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To Cut or Not To Cut Overgrown Dracaena

Ask The Expert: To cut or not to cut I ask??!

My plant (do not know the name I think it’s in the palm tree family) is reaching my 10″ vaulted ceiling however, it’s bending and very weak. To help support it I used string and thumbtacks and tacked it to the wall. Should I cut the top off? If it is top heavy is it okay to cut? The bark if you would or trunks are thin. Is there a way to help thicken them up? While viewing the photos if you have any advice on this plant I will Thank You in advance.
Oversized Dracaena
Plant Expert Reply:


You have a very large Dracaena. Yes it is in need of a trim to keep it healthy inside your home.

I took the liberty of altering your photo to show where you can top your plant. If you look at the picture to the right you will see a red box highlighting part of the Dracaena stem. Any where along this stem you can cut the top off the plant. Be sure you cut the stem at a 45 degree angle. This will ensure that the plant will heal correctly with little to no dieback. I like to mist the cut area for a couple days to allow the cut to dry out slowly. Mist it with luke warm water once a day.

You can take the piece you cut off and start a new plant. To do this you will need some rooting hormone. When you cut the top off dip the cut end into the rooting hormone and then stick it into a pot with moist soil. In a few weeks the piece you cut off will form roots thus giving you a new plant.

The old plant most likely will form new growth on the side of the stem where you made the cut. Good Luck and let me know how it does.

What is this Plant My Renters Left Behind?

Ask the Expert: What type of plant and how to care for it.

Philodendron Houseplant

Philodendron Makes a Good Houseplant

This plant was left from my renters. The majority of the leaves were lying on the floor. I put two sticks into the pot to try to give the stems support and tied up with ribbon to have it grow up. Is this the correct size and type of pot? Should I leave the leaves where the lay? I rotated pot as to the leaves might rise when sunlight hits it. What is the name of the plant and how should I take care of it? Alexandra Allen

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:

It looks like you actually have two types of Philodendron. The nice thing about Philodendrons is their versatility. So in this case, you could either let the leaves trail downward or give them support to grow up. Although the plant seems fine in its present container, you might want to re-pot the plant into a container about half-again as big. Be sure the new container has drain holes in the bottom and that you use a good basic houseplant potting soil.

If your sticks are giving the plant the support they need, keep using them. If you need more support, your local garden center should have plant totems.

Since this plant flourishes in bright, filtered or indirect light, it will thrive indoors. Just place it in a room with moderate light level. It is best not to place it directly in front of a window. Keep the soil moist, but make sure excess water can drain away from the plant. If the humidity level in your house is low, mist the air around the plant with lukewarm water every day at least once. About once a month give the plant a dose of a well-balanced fertilizer.

Hope this information is helpful.

Florists Helping Oklahoma City

Florists, here is how you can help.

The tragedy of yesterday’s storm has left several families in the position of planning their child’s funeral with little to no resources. Realizing the need these families have, Kimbra from Enchanted Florist (Amarillo TX) is spearheading an effort to help the families and the Oklahoma City florists provide a loving tribute for each child.

Kimbra shared this information with us this morning.

“I have contacted the Oklahoma Governor’s office and we will be working with Channel 9 in Oklahoma to get the word out to the community about these special gifts for the children. I cannot bare the thought of any family not being able to have one last final memory without everything they need to do so. I am in the process of learning best how to set up this special account. If we all give some then these families will know their families have a place in our hearts. A loss of any type is a part of life, the loss of child is a special gift to God!”

She is working with a funeral home in Amarillo and others to help provide some of the services and items needed. As soon as she can make contact with the FSN members in Oklahoma City*, she will help them coordinate the effort to provide casket sprays for each of the children lost.

For those of you who want to help, contact Kimbra at 806-322-2878 or enchantedflorist_6913@yahoo.com.

*At this time, we have not been able to reach any of our members. Please keep them in your prayers.

Nay-saying Critics Are Wrong – Flowers Make The Best Gift

Have you ever seen the commercial that makes fun of bad Christmas gifts? It shows bad sweaters and a few other gift items, but not flowers. After watching it, I realized that flowers are the one gift that people don’t make fun of, roll their eye at, re-gift or exchange.

Critic: But Flowers Don’t Last Forever…

Spring Green FlowersOh critics will complain that flowers don’t last forever, but that is also the beauty of them. Think about it — you get that tinge of excitement when the flower delivery person hands you the bouquet. You spend several days enjoying the scent and sight of the lovely flowers.  And,when they are gone you still carry with you the warm and the fond memory of them.

You wouldn’t want a kiss to last forever. What fun would that be?  But the memory — oh the memory — that is the value of the flowers, just as it is with a kiss.

Critic: But Flowers are Frivolous…

Some critics would argue that flowers are frivolous; I feel for these critics. I suspect for them a good meal is frivolous, too.  Life is full of have-tos, stress and sacrifices. We all work hard to provide for our families. Often sacrificing our own wants and desires. So every now and then being a little frivolous is something we should embrace for ourselves and those we love and value.

It is kind of ironic that most people who would never buy flowers for themselves are the very people who are the most excited to receive them? If you don’t believe me, send that self-sacrificing person flowers and watch their expression when the delivery person arrives with the flowers. If you can’t be there, have the delivery person take their picture with the the flowers. I have never delivered flowers that weren’t followed by a smile, even a subtle one.

Critic: But Flowers Are For Girls…

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“Janet Craig” Dracaena ID and Care Instructions

Ask the Expert: what type of plant is this?

I just purchased this plant and I would like to know what it is so I can keep it living. :) Please help, Angel.

Janet Craig Dracaena - Dracaean fragrans

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Is This Plant A Billbergia?

Ask the Expert: What is this plant?

I have been searching several websites trying to find out what this plant is. It blooms only once a year around Jan.-Feb. the leaves are a little prickly. I take it outdoors in the summer. I live in Ohio. Gloria

Plant Expert Reply:

It looks like the plant is blooming. Can you send me a better picture of the bloom? I think this is some type of Bromeliaceae, but I need to see a picture of the bloom.

Gloria’s Reply:

This is a picture of the flowers. Thanks for your help.

Plant Expert Reply:

Thank you for the picture of the bloom. I believe the plant belongs to the family Bromeliaceae and the genus Billbergia. However I am not sure which species. I will place you question and pictures on the blog to see if any of the readers can identify the plant.

I love plant identification questions like this one — where I need a little help from our readers.

So if anyone has a better identification of the plant or knows the species of the plant, PLEASE place your identification or other information in the comments section below.

What Is This Strange, Fragile Succulent?

Ask The Plant Expert:

What is the name of this succulent and is it normal to be so fragile?  Thanks, Jerry

Baby Toes Crassula

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What Is This Speckled Houseplant?

Ask The Plant Expert:

I received this plant from a friend. She has no idea what it is and I can’t seem to find it anywhere :(

Scilla Drimiopsis Maculata Scilla Drimiopsis Maculata

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:

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Help! What Is This Plant?

Ask The Plant Expert:

A friend gave me this plant in a plastic bag. And I have no idea how to care for her. I can say she is a very strong plant. -Stacey

Plant Leaves Plant Stalk

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What Is This Succulent With A Red Flower?

Ask The Plant Expert:

What is the plant with the red flower? I have 4 identical plant dishes (picture attached) that I bought in this condition. Each contain the same 3 plants, I believe, and I think I’ve identified 2 of the 3 plants in this pot, minus the “jade looking” one that has the red flower on top. Do you know what the “jade-looking one” is really named?

Also, do you think they look over or under watered (or may have another problem)? The soil does smell musty/damp. I think I need to repot them, but should I let them lay out and dry out for a few days or other? I know these are a lot of questions, but if nothing else, can you at least identify and name the jade-looking plant? THANKS!

Over-watered Kalanchoe Photo

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