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Flower Names For A Memorial Garden

Ask The Expert: “We are planning a memory garden, and have been looking for planets with their names or there names in them. It doesn’t matter about perennial or not. We live in Waco, TX, and it gets very hot here in the summers will into the 100s. The names are Jacob or Jake

Flower Shop Network Expert Reply:

Jacobs Ladder PolemoniumWhat a wonderful idea to choose specific flowers based on the names of those you are memorializing. Here are a few suggestions:

  • A rose name Jacob’s Robe. It is a Weeks Rose climber with large multi-color (yellow & peach blushing pinky red) flowers good for full sun areas.
  • A type of Polemonium known as Jacob’s Ladder.  It is an upright blue flower good for shade or part sun areas.
  • Acalypha wilkesiana known as Jacob’s Coat which is a plant with coppery-green leaves.  It is hardy only in zone 10-11.
  • Asphodelus luteus known as Jacob’s Rods. It is a perennial hardy up to zone 6 with yellow blooms and likes full sun.

With thousands of flower species and cultivars available, it’s not too hard to find the names of a loved one or friend. Creating a memory garden is a very good way to remember and stay close to the memories of the departed. You might also choose flowers for your garden based on flower meanings that may be appropriate.

How Care For Crimson Mandevilla During Winter?

Ask The Plant Expert: I have a flower and the name of it is Crimson Mandevilla. I was wondering how to care for it during the winter. The spelling of it may not be exactly right. Can you help? Rhonda

Plant Expert Reply:

Photo of a pink blooming vine called Mandevilla.To over-winter Mandevillas, it depends on where you live. Mandevilla (formerly the genus Dipladenia) splendens is hardy in zone 9-11. So if you live in parts of Arizona, California, Texas, Louisiana or in Florida, you can simply leave them outside and water as needed.

Preparing Mandevillas For Overwintering

However in other places, you will need to pot the Mandevilla and bring it indoors.  If your plant is not already in a container, be sure to prune the plant back by a 1/3 to compensate for any roots lost during the transplanting process.

Be sure to clean the plant and check for insects before you bring the plant indoors.  Remove all dead foliage and check the back of the leaves for insect eggs and larvae. I recommend wiping all the leaves and stems off with a soapy wet rag (make sure the rag is damp not dripping with water).  If you find a large infestation of insects, treat the plant with an insecticidal soap before you bring it inside.

Overwintering Tips

Once the plant is inside, keep the soil moist to slightly dry, do not fertilize, keep the temperature above 60° and place it in a bright filtered light exposure. Hope this helps!


What Is This Pretty Little French Succulent?

Ask the Expert: Please identify this plant for me

I am unable to identify this plant. Please identify it for me and give me the scientific name. I believe the photo was taken in France.

Thanking you in advance. Loukmaan

Crassula found in France

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Is This White Flower A Cockscomb?

Ask the Expert: What flower is this?

White fluffy looking flower that is really tall. It reminds me of celosia cockscomb. – April

White Flower - Possibly a Cockscomb

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What Is This Red Lily Found In Tulsa OK?

Ask the Expert: What is the name of this flower (attached)
It was in a flower bed in Tulsa, OK   –  Barb
Red Spider Lily

How To Care For A Crinum Lily in Germany

Ask the Expert: What sort of crinum is it on the photograph?

I found in 2008 in Daytona, FL a seed in the shape of a potato under plants with long sword-shaped leafs and flowers like the photograph shows. Put into earth, a plant grew for now 2 years without showing blossoms. A specialist of the Tuebingen University told me, it should be some sort of crinum. Can you give me the name of it and hints how to care it, so it will bloom? We live in Germany and have winters with frost onto – 20°C.
So it must be kept in the house during winter – but where there? Thank you for answering – Joerg Ekert in Kusterdingen, Germany

Crinum augustum (commonly known as Queen Emma crinum)

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Is Tropical Hibiscus Hardy in Upstate New York?

Ask The Plant Expert:

I received a hibiscus tree for a gift. I live in upstate New York. I know that some will tolerate the cold, but this one had no label on it, so now I am wondering if there is a way to tell if it will make it through a winter. Does anyone know how to yell if it is cold hardy? Thank you Mike

Tropical Hibiscus Tree

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Identification of a Red Princess Philodendron

Ask the Plant Expert: What is this plant?

I got this plant a few days ago but didn’t notice that it didn’t have an identification or care tag. It’s a beautiful plant and I want to take good care of it. It’s also me and my husband’s first house plant. Please help. Michelle

Top View of Red Princess philodendron Red Princess Philodendron in pot

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What Is This Purple Rimmed White Flower?

Ask the Plant Expert: which flower is this?

Hi, A florist brought in these beautiful flowers into our office today. My colleague and I are trying to figure out what kind of flower it is. Could you help us identify it? Thanks! Poorvi

Purple Rim Lisianthus

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Why Does My Lucky Bamboo Have Brown, Wrinkly Patches?

Ask the Expert: Bamboo rotting?

Hi! So I have been keeping my bamboo on a high shelf in good but indirect light, and feeding it bottled water/water left out for 24hrs. Today I took it down to move it and discovered two brown, wrinkly patches at the top where it curves. I couldn’t see them before, since that part was facing the wall.

My guess is that these patches died and started rotting at some point while on the shelf, but I’m surprised because in my experience when a part of a bamboo stalk starts to die, the whole thing has died within days. It’s also usually a bright yellow, not brown.

Do you have any idea what could have caused this? Is it going to keep spreading? I\’ve successfully removed the shoot from a dying bamboo plant in the past, but is it possible to remove the dead section of the stalk and have the rest of the stalk keep living?

Thanks! Renee

(P.S. Sorry for the bad photo quality. I haven’t got access to a real camera at the moment.)

Lucky Bamboo - Rooting issues & brown wrinkles Lucky Bamboo Infected with Colletotrichum dracaenophilum

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