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What is this Double Blooming Flower With Spiny Foliage

Ask The Plant Expert:

Hello, can you tell me what kind of flower this is? Opium Poppy, Papaver somniferumI live in Pendleton County KY and I recently moved in to a new house and last week. This flower popped up and no one can identify what it is so i was wondering if you could. Thanks Olivia

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:

Olivia, this flower looked very familiar to me, but I could quite identify it by name. Fortunately, Rick Pudwell at the Memphis Botanical Garden was able to identify it for me.

According to Rick, the flower is an “Opium Poppy, Papaver somniferum. This is a fancy, double-garden form, but is exactly the same species that is grown in Afghanistan.”

Know as the common garden poppy, the seeds of this plant produce poppy seed oil which is a very useful and healthy edible oil. The plant can also be used to produce opium.

This plant is considered a noxious weed in some states, particularly West Virginia. You might want to check with the Pendleton County Kentucky Extension Service to see if it is considered a noxious weed in your area.

Hope this information was helpful. Please let me know if I can help with anything else.

****Again thanks to Rick Pudwell at the Memphis Botanical Garden. If anyone is in the Memphis area, stop by the Memphis Botanical Garden. It is a wonderful place to visit.****

Where To Plant Azaleas – Sun or Shade?

Ask the Plant Expert: Where can you plant azaleas?

Do azaleas need full sun when planted outdoors? John

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:


According to the Azalea Society of America, azaleas should be planted in partial shade. In fact, most people claim that azaleas do best with morning sun and afternoon shade. However, it really depends on the type of azalea and where you live. Most azaleas will take sun to partial shade exposure.

Deciduous Azalea 'Admiral Semmes"For example, I have an azalea called Sunglow that gets hot afternoon sun. These azaleas bloom beautifully every year and their dark rich foliage is always attractive. The deciduous azalea (Admiral Semmes) that I have in my perennial garden gets sun all day long and does very well. My neighbors have ‘Herbert’ Azaleas in a morning sun only exposure and they do fine.

The garden center where you purchased the azalea should know which exposure it will do best in your area.

The greater concern would be the soil type that you are planting the azalea in. Be sure to plant it in loose, well-drained soil with a slightly acidic pH.

Hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if I can help with anything else.

Help! My Lucky Bamboo Is Infested With Red Spiders

Ask The Plant Expert:

Hello, my name is Ivy. I have a big problem on my lucky bamboo. [About a] month ago, it appeared to have a bug problem. Very small, red spiders and other insects that are so so small, they can hardly be noticed. They make the plant leaf turn lighter and slowly kill, and the leaf has sticky oil-like stuff coming out. Please help!!!

Red Spider MiteFlower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:


You probably have a red spider mite problem.  Your local garden center and nursery should have an insecticide that will take care of it, and still be safe for your lucky bamboo.  Fertilome has a red spider mite spray in a ready-to-use container.  One or two treatments with the insecticide should take care of the problem.

Hope this information was helpful. Please let me know if I can help with anything else.

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Help! My Anthurium’s Red Blooms Are Now Small & White

AnthuriumAsk the Plant Expert:

Hi, I have an Anthurium for approx. two years. When i got it, it had one bright red flower. Since then the flower developed, suffering at times, due to my poor care. After learning how to properly care for it, it started to grow ( lots of healthy, big  leaves) and then it flowered. Right now it has three whitish flowers, smaller than the initial one. Is it possible to revert  the plant to the red  color flowers? – Corina

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:

When you say white, do you mean the blooms are faded or are truly white in color.  High temperatures (90°) can cause the bloom color to fade or wash out.  Although it doesn’t occur often, if the pH of the soil is high, the bloom color can become lighter.  Anthuriums are best when the soil pH is 5.5 and a well-balanced fertilizer with Ca, Mg and other trace elements that are used during the non-flowering cycle.  During the flowering cycle, you should use a fertilizer with a slightly higher phosphate content like a 20:30:20 or 6:14:7 blend.

As for the smallness of the blooms, your plant may be getting too much light.  High light concentration can cause the blooms to be smaller in size. Hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if I can help with anything else.

Had This Cactus For 10 Years & Just Now Bloomed! What Is It?

Ask The Plant Expert:

I was given a cutting over 10 years ago. I don’t know what it is, so its never been fed, it just gets water, in a clay pot. I have another in another room in a plastic pot, different window direction. The plant’s been moved around till I thought it liked a spot.they have grown. the one in a south/west window has surprised me with a flower; today it opened!!! It’s very large. There’s another blossom on same stock. How long will it last? What is the plant’s name? Need info; lots of info. It’s soooo beautiful!!!!! help!!! – Tina

Red Orchid Cactus Red Orchid Cactus

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:

I believe it is a type of Epiphyllum or Nopalxochia.
Possibly a Epiphyllum ackermannii or Nopalxocia ackermanii, sometimes know as the red orchid cactus.

Not sure how long the bloom will last.  Typically they last for 3 or 7 days.

They do not like temperatures above 100 degrees. The blooming cycle usually occurs between late winter and early summer. They grow best in a cactus mix potting soil in bright filtered light with moderate humidity.

During the growing season, apply a diluted water soluble fertilizer once a month.  Keep it well watered except in the dormant season when it needs to be kept on the dry side.  Growing season is some between late winter and the beginning of fall.  Watch for mealy bugs especially in the spring.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if I can help with anything else.

Help! What Is This Plant & How Do I Propogate It?

Ask the Plant Expert: What kind of plant is this? It was given as a gift, and has really grown. I wanted to know what kind of plant it is and how to take starts off of it. -Katy

Pothos House Plant

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:

Although it looks like a type of philodendron, it is actually a plant that goes by the common names: Pothos, Devil’s Ivy, Golden Pothos, Silver Pothos.  The botanical name for it can be either Scindapsus or Epipremnum.

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5 Ways You Can Ensure Your Business Visibility Online

Importance of Online Business Visibility

Trust is a major component of the algorithm used by the search engine. As a result, search engines look for consistency when evaluating your business on the web. Consistency in your NAP info (Name, Address and Phone number) is a critical component in establishing this trust. More importantly, trust is a crucial factor when consumers are purchasing products online.

5 Things Business Need To Do

1. Establish Official NAP Information

NAP information is your Name, Address and Phone number. The search engines are confused when your name has different versions. [Read more…]

What Is This Plant That Popped Out of My Mulch?

Ask The Plant Expert:

I have these two plants in my front yard where I just recently laid new mulch. I am wondering what the name of this plant is.

Mystery Plant Mystery Plant

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:

I do believe it is a sedum, most likely Vera Jameson.  At this stage it is a little difficult to tell exactly.  If it is Vera Jameson sedum the foliage will turn more purple and it will start blooming mid-summer with pink flowers.

Hope this information is helpful.

House Plant Identification – Help!

Ask The Plant Expert:

I have inherited several houseplants, but I don’t know what kind they are.  I have attached pictures of 4 plants, any help would be much appreciated! – Jenny

Schefflera Schefflera Tradescantia Zebrina Sansevieria

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:

Plants 1 & 2 are Schefflera (care tips also at this link), sometimes referred to as Octopus plant or Umbrella plant.
Pant 3 is a Tradescantia zebrina, sometimes reffered to as Wandering Jew.
Plant 4 is a type of Sansevieria.

Hope this information was helpful.  Please let me know if you need any culture information on the plants.

Pollinating Avocados

Pollination Ask The Plant Expert:

Hi, I have an avocado tree that so far, has not yet produced avocados. I have no idea what kind of avocado tree it is.  I have heard that sometime you need another to pollinate, but others say, avocados will grow with only one, but that a second helps you produce more.  It is 10ft. tall, in a large, industrial 20″ x 20″ container.  I live in Vallejo, California. Thank you, Kimberly

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:


As far as I know Avocados are not self-pollinating. In fact, the pollination of avocados is tricky.  Besides needing two plants, you need two different kind of plants. On top of that you need to make sure you have a good bee population to more the pollen from one plant to another.

Here are a couple of really good articles on Avocado pollination and culture:

A Planting Plan for Avocados & Avocado Flowering Basics