly known rubber plant (Ficus elastica).
The baby rubber plant is grown as a low shrub in zones 10-11. For most of the U.S. it is grown as a houseplant. This Peperomia likes high humidity and moisture. However, wet feet are a deal breaker that will cause the plant’s roots to rot. Since it likes bright filter light or medium shade, exposure to an east window is preferred.
Hope this information is helpful.
Jamie Jamison Adams
Please can you tell me what this plant is. It belonged to my late father and has just flowered for the first time.
Thank you in advance
Can you please send me a picture of the whole plant?
My neighbor has this plant and we dont know what it is
Not sure. Appears to be in the Solanacea family, which includes nightshade, peppers and tomatoes and much more.