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They Called It Crooked Back Cactus – What Is It?

Devils Backbone - Euphorbia tithymaloides

Ask the Expert: What is this “cactus”?
I purchased this plant at a flea market in SC and the seller called it a “Crooked Backed Cactus”. I haven’t been able to find this plant online under that name and would like to know what it is so that I can properly care for it. Melanie

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply: Although the plant looked familiar, I could not place it. So I passed it on to Rick Pudwell at the Memphis Botanical Garden. I knew he would know exactly what the plant is called.

According to Rick

The plant is commonly called Devil’s Backbone. Botanical name is Euphorbia tithymaloides variegatus. It is a true succulent not a cactus. Like all Euphorbias the milky sap can cause a rash or irritation to exposed skin, so be careful if using it for cut material.

So there you have it! It is a Euphorbia tithymaloide.

Thanks Rick! You always come to my rescue.

Can You Revive A Yellow Lucky Bamboo Stalk?

Ask the Expert: Yellowing Bamboo Stalk
Hello. About a week ago, I bought 3 stalks of Bamboo. At the time they were all green and healthy. I put them by the window and I think I gave them too much sun. A few days ago, 2 of the stalks were turning yellow. I moved the stalks out of the direct light. I did some research and it said to pull the yellow stalks out and place in a glass of fresh clean water. I put each yellow stalk in separate glasses. The one stalk left (still in the vase) is completley green and looking healthy. The other 2 have gotten considerably yellower as the days have gone on. I read that you can cut the bamboo at the \”knuckle\” to let it regrow….but what if there is no green left on the stalk to cut? Is there anything I can do? I am attaching a picture of all 3 of them. Thank you. Jill

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
Once a stalk has gone completely yellow, it usually dies. However, I can’t see the very bottom of the yellow stalks. Since you have nothing to lose, I would try to start new growth from the roots. Make the cut above one of the nodes closest to the roots. Of course this will give you a very short stalk, but at least it might survive.

To help you understand how to do this, read We are not always lucky with lucky bamboo. This post includes pictures and descriptions.

Why Aren’t Stephanotis and Lily Of The Valley Used in Bridal Bouquets?

Ask the Expert: Are lily of the valley used in bridal bouquets. Back when I was married (in the 50s) lily of the valley and also stephanotis were often used in bridal bouquets and they are beautiful but I never see them anymore. Any reason? Carolyn

Rose and Stephanotis Bridal Bouquet

Flower Shop Network‘s Flower Expert Reply:
Every generation has it’s favorite flowers. In the 50’s, it was most likely stephanotis and lily of the valley. ‘Casa Blanca’ lilies or callas are probably the flower of choice for today’s brides.

That doesn’t mean stephanotis and lily of the valley aren’t or can’t be used in wedding bouquets. The rose and stephanotis bridal bouquet in the picture was a recent creation by MaryJane’s Flowers for a wedding in Berlin NJ.

Now that wedding flower options are not necessarily contingent upon seasonal availability, brides have more choices. They are no longer bound by what is considered a “wedding flower”.  Today’s brides have the freedom to choose any flower (depending on their budget) for their bridal bouquets and wedding flowers. As a result, brides are interjecting their personalities into their wedding flower choices and designs.

So it just maybe that the brides whom weddings you are attending are choosing more trendy flowers. However, I am confident that stephanotis and lily of the valley are still being used in wedding bouquets. They really are beautiful flowers and should be considered a wedding flower option.

Scam Takes A New Approach Via Email

Flower Shop Network has received several reports of a new twist to an old scam.

In the old scam, florists received a call through the hearing impaired service from a caller wanting to order several $200 wedding arrangements. The caller was willing to pay a large sum of money for the flowers using a credit card. The caller would have a courier service pick up the flowers. The catch – they wanted the florist to charge the credit card and give the courier service cash.

The new scam is basically the same scenario, but the contact is made through email.

All florists should be aware of this scam and be wary of any order that sounds to good to be true.

What Is This Plant With Purple Flowers And Interesting Foliage?

Ask the Expert: What is this purple flowering plant
I recently acquired this plant. A friend called it a “Purple Jasmine” and said that it takes full sun. In my internet searches I have not found a picture of a purple jasmine that looks like this plant. Melanie

Flower Shop Network‘s Plant Expert Reply:
What you have is a Pletranthus ciliatus – a plant with textured green leaves that are red/purple underneath. In late summer this very heat tolerant plant produces purple blooms.

This plant has interesting foliage with a mounding habit growing 10-12″ in height and width. It is an annual plant unless you live in zone 10-11. This low maintenance plant will take full to partial sun. It can be used in landscapes as well as containers.

It is also adaptable as a houseplant and does not need deadheading.

This plant identification question was brought to you by the local florists in St Petersburg FL.

Preparing Bird Of Paradise For the Long Haul

Flower Arrangement with Bird Of Paradise

Ask the Expert: How do I successfully “open” Birds of Paradise?

Twice a year I install flowers on the high altar and in the Lady Chapel in memory of my mother. Once on or about September 13 and again on or about April 7, or Resurrection Day depending on Lent.

My mother adored yellow roses and Birds of Paradise. When she died the only floral work was a huge (double) cascade casket piece made up of the aforementioned roses, birds and greens.

I have tried ever since to use the two when I install the flowers. I find the combination perfect in April for the Resurrection and in September as Fall approaches.

I tend to tear the pod. The “petals” seem very delicate and I lose a lot of them. At least 2-3 out of ten never thrive. They look dead. I normally pick up the flowers on Friday afternoon and install them before 02:00 PM on Saturday.

Like funeral work, the flowers do not have to look good for very long. The goal is they last through noon day prayer on Wednesday. Nit a huge problem if they do not.

I am purchasing the flowers through a wholesale florist. We have done business with them as long as I can remember with no problems whatsoever. It’s me, not the flowers. Edward

Flower Shop Network‘s Plant Expert Reply:
Correctly prepping the flowers is the key. When you pick the flowers up run lukewarm water over the flower heads. Then manually open the bracts and gently pull florets up. In our Elements of Design: Preparing Birds of Paradise, we demonstrate how to do this.

I also recut the stems of the Birds of Paradise. Another big factor is to make sure the Birds are stored at a temperature above 45 degrees Fahrenheit.

Propagating Morning Glory

Ask the Expert: morning glory
can you take a start and root it in water or can you only plant seeds? Sharon

Flower Shop Network‘s Plant Expert Reply:
It is possible , but a better way would be to layer a part of the stem that is attached to some leaves. Once the roots have formed you can cut it off of the parent plant.

To layer make a small wound on the stem and then cover with a small amount of soil. This will cause the plant to create new roots.

Of course, seeds are the best way to propagate morning glory. You can collect the seeds and germinate them at a later date. Store the seeds in your refrigerator vegetable crisper (place in a zip lock bag) until you are ready for them. When you are ready to germinate the seeds soak them in luke warm water for 24hrs. Then place in soil and keep moist until seeds germinate.

What to Do With Lilies Bulbs After Flower Has Died

Ask the Expert: do u lift the bulbs for r-planting
i have varius lilies in my garded do u r-plant the bulbs when the flowering has gone Joan

Flower Shop Network
‘s Plant Expert Reply:

In my zone 6, I leave the lilies in the ground year round and only dig them up when I need to thin them.  After the blooms are finished on my lilies, I leave the foliage up to allow the plant to collect as much energy for next year. When the foliage dies, I will remove it from the garden and make sure my lilies have a good covering of mulch before winter. A couple months before they bloom, I add some fertilizer to the area.

If you are in an area when you can’t leave the bulbs, wait until the foliage dies back and them dig the bulbs. Remove all the soil and place the bulbs in a cool dark and dry place until you can replant them next season.

Using Amaryllis In A Wedding Bouquet

Ask the Expert: what flower/s goes best with amaryllis?
i am getting married in February, i wanted a bouquete of amaryllis (white i think) and i would like to know what other flower or flowers would go well with them, thank you Dilaila

Flower Shop Network‘s Plant Expert Reply:

White amaryllis are certainly beautiful flowers.

Amaryllis Wedding Bouquet with Tulips Designed by Seattle Flowers

I have seen a wedding bouquet with white amaryllis and tulips which was designed by Seattle Flowers. This hand-tied bouquet used a beautiful satin ribbon embellished with pearls.

Keep in mind amaryllis stems are very thick and a hand-tied bouquet is most likely the only option.

Since the amaryllis will be the focal point of the bouquet, you  might use a light, airy foliage instead of flowers. This way the bridal bouquet will be luscious instead of over-whelming. If you including other flowers, make sure you choose flowers with the same texture like Roses, tulips or orchids.  Your wedding florist will be able to show you a variety of flowers that will work with the amaryllis. They will also be able to check the availability of amaryllis in February.

Typically amaryllis are only available during the Christmas season.  Your wedding florist will be able to check the availability of amaryllis in February.  If the amaryllis is unavailable, you might consider ‘Casa Blanca’ lilies. They will give you the same beautiful look.

If you are searching for wedding bouquets ideas, check out the bridal bouquets pictures on Wedding and Party Network.

This wedding flower question was brought to you by local Seattle Florists.

What Is This Yellow Flower With Purple Foliage?

Ask the Expert: Name of the plant we bought today?

Yellow Dahlia with purple leaves

Dahlia 'Clarion'

We bought a plant today in one of the private gardens open to the public for the charity. The leaves are dark (blackish purple) with yellow flowers about 5cm and about 1 and half metres. They told us it is called Clarion but alas we can’t find it anywhere online or in the books. We need to know how to take care of it. There are still some closed buds on it so it is just starting to flower at this time of year. Jacqueline

Flower Shop Network‘s Plant Expert Reply: The people who sold you the plant were correct in calling it a Clarion. They just didn’t tell you the complete name – Dahlia ‘Clarion’. What you have is a type of Dahlia. For classification purposes dahlias are divided into various classes according to their form and size. This particular Dahlia is in the single class. This means the flowerheads are composed of a single row of uniform, evenly spaced ray florets.

August is the peak blooming time for Dahlias. To learn more about this wonderful flower, Read Mandy’s August Flower Gets it’s Dues: Dahlia Flower Day post. Once a month she spotlights a flower and this past August it was the Dahlia.