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What Is This Summer-Blooming, Crocus-Like Plant?

Ask The Expert: Can you tell me the name of this plant? She blooms every summer. Usually has long grassy foliage, but this year the most flowers ever! I’ve had her for years as she just showed up in my yard and I dug her up and potted her. -Rochelle

Autumn Crocus

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply: I have had a hard time identifying the plant, but I believe the plant you have is a Colchicum cilicicum purpureum. Sometime referred to as as an autumn crocus, which usually bloom in the fall. I don’t understand why it is blooming now. Is the pot kept in the house year round? If so this could explain the unusual blooming time.

I hope this information was helpful. Please let me know if I can assist with anything else.
Flower Shop Network

What Is This Huge Purple Bell Flower?

Ask The Expert: What is this huge purple bell flower? It came 2 years after I sowed an area with a seed mix called “Grandma’s Cutting Garden.” It grows in rich, composted soil with other flowers. I live on an island off the coast of Maine,  Zone 5. – Marina

Campanula Medium L

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply: Marina,
I believe the flowering plant is Canterbury Bells (Campanula medium) which is one of the 300 species of the genus Campanula. This biennial species is slow-growing and clump-forming. It is hardy in zone 5-8, and produces bell-shaped flowers in white, pink, purple or blue colors.  Florists use this species of Campanula (also called Canterbury Bells, Chimney Bells or Bellflower) in mixed flower arrangements typically in April, May, June and July.  This flower was one of the first imported flowers grown in colonial gardens. In fact, Thomas Jefferson sowed this particular flower at Monticello.

It can be grown in part shade to full sun, and need rich, moist soil to thrive. They are great additions to summer perennial gardens, since they natural blooming period is Junish through August.

I hope this information was helpful. Please let me know if you need any other information about this plant.

Have A Good Day
Jamie Jamison Adams

What Is This Mystery Plant Left Behind By Bird??

Ask The Plant Expert: Hi. Was growing an Empress tree in this pot, a bird took the young tree away! Shortly before the tree was taken a small bud came out the soil, this is that bud, now a strong little plant. What is it? – Ray

Mystery Plant

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:

Unfortunately at this stage of growth it looks like many things. I will place this question on the blog and ask one of our Facebook fans what they think it is.

What Is This Sun-Loving Succulent?

Ask The Plant Expert: This plant has almost succulent-like leaves.  When I purchased it, I was told that it is an annual that will give beautiful blooms all summer if given enough sun.  So far it’s doing well in the sun. Can you tell me what it is and perhaps give me more information about it? – Melanie

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
The plant is purslane. It is probably Portulaca grandiflora a sister to rose moss. The succulent-like plant is drought and heat tolerant. It likes a humid environments and is very low maintenance because it doesn’t  require dead-heading. It has a creeping growth pattern and is hardy to 30° Fahrenheit. It is consiered an annual in all zones above 9. However in our area (northeast Arkansas zone 6B), I have seen it preform more like a perennial. It needs to grow in full sun with dry to normal water requirements.

Hope this information was helpful.

Response from Melanie: Thank you very much.  I really enjoy the blooms on this plant and wanted to know what it was so that I could properly take care of it.  I think I’ll be looking for more of these plants for hanging baskets.  This is the 3rd plant that you’ve identified for me, and I appreciate your help and the information you share.  I love the blog!

What Is This Unique Desert Wildflower?

Ask The Plant Expert: I have this “weed” in my Albuquerque, NM area garden.  I have searched for hours in various wild flower and weed identification websites and can’t find it anywhere.  It has woody stems and leathery, succulent leaves.  I would like to move it to another part of my garden, but would also like to know what it is. Any ideas?

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply: The person helping me identify the plant believes it is a Abronia Umbellata or Abronia Villoso.

One way to get a true positive identification is to take a leaf, bloom and picture to your state extension service office.

Hope this information is helpful.

Please let me know if I can help with anything else.

What Is This Sick Office Plant?

BromeliadAsk The Plant Expert: I got this plant as a gift at work. The only reason it was gifted to me is because I would ask about it and care for it. I brought it home half way dead, and now it’s grown and has two little babies right next to it in the same pot. The purple blossom is the only thing not getting better :( It’s very hard, and does not get its true purple color back.

Please help me identify it so I could care for it better. After its fully healed, I will remove the two little babies and put them in their own pots.

Best Regards,

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply: It appears that you have a Bromeliad – Aechmea Fasciata Primera. The bloom is on the decline, and will eventually die.  Our tropical Bromeliad page will have care instruction to help you revive the plant.

Is My Jade Plant Really A Jade Plant??

Ask The Expert: I believe this is a species of jade plant and it’s been flowering beautifully since January but i cant figure out what kind it may be.

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply: It looks more like a Kalanchoe blossfeldiana to me.

Response: It had been given to me as a cutling and called a jade but i surely couldn’t find a jade with flowers such as those. Thing is i been raising it like a jade all along so i’m guessing that it’s also a succulent type plant with similar care then? And the flowers look right on to what you said bt the only thing i think looks different is the leaves of the plant mine seem much more rounded and not as “jaggedy” as the Kalanchoe i see on google but i assume this could be because my plant is young and there’s probably many many sub species of this type as well it seems.

How And When To Cut Blooms On A Gardenia

Ask The Plant Expert: I just bought a small gardenia plant, and it came with two buds on it already. One of them bloomed beautifully, but now, after about 6 days, looks like it is ready to go. My question is, do you cut it off? If so, how, and will it bloom again? I really hope that it does because it smells so beautiful. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply: Sheri, Yes, you can cut the old bloom off. If the conditions are right, gardenias bloom from late spring until fall. Gardenias bloom on new growth, so pruning is a essential.

Blooming depends on a lot of factors. In fact, gardenias are a little temperamental.

  • First, they like a humid environment. However, you should only mist the air surrounding the gardenia, and not the leaves of the plant. Misting the leaves can cause a fungal problem. You can use a humidifier to create the environment they like.
  • Soil moisture is the second contributing factor to blooming. Under-watering or over-watering can cause gardenia bud drop. Keep the soil of the plant uniformly moist, but not soggy.
  • The plant will need a full sun exposure in the house, and a slightly shady exposure outside. Really hot temperatures can inhibit blooming. Gardenias like temperatures around 65° to 70°.  They do not like sudden temperature changes. Keep them away from door or air vent drafts.
  • Fertilize your gardenia April through November. You can use a water soluble or granular balanced fertilizer.

I hope this information is helpful.

Help! What Is This Pink-Blooming Vine In My Garden?

Ask The Expert: Hi; I need help identifying a beautiful plant that I have in my garden. It is  a beautiful Ivy given to me by a friend and I have reproduced it because it is great filler for arrangements and not too common. I have no idea of it’s real name. I was told that the name here in the Dominican Republic is Bride’s Crown but I don’t really know to what type of family belongs or the real name. It has flowers almost all year round, and it does very well in partially sunny areas. I will really appreciate any information about this plant.
Thanks for your help; Rosa Blanco

Clerodendrum thomsoniae - Bleeding Heart Clerodendrum thomsoniae - Bleeding Heart

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply: Rosa,

Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. I was consulting with an expert ( Regina Berryman)  who had more knowledge about this plant. The plant is a Clerodendrum thomsoniae. In the United States, it is sometimes referred to as a gloryblower or a bleeding heart vine.

This tropical plant is native to West Africa, but has been introduced to many countries. It prefers partial shade. In fact, it does best when planted in an area that receives morning sun and afternoon shade. Because it it a tropical plant, it must be protected when the temperatures go below 45°. Although it likes a humid environment and moist soil, it doesn’t like soggy soil. It can be pruned to keep it shapely. Pruning should be done after the plant has ceased flowering.

I hope this information has been helpful. Please let me know if I can assist you with anything else.

To Pot Or Not To Pot New Hydrangeas?

Potted Hydrangea

Ask The Expert: I received 2 new hydrangeas for Mother’s Day, from a nursery, not foil wrapped.  They are both large.  I have one other one that was foil wrapped that I have potted and is now flowering (after 20 months).  I live in San Antonio, TX, which is hot and dry.  I want to know what would be the best option for these new hydrangeas — to plant them or pot them in probably a 15-20 gallon pot each. I would keep them in is partial shade – late afternoon sun, which has been good for my other older hydrangea.  Do you have any suggestions on these new ones and what kind of pots, soil, etc?

Thanks a bunch,

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply: Pam,

Since you have one hydrangea that is doing well, I would plant the new ones the same way. Hydrangeas typically prefer a well-drained soil with some sun protect in very hot climates. Different varities of hydrangeas can tolerate sun better than others.

For example: the oakleaf hydrangea prefers a shady area where as the PeeGee hydrangea like the sun.

In Texas, it is best to plant your hydrangeas in rich loamy soil with an eastern or northern exposure (some shade protection could be beneficial, but it will still need a fair amount of sunshine). Make sure to mulch your hydrangeas well to help retain the soil moisture.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if I can Help You with anything else.