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The 14 Days of Love – Marketing for Valentine’s Day

Florists, Valentines Day is less than a month away. If you haven’t turned your attention to Valentines Day, it’s time to start now! This could be your biggest year yet! Here we’ve composed 14 great ideas for the 14 Days in February. You can do them all, or pick and choose your favorites. If you have even more ideas, let us know in the comments below!

Valentines Day Marketing TipsDay 1. Tell your customers you love them.

Use your promotional outlets, blogging, social media, etc, to tell your customers what they mean to you. Create a special email or graphic; maybe give away coupons. This day is all about showing love to your loyal customers.

Day 2. Day of love contest

Give away an inexpensive, but desirable product in a quick and easy contest. It may be as simple as asking “I love my sweetheart so much because ____” on Twitter and giving away a prize for the best answer.

Day 3. Decorate, and decorate again.

Your front window should scream, “VALENTINE’S DAY,” but don’t stop there! Stick cut out hearts and doilies all over your walls and windows. Use red, white and pink ribbon to decorate your house plants, gift items and anything else. Catch love fever and go crazy!

Day 4. Send Valentines

Collect Valentine’s Day cards to be taken to local hospitals, nursing homes or even sent to soldiers. Advertise to your community via press release in radio, newspaper and even your own online promotional outlets.

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Florist Spotlight: Flowerama, Ft. Collins CO

What Is This Purple Spotted Plant In My Dish Garden?

Ask The Plant Expert: “Need to identify the plant with green leaves and darker green or purple spots in this dish garden.” – Karen

What Is The Spotted Plant In This Dish Garden

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:

In this dish garden, the plant you are referring to is a Prayer Plant, or Maranta leuconeura. There is another type of common houseplant that looks similar to this called Calathea. Both of these are in the Marantaceae family, and are common in dish gardens and as house plants. Hope this helps!

2013 Winter Networker 6.1 Sneak Preview

FSN's Networker

Florists, watch your mailboxes! Flower Shop Network’s Networker just mailed out! The Networker is chocked full of great ideas for florists to use, including: Valentines Day Tips, New Year Resolutions You Should Keep, FSN news and much, much more!

Can’t wait!? Here’s a sneak peak of the FSN Winter Networker 6.1.

Are there topics you would like to see in The Networker?

Email your suggestions to TheNetworker@FlowerShopNetwork.com and we’ll send you a Flower Shop Network tote bag.

“Thank You”, “Get Well” & “I Love You” Always Sound Better with Flowers!

Thank You Flowers

Need to send an extra special thank you to someone wonderful in your life? Why not do it with flowers? Flowers never fail to put a smile on someone’s face and a little extra cheer in someone’s heart. So if you need to thank someone for a job well done, or just for being there for you when you needed it, send flowers — it’s the best way to go!

Here are a few Thank You flower arrangements to get you started:

Thank You Flower Mug Thank You Flowers Sending Thank You Flowers

Get Well Flowers

Know someone feeling under the weather? Maybe you have a friend who has been in the hospital recently or just going through a tough situation? Sending Get Well flowers is all about encouragement. [Read more…]

Florist Friday Recap 12/29 – 1/04: Floral Memorials

It’s the first Friday Recap of the new year and the majority of our submissions were sympathy tributes. As one of our florists featured in today’s recap explains, “Funeral work is sad yet beautiful.” We hope you enjoy these beautiful memorials, as well as the other types of arrangements.

Sympathy Flower Arrangements

Heart-shaped funeral flowers by Buds In Bloom, New Albany IN

Heart-shaped funeral flowers by Buds In Bloom, New Albany IN

“Fresh heart we did for a sympathy tribute.”

Standing spray by Jerry's Floral Shop, Greenwood SC

Fragrant standing spray by Jerry’s Floral Shop, Greenwood SC

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January Winter Wonders

January Flower Arrangement of the Month

Winter Wonders

This all-white flower arrangement reminds us of the shades of winter and is perfectly fitting for January. This would be a great arrangement to order for yourself. Why not bring a little bit of winter indoors where it is nice and cozy? White roses, lilies, waxflower, poms and more are used in this lovely little bubble bowl arrangement. It’s compact design is sure to fit on any space.

Know someone who may not be able to get out much during the winter? Why not have a beautiful flower arrangement delivered to their door? This winter-white design would be perfect!

Need Ideas For January Birthdays?

You’ve come to the right place. You can’t go wrong with sending flowers, especially for a special birthday treat! But just what kind of flowers?

First off, the official flower of January is the carnation. But if you are looking for something a little more unique, why not go with the January birthstone color — garnet. Garnet is a dark reddish orange color and there are LOTS of flowers available in this color. The best thing to do is contact your local florist and ask her to create a custom arrangement using all garnet colors, or here are a few to get you started:

Garnet Flowers for January Birthdays!

Continue reading for even more great January Birthday Ideas!

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January Flower Arrangement of the Month

January Flower Arrangement of the Month

This all-white flower arrangement reminds us of the shades of winter and is perfectly fitting for January. This would be a great arrangement to order for yourself. Why not bring a little bit of winter indoors where it is nice and cozy? White roses, lilies, waxflower, poms and more are used in this lovely little bubble bowl arrangement. It’s compact design is sure to fit on any space.

Know someone who may not be able to get out much during the winter? Why not have a beautiful flower arrangement delivered to their door? This winter-white design would be perfect!

Remember, always always always use a real local florist when you send flowers. Not only will you receive the best deals, your community also benefits!


Let Flowers Symbolize Your New Year Resolutions

Flower Symbols

With a brand new year on the horizon, we’ve all started thinking about what we can do to make it better than the previous. We all have good intentions when creating New Years’ resolutions, however, most of us never follow through. Why? We tend to make a lot of promises to ourselves we can’t keep — Loose 20 lbs; stop smoking; read a book every month. While these are great goals to have, it can be extremely overwhelming to start these all at once on January 1st.

How To Keep Those New Year’s Resolutions

Choose New Year’s resolutions that aren’t as hard to keep. Instead, make goals to yourself that are broad, fit into your routine and are also fun to do! Instead of focusing on drastically changing your habits, choose resolutions to enhance those aspects of your lifestyle.

Let Flowers Symbolize Your New Year

Each flower has a meaning that dates back as far as Victorian times. These meanings symbolize anything from ‘love’ to ‘wealth & prosperity.’ This New Years, let flowers symbolize what you want 2013 to mean to you. Symbolic flowers with specific meanings will help you visualize and empower your goals. Order flowers for yourself or to decorate your home for the new year, make it a new tradition. Use the flower meanings tool to find symbols of exactly what you want your new year to be for you and your family.

Luck & StrengthBest New Year’s Resolutions To Keep

  • Spend more time with family. (Aster, Lily, Statice)
  • Go to lunch with friends more often. (Aster, Peony)
  • Enjoy life more. (Gerbera Daisy, Peony, Statice)
  • Find time to read more. (Iris, Protea, Heather)
  • Learn something new. (Iris, Protea)
  • Join a gym class you’ll actually enjoy. (yoga, dancing?) (Gerbera Daisy, Protea)
  • Save money. (Iris, Heather, Bells of Ireland)
  • Find ways to recycle more. (Iris, Aster, Protea)
  • Cut back on smoking. Find ways to commit to the quit. (Protea, Gerbera Daisy, Aster, Lily)
  • Devote more time to hobbies and fun. Especially with the family. (Aster, Peony, Statice)
  • Visit somewhere new. (Protea, Heather, Gerbera Daisy)
  • Give or volunteer to help those in need. (Aster, Protea, Heather)

Here are a few good flower meanings to get you started: [Read more…]

Florist Friday Recap 12/22 – 12/28: Happy Holidays

We just had Christmas and it’s very obvious from this week’s recap! Every single picture shared with us this week is Christmas themed! We’ve got snowmen, Santa, and plenty of RED & GREEN! Let’s get on with the pictures!

Christmas Flower Arrangements

Christmas Arrangement by DeVine Designs, Fulton NY

Christmas Arrangement by DeVine Designs, Fulton NY

“A vase twist on the Winter Wishes Arrangement! Isn’t it so cute!!!!!”

White Christmas flowers by A Lovie Creation Floral Design, Gresham OR

White Christmas flowers by A Lovie Creation Floral Design, Gresham OR

“A silver and white holiday mantle bouquet with orchids, white roses, juniper berries, and evergreens.”

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