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Help! What Is This Thorny Houseplant??

Ask The Expert: I was given a very old plant i want to identify. It is very old I was told it is a type of Christmas cactus but I have never seen one before with thorns like a rose.  It is very pretty but driving me crazy to find out what it is and proper care for it to bloom. Thank you for your help in advance.

Flower Shop Network‘s Plant Expert Reply: Not 100% certain, but I’m pretty sure this is a Euphorbia milii also known as a crown of thorns plant or Christ plant. (If anyone has a better ID, please leave a comment!)

E. milii is a succulent shrub and can grow to be about 6.5 ft. The plant produces beautiful flowers throughout the year that can be pink, red, yellow or white.

Euphorbia milii Care & Maintenance

Place your crown of thorns plant in a warm and sunny location all year. In the summer, it can be kept outdoors, but sheltered. Water your Euphorbia milii moderately. During peak growing season, spring to fall, feed it cactus food regularly. Use cactus soil with a clay additive when re-potting. You can prune at any time.

Because of it’s hardiness, the Euphorbia milii makes a great houseplant.

This post is brought to you by local Scottsdale florists.
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Increasing Humidity In A Bush Floral Cooler

Ask the Expert: How can I increase the humidity in my cooler
Hello, I just purchased a 4-month old Bush Refrig. cooler and plugged it in yesterday – I don’t have the manual and my thermometer shows that the humidity is very low – how can I increase this and what is the ideal temp for cut flowers in a floral cooler? Any help is appreciated ! Sheila

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:I’m not sure how to increase the humidity. However, I have contacted Bush Refrigeration. Hopefully I will have an answer for you shortly.

As for the ideal temperature range, different flowers do better at different temperatures. Most flower shops don’t have the multiple floral cooler in which different temperatures can be set. So, if you only have one cooler the best temperature range is around 37 to 38 degrees.

This post is brought to you by local Salem florists. Not in Salem OR? No worries, use Flower Shop Network’s handy directory of real local florists to find a florist near you!

The Effects Of Chlorine On Peace Lilies

Ask the Expert: Peace lily sensitive to chlorine
Just learned that when watering peace lily, should let water sit out 24 hours to evaporate the chlorine. Wondering if this is what has been ailing my plant. What are the symptoms of chlorinated water being used?

Thanks for your expertise!! Donna

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:Houseplants and chlorine don’t mix well, but many plants will not show any signs of damage when watered with tap water containing chlorine. Sometimes peace lilies (spathiphyllum) don’t show any signs of damage when exposed to chlorine. When they do, I have found the overall health of the plant seems to decline and the leaves will look brown and burnt.

At home, I water mine with tap and have no problems. In the greenhouse, we have noticed the leaves tend to brown and the new leaves of the peace lilies lack vitality when we water with the public water instead of our well water.

With that said, the more important question to ask is “when did the plant start to decline?” If it was recently and you have always watered it with tap water, you need to rule out all other potential causes. If it was after watering with tap water that recently had a stronger chlorine aroma, then chlorine is the problem.

My recommendation is to fill your watering can and let it sit over night. This way you can determine if chlorine is a problem. If it is a chlorine issue, it should be resolved in a few weeks of watering with the exposed water.

This post is brought to you by local Bozeman florists.
Not in Bozeman MT? No worries, use Flower Shop Network’s handy directory of real local florists to find a florist near you!

Winterizing, Pruning and Fertilizing Your Azaleas

Ask the Expert: what should i be doing to my azaleas now (NOvember)
Potted AzaleaMy azaleas have not been doing as well as I like. When do we fertilize them and what pointers will help me to care for them? My Azaleas are planted outside. They are about 2 1/2 feet high and look healthy but I have not been getting flowers in March as in the past. I live in South Carolina. When is the time when they should be fertilized and when does one do it? Also, when do you trim the bushes? Thank you so much. Frances

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
Don’t be alarmed at the lack of blooming this past year. Occasionally azaleas will be thrown off by inconsistency in the season – too cold, too wet, too dry too hot. However, if the problem persists for more than one year an issue may exist that needs to be corrected.

To determine what the problem is, we must first evaluate all the factors that contribute to blooming.

First is light exposure. Has the amount of light the azaleas are exposed to throughout the year changed. When azaleas do not get enough light during the growing season blooming can become inhibited. A solution for this is to give the azaleas more light by pruning the trees or shrubs that are shading them. At the same time, too much light at mid-day can cause scorching. However, this won’t keep blooms from forming.

Second factor is fertilization. Azaleas can be heavy feeders needing fertilizer monthly during the growing season. I usually recommend fertilizing your azaleas April through August. I like to use a granular slow release fertilizer that contains a systemic insecticide. Your local garden center and nursery should have the fertilizer you need. You might ask them what they recommend in your area as a fertilizer and the time period in which to fertilize them. You do not want to fertilize your azaleas during the dormancy period.

Third factor is pruning. The rule of thumb is to prune your azaleas immediately after they finish blooming or at least within that month. If you prune your azaleas at the wrong time, you might cut the future blooms off. Azaleas set their blooms many months in advance of when they actually bloom. You can prune your azalea severely or lightly depending on how much height and shape you need.

Another factor is proper care during the winter. In the fall, you need to mulch around your azaleas. You can use a multitude of different materials to do this – pine straw, hardwood mulch, pine mulch, cypress mulch, etc. You can discuss the options with your local garden center and nursery. Depending on the winter, your blooms can be damage if the weather becomes extremely cold. When we have had extreme temperatures in our area, I have actually iced my azaleas. Icing involves wetting the azaleas so that ice forms and the plant stays at 32° F. Before you attempt this talk to your local garden center. they will be able to determine if this is the right course of action for your area.

Hopefully these suggestion will help remedy your azalea issues.

This post is brought to you by local Greenville SC florists.
Not in Greenville? No worries, use Flower Shop Network’s directory of local florists to find a florist near you!

Caring For Indoor Azaleas

Ask the Expert: How to care for new azalea over winter?
My azalea was from a floral shop (a gift)When is stopped blooming in the house I planted it outside. It remains a beautiful green leafy plant. Being in northern Illinois I don’t expect it to live over the winter so I brought it inside. How should I care for it so I can put it outside and bloom again in the spring?

Flower Shop Network
Plant Expert reply:
If you want to care for your azalea as a houseplant during the winter, but use it as an outdoor plant in the summer, you need to pot it in a container that can work both inside and outside.

Pink Azalea in Basket For IndoorsThe container will need ample room for the azalea plant to expand as it grows. It will need a nutrient rich acidic soil containing organic matter with the ability to drain well. The soil PH is best at a range of 5.0 to 5.5. Should you need to increase the acidity of the soil you can add a soil amendment before you pot the azalea.

Azalea Care For Indoors

Place the azalea in an area with bright indirect light and an ambient temperature of no more that 68 degrees during the day and no lower than 45 degrees at night. Keep the soil moist but not soggy. Depending on your heating and cooling system, you may need to create a more humid environment by misting the plant every so often.

Be sure to remove dead leaves or blooms that fall on the soil. These can cause disease. Fertilize the azalea in late winter and again in early summer with a water soluble fertilizer.

Azalea Care For Outdoors

When you place the pot outside during the warm months, find a spot that is shaded some what from the hot mid-day sun. Direct sun during the early morning and late afternoon will work well for the azalea when it is outside. Keep the plant moist, but make sure the roots are not sitting in water. Once the plant has bloomed, prune it to keep the shape.  Pruning should occur immediately after the final blooms are spent. This will ensure the next seasons blooms are not damaged.

This post is brought to you by local Charleston SC florists.
No where near Charleston? Not a problem, use Flower Shop Network’s handy directory of florists to find a local florist near you!

Peace Lily Blooms Are Green Not White – What’s UP?

Ask the Expert: Re: Peace Lilly
My Peace Lilly’s blossoms are/stay green and never turn white. Wazzzzupppp? Glenn

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:It depends on a few things. First we need to know what constitutes a bloom on a Spathiphyllum (peace lily). What most people call the the bloom is actually called a spathe. This structure is similar in shape to a leaf and surrounds the spadix which support the actual flowers of the plant. The Spathes can range in color from a pure white to a pale whitish green depending on the hybrid.

So to determine what is happening with your plant, I need to know a couple of things. Are the Spathes a pale green or a dark green? Do the spathe’s have any white on them? What color is the spadix?

Factors you can work with to achieve better blooms: humidity, water light and fertilizer. Giving the plant the humidity and proper water will help make the formation of leaves, spathes and flowers stronger. The right fertilizer and light will help with strength the color and structure of the plant. So, follow the care instructions for Peace Lilies. Hopefully this will change future spathes from green to white

This plant care post was brought to you by Raleigh florists. Not in Raleigh NC? Use Flower Shop Network’s handy directory of real local florists to find a florist near you!

What To Do: Plant Leaf Is Dripping Sap From A Tear

Ask the Expert: i have a green plant and the leave got tore

the leaves got tore and its dripping white fluid … what do i do …. Sindra

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
Cut the leaf off at the base – where the leaf stem and the plant stalk meet. Then leave it alone. The sap will eventually stop dripping.

This plant care question is brought to you by local Columbia Florists.  Not in Columbia MO? Use Flower Shop Network’s handy directory of real local florists to find a florist near you!

What Is This Golden Flower Blooming In Massachusetts In September?

Ask the Expert: Can you identify this wildflower?

Yellow Flower - Solidago - GoldenrodPicture taken at the end of September in Massachusetts. Plant less than a foot tall. In rich soil – not wet. Rays generally only 3. Looks like wingstem but there are no wings on the stem. Thanks! John Kimball

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:

What you have is a type of Solidago commonly known as Goldenrod. The genus Solidago consists of over a hundred species of woody-based perennials. In Massachusetts, you will find the following Solidago are native:

  • Solidago caesia (blue-stemmed goldenrod, wreath goldenrod)
  • Solidago canadensis (meadow goldenrod)
  • Solidago juncea (early goldenrod, plume goldenrod)
  • Solidago nemoralis (gray goldenrod, old-field goldenrod)
  • Solidago rugosa (rough-leaved goldenrod)
  • Solidago ulmifolia (elm-leaved goldenrod)

I’m not sure which of these species is the one in the photo.

A Few Solidago Facts:
Fresh Flowers with Solidago

  • All Solidago flowers are always yellow.
  • There are over 100 species of this woody perennial.
  • Solidago plant prefer full sun
  • Solidago is considered a wild flower in many places.
  • Solidago can be invasive.
  • Solidago spp is used in fresh flower arrangements as a filler.
  • Solidago can be dried and used in permanent arrangements.
  • Solidago has no fragrance.

Hope this information has been helpful.

This flower identification post is brought to you by local Bloomington MN florists.  Not in Bloomington? Use Flower Shop Network’s handy directory of real local florists to find a florist near you!

Saving A Peace Lily

Ask the Expert: How do I save my peace lily?


My peace lily’s leaves are soft and limp. Someone told m I overwatered it. I let it dry out, it did not improve. Can this plant be saved or is it too late? Debbie

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
The plant can be saved.
Check the roots. Make sure they have not rotted and that the container has drain holes that will allows excess water to drain away from the roots.

The soil looks a little dry right now. Moisten the soil and keep it evenly moist but not soggy. You want the soil to hold water, but you should not be able to squeeze water from it. Also create a humid environment around the plant by misting the air around it with lukewarm water every day or every other day. Remove any of the yellow or brown leaves.

Make sure the plant is receiving light. However, the light source should not be beaming directly on to the plant.

Once you get the plant settle with the right conditions it should make a full recovery.

This post is brought to you by local Nashville TN florists.
Not in Nashville? Use Flower Shop Network’s handy directory of real local florists to find a florist near you!

Just One More Day

I know everyone is excited to find out who the overall winner of the Summer Design Challenge is, but you will have to wait one more day.

Our design challenge coordinator (Mandy Maxwell) is out of the office. Since she worked so hard on the challenge (coming up with fantastic inspirational photos), we couldn’t make the announcement without her.

So sleep tight tonight and look for the announcement tomorrow.