Is this scale? Is this houseplant savable?! – Noah
Help! What Are These Bugs On My House Plant?
Help! What Is This Odd Flower?
Do you know the name of this flower? This flower is so odd and different. No one I talk to knows what it is. Maybe you can help. – Donna
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
I love this flower. My parents have a big area of passion flowers in the wooded area of their property. The one my parents have is Passiflora incarnata or purple passion flower which is a vine. Yours is most likely Passiflora caerulea which is commonly called blue passion flower or common passion flower. This too is a vine.
- A sibling to both of these is Passiflora edulis also known as passionfruit.
- Passiflora can be found in the following states AL, AR, DC, DE, FL, GA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MD, MO, MS, NC, OH, OK, PA, SC, TN, TX, VA, WV.
- It can become invasive in the right circumstance. However, it is a good food source for terrestrial birds.
- The fruit of the Passiflora caerulea is edible. However, in the raw form it is not too tasty. When cooked you can use it as a substitution for blackberries.
- Another benefit of this plant is that it attracts butterflies.
Hope this information was helpful.
Help! Can I Use Gelatin As Fertilizer for Peace Lilies?
Gelatin as fertilizer for Peace Lilies? Read that dissolved gelatin in 1 liter of water, can be used as a fertilizer for peace lilies. True??? – Miranda
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
I am afraid that is a new one on me. I tend to be traditional when it comes to fertilizer, relying on the primary nutrients of N, P and K along with a few trace elements. Since I am unfamiliar with the composition of gelatin, I can’t recommend it. From what I know of gelatin, it is derived from animals bones and connective tissue and therefore probably contains some phosphorous. So, it shouldn’t hurt the peace lily, but won’t give it the balanced nutrition it needs.
If you still plan to use gelatin, be sure it is unflavored and does not contain artificial sweeteners.
Hope this information was helpful.
Help! What Is My ‘Tree’ Dying
I’ve had this “tree” for over 15 years. (I’m not even sure what type it is.) The leaves have always fallen off from the bottom as it grows, but they are falling off more quickly lately. Now the upper leaves are getting brown spots. Help, what can I do! Thank you, Karen
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
Your Schefflera could be experiencing one of two problems: insufficient water or a fungal problem. The first thing to do is assess your watering practices. Check the rootball to make sure it is fully saturated when you water. Then make sure that the plant does not need to be repotted. If the plant is receiving enough water, then check the plant for a fungal issue.
If your plant has Alternaria leaf spot (Alternaria panax) the newly formed spot will have a wet appearance and the spot will spread until the whole leaves is infected. This can be controlled by removing the leaves that are infected. Also, make sure that water does not touch the leaves.
I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if I can help with anything else.
Help! What Is This Bug On My Schefflera?
What is this very small black bug on my schefflera? I just brought this plant home three days ago from a funeral. I kept it outside for one day, then re-potted it yesterday and brought indoors. Today, I noticed these black specks and took a picture so I could zoom in for a closer look. There does not appear to be any damage, and the bugs do not seem to move. What are these critters, and how do I get rid of them? – Shelly
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
Looks like the larval stage of a type of small beetle. You can use a general purpose insecticide to get rid of them. Your local garden center and nursery should have something that will work. Please let me know if I can help with anything else.
Help! What Are These Unique Flowers?
What are these? My friend came across them. – Diane
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
This is a perennial called Kniphofia (commonly known as Red Hot Poker or Torch Lily). It prefers full sun and is hardy to 10 degrees. You can plant the bulbs in the spring and they will bloom in the summer.
Hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you need any other information.
Is My Anthurium an Indoor or Outdoor Plant?
Is my plant an in door plant or outdoor plant? Anthedesia Fresh. It is an anthurium with red stamens, big green leaves and it’s roots are over a foot long. I have just re-potted it, but it will need an extremely large pot soon if it is not an out door plant. It was a present and I have not seen one before. I don’t have a photo of it. I just hope you can help me. -Margaret
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
Flower Shop Network has a blog post about the care of Anthurium which is the genus for Antheedesia. Reading Proper Care For an Anthurium Flower should answer many questions about this plant.
As for whether it can grow as an outdoor plant in your area, I am not sure. It depends where in the United Kingdom you live. Anthuirum are tropical by nature, and can not be exposed to temperatures below -1.1° Celsius (30° Fahrenheit) and they would really prefer temperatures no lower than 4.4° C and 40° F.
Hope this helps!
Help! What Is This Plant & How Do I Care For It?
What kind of plants are these? My neighbor gave me these plants and I have no idea what they are or how to care for them. Help please? -Aubrey
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
I believe what you have is a Thunbergia vine. It is sometimes called Black-eyed Susan vine. As for care, they are real easy. Thunbergia alata likes full sun and a well-drained but moist soil. It is considered an annual except in tropical areas. The best place for it is in an area that gets a little shade in the late afternoon, but full sun otherwise. It will grow rapidly and bloom all summer through the fall.
Help! What Type of Flower Is This?
What type of flower is this? Its an outdoor flower…that’s all I know. – Aubrey
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
It looks like a type of lily, most likely an Asiatic lily. When the bloom opens, we maybe able to give you a more definitive identification. Hope this helps.
Help! What Is Causing My Azalea To Turn Yellow?
Ask The Plant Expert:
Help! My azalea blooms look rusty with a little white and pink mixed in, it. The leaves also look yellow. I really can’t tell you what kind they are, but they grow low to the ground not the tall bushy kind. – Marilyn
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
I assume you are wanting to know what is causing the yellowing in your azaleas. It could be one of many things: water issue, insect issue or iron deficiency.
Azalea Insect Problems
Azaleas are susceptible to an insect called Lacebug. This winged insect basically suck the chlorophyll from the plant giving the leaves a lace white appearance. If this is the case you will need to spray them with an insecticide. Your local nursery or garden center should have what you need.
Azalea Iron Deficiency
Azaleas sometime develop an iron deficiency. In this case, the younger leaves will turn yellow with green veins. If this is the case, you will need to apply an iron treatment to the azaleas. Your local garden center or nursery will have iron that you can apply to your soil. Be sure to apply the proper rate for azaleas. You might also check the pH of the soil and make sure that it is acidic enough for azaleas.
Improper Watering
The one issue that most azaleas will have at some point is a water issue — either too much or too little. Although azaleas like a moist soil, but do not like to have soggy roots. Root rot can occur if the azalea is to wet and thus the leaves will turn yellow and drop off. However, keeping an azalea too dry will cause the leaves to first turn yellow then brown. Check you soil moisture level and correct the situation. Do not over compensate – instead make sure the soil is the proper moisture level — no more no less. In a few weeks the plant should make a full recovery.
I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if I can help with any thing else.