Ask The Expert: “We are planning a memory garden, and have been looking for planets with their names or there names in them. It doesn’t matter about perennial or not. We live in Waco, TX, and it gets very hot here in the summers will into the 100s. The names are Jacob or Jake”
Flower Shop Network Expert Reply:
What a wonderful idea to choose specific flowers based on the names of those you are memorializing. Here are a few suggestions:
- A rose name Jacob’s Robe. It is a Weeks Rose climber with large multi-color (yellow & peach blushing pinky red) flowers good for full sun areas.
- A type of Polemonium known as Jacob’s Ladder. It is an upright blue flower good for shade or part sun areas.
- Acalypha wilkesiana known as Jacob’s Coat which is a plant with coppery-green leaves. It is hardy only in zone 10-11.
- Asphodelus luteus known as Jacob’s Rods. It is a perennial hardy up to zone 6 with yellow blooms and likes full sun.
With thousands of flower species and cultivars available, it’s not too hard to find the names of a loved one or friend. Creating a memory garden is a very good way to remember and stay close to the memories of the departed. You might also choose flowers for your garden based on flower meanings that may be appropriate.