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Ask the Plant Expert: What Flower is This?

Dear Plant Expert:Lovell-flowers

This picture was taken at my husband’s grandparents’ house. Since it was taken both grandparents have passed away and their house has been sold. We think it is a peace rose but all the peace rose pictures I find don’t have multicolor flowers. We would like to buy this for my mother in-law for mother’s day.




Plant Expert Reply:


It appears to be a Joseph’s Coat rose. This type of rose can be grown as a shrub or a small climber. Your local nursery & garden center would be the best place to find this rose. Look for a garden center that carries Weeks roses.
Hope this information is helpful.
Jamie Jamison Adams

Ask the Plant Expert: What is This Flower Tattoo

Dear Plant Expert:Flower Tattoo

I have found a flower tattoo on the internet that I like very much, but I don’t know what that specific flower means, or what a flower symbol means? I would like to send you a picture of it if possible.



Plant Expert Reply:

I am not an expert in tattoos. If I had to guess, I would say it is supposed to represent a lotus flower which would symbolize beauty, fertility, prosperity, spirituality and eternity.
Jamie Jamison Adams


Ask the Plant Expert: Transplanted and Re-Potted But Looking Sad

Dear Plant Expert:

Besides the green plant, there is the azalea, the Kalanchoe and African violet. I have re-potted all of them, but they are really looking a bit sad … can you please provide any thing that I can do to help revive them? Should I plant the Azalea outside? I brought these from Dallas to Atlanta after Mom passed and would love to see them be healthy for a very long time.

Thank you! :)


african-violet indoor azalea Kalanchoe-2 uknown-plant


Plant Expert Reply:


All plants will look a little rough right after transplanting. Give them a little time to recover and they should bounce right back.
As for the Azalea, you could plant it outside. Make sure you place it in an area that gets at least 6 hours of sun a day and is in well-drained soil. You could also grow it in a sun-room if you have one.
As for the African Violet, they need bright filtered light. Never expose the plant to intense heat or bright sunlight. Keep them moist but not soggy. For more African Viloet Care Instruction go to https://www.flowershopnetwork.com/flower-pictures/pl00107/african-violets-basket-of-plants/. Scroll down until you see the care instruction area.
As for the Kalanchoe, they can tolerate a wide variety of light options. They prefer bright light and slightly dry conditions. For more Kalanchoe care instructions go to https://www.flowershopnetwork.com/flower-pictures/pl03002/flowering-kalanchoe-kalanchoe-blossfeldiana-/
And finally for the Schefflera, they prefer a lot of bright filtered or indirect light and a moist environment. For more care instruction go to https://www.flowershopnetwork.com/flower-pictures/pl00701/green-schefflera-plant-brassia-actinophylla-/.
Hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if I can help with anything else.
Jamie Jamison Adams

Ask the Plant Expert: Where Should I Plant My Azaleas?

Dear Plant Expert:

I live in central Missouri. I never have any luck with Azaleas. so where is the best place to plant them? I just bought 3 new plants and need to know where is the best place to plant them.



Plant Expert Reply:


In your area, azaleas will be tricky. You will first need to make sure that the azaleas you choose can tolerate a hardness zone of 5. You’ll want to check with your local nursery and garden center, since they will only carry azaleas hardy enough for your area. Large box stores may not pay attention to the special needs your area requires.

Once you have an azalea that is hardy in your zone, planting it correctly is crucial.

Plant your azaleas in an area that drains well, is protected from extreme weather conditions and receives a minimum of 5 hours of sun a day. Depending on your soil type, you may need to add humus to the soil when you plant it. Be sure to blend/incorporate the humus into your existing soil. Since azaleas like a more acidic soil, you may also need to add a little aluminum sulfate to the soil at planting time.

I also recommend fertilizing the azaleas from April through August. I use a fertilizer with a systemic insecticide. Your local garden center should carry this product.

I hope this information is helpful! Please let me know if I can help with anything else.

Jamie Jamison Adams

Ask the Plant Expert: Are My Bushes Dead?

Dear Plant Expert:

dying bushI just moved into a house about a month ago in Denton,Tx. There are several of these types of bushes and there is no sign that they are still alive. The twigs and branches snap off very easily. If they are dead is there anyway to save them?

Thank you for your help!


Plant Expert Reply:


To see if the plant is still viable, scratch the trunk of the tree with your fingernail or lightly with a pocket knife. If you see green tissue, the plant should be OK. Then simply trim the the dead branches back until you see green tissue.

Thank You for Your Question,

Jamie Jamison Adams

FSN Plant Expert

Florists and Lawmakers Working For A Better Industry

On a recent trip to Washington, D.C., Flower Shop Network’s Brock and Loranne Atwill had the opportunity to visit with other florists as well as lawmakers to discuss issues facing the floral industry. Working with lawmakers to overcome those issues is an endeavor Brock and Loranne feel is important. To learn more about how FSN is working with lawmakers read SAF’s article SAF Members Host Fundraiser for Arkansas Senator.


Ask the Plant Expert: What is this Sticky Substance on my Schefflera?

Dear Plant Expert:Schefflera with Sticky Substance
Our schefflera has a sticky residue on its leaves and underneath the plant itself.  After looking closer, while taking the picture, I see what appears to be little white bugs.  How should I clean it and treat it?
Thank You for Your Assistance,
Plant Expert Reply:

You will need to apply a houseplant spray to the plant in order to kill the insects. In the meantime, you can take a wet rag and clean the leaves. The rag needs to be dipped in lukewarm water that has a couple drops of liquid soap (use a non-antibacterial soap).  Good luck and let me know if you need help with anything else.
Jamie Jamison Adams
FSN Plant Expert

Ask the Plant Expert: A Torrid Tale of Oaks and Azaleas

Dear Plant Expert:

I have 6 matured live oaks in my front yard. Can I plant azaleas around the bottom of these trees?


Plant Expert Reply:


Azaleas and oaks can live together quite happily. However, azaleas do not due well in deep shade so plant them as far away from the base of the oak as possible to give the azaleas access to the better light. Also keep in mind that you may need to water the azaleas in the summer since the oak trees will use most of the available water.

Hope this information was helpful!

Jamie Jamison Adams

Ask the Plant Expert: Please Help My Corn Plant – What Am I Doing Wrong?

Ask The Plant Expert:Sun Damaged Corn Plant

What is wrong with my plant?

I received this plant as a condolence at my mothers funeral. When I reviewed it there were no problems with it, but about two days after bringing it home the leaves started to brown … that was about a week ago. Now it looks like this. I would really love to save this plant. Can you help?

It is located in front of my French doors that do not have curtains and is about two feet away from a heater vent, but the vent does not blow directly on it, and the temperature is kept at around 72° in the house. I have watered it once since bringing it home. The care instructions said moderately bright light and only water when soil is dry, so I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.

I had problems sending multiple photos so I just included the whole plant. If you need others please email me a location that they can be sent.


Plant Expert Reply:


I think the plant is suffering from too much direct sunlight and not enough humidity. If the plant is closer than 18″ from the French doors, the sunlight may be too strong. Keep in mind the glass from the door can cause the sunlight concentration to intensify. This will cause a burning effect on the leaves. Low humidity can also cause browning of the tips and leaves.

I recommend you pull the plant at least 18″ from the window and mist the air around the plant every other day with lukewarm water. You should see new growth within a couple of weeks. You can remove any of the severely damaged leaves.

One more thing. Check your pot and make sure any excess water can drain away from the plant.

Good Luck and keep me posted.


Jamie Jamison Adams

Ask the Plant Expert: What is this Blooming Plant with Spikes on the Trunk?

Euphorbia milii - Crown of ThornsAsk The Plant Expert: What is this plant called?

I got this plant a few months ago. The plant had pink flowers blooming on it but they have all died. The trunk has spikes on it.


Plant Expert Reply:


What an interesting little plant you have. It is a is a Euphorbia milii commonly called Crown of thorns.

This plant does not like to be over watered, so water it sparingly and apply a low-nitrogen fertilizer at half rate to it once a month during the growing season. In March and April the plant will require a little more water than other times during the growing season. During the winter keep the plant almost dry.

To ensure that the plant will thrive make sure you have the plant potted in a well-drained light soil and placed in full sunlight. It prefers warm areas and is hardy only in zone 9 – 11. If you live outside of these zones, be sure to bring the plant indoors once the temperature falls below 45 degrees.

When handling the plant you might want to wear latex gloves since the sap of the plant can cause skin irritation. This plant is poisonous if ingested, so keep children and pets away from it.

Hope this information is helpful.


Jamie Jamison Adams