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Florists: How To Translate 2013 Trends To Floral Designs

“There’s no point looking at design trends, no one in my area cares.” I never want to hear any of you florists say this! If you care, then there is a point. When your designs capture the imagination and creativity of your audience, they will care and crave your work. How? Just keep reading…

How To Translate Current Trends To Floral Designs

First grab a notebook! Next you need to explore what trends are happening now. This is the fun part! Using the internet, Pinterest, magazines or anything else, you should start by collecting inspirations. These resources don’t have to have anything to do with flowers, they can deal with fashion, homemaking, hairstyles or even fingernail art!

Creating A Trends Inspiration Notebook (or Pinboard?)

Art deco designs by Crossroads Florist, Mahwah NJThese examples are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to collecting inspiration. Create your own process. You might choose to paste collages into your notebook, or if you’re more artsy, sketch them out. Take it a step further and use watercolors to remember the exact hues. If you’re more tech-savvy, consider making a Pinboard for your trendspiration.

Here are a few examples:

Fashion: Look for fashion interesting color or texture combinations. Jot down in your notebook what you like and what you don’t like. List any flowers you can think of that are available in the colors used. Take notes of any interesting shapes that may be used, such as a bow placement or collar style. Is the skirt long or short? How can you make this all come together in flowers?

Homemaking: When you look at a beautifully styled room, what inspiration can you draw from it in flowers? What style is being used? Is it modern, eclectic, sophisticated, high style, etc? What colors or patterns can you translate into flowers? For example: a room’s overall color is a blue with an accent wall covered in a chunky patterned wallpaper. Your floral design could be all blue with a blue vase and a contrasting patterned ribbon accent. Be sure to jot down everything that stands out to you in the room. You may even divide the room into sections of inspiration. It’s all about you!

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Give Cheer for the New Year!

New Year Cheer!

Start the New Year off with a bang. Do something unexpected for yourself or a friend — buy flowers. Why? Flowers bring happiness and cheer to anyone who receives them. Flowers are the perfect way to make sure you and those you care about enter the New Year in a jolly mood.

Winter Flowers New Year's Flowers

Examples of winter & New Years themed flower arrangements.

Flower Meanings + New Years

Did you know most flowers have meanings associated with them? This “Language of Flowers” dates back to Victorian times. Choosing flowers with appropriate meanings is a great way to choose your flower arrangement for New Years. Here are a few examples:

For more on flower meanings and the new year, check out: Let Flowers Symbolize Your New Year.

What’s The Name of These Plants?

Ask The Plant Expert: What’s the name of these plants? -Abid

Plant #97 - Dracaena Plant #87 - Sansevieria trifasciate Plant #79 - ? Plant #114 - Zingiberaceae

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:


  • Plant 97 (pictured first) looks like a type of Dracaena. However, I can’t tell exactly which species from this photo.
  • Plant 87 (pictured 2nd) is a Sansevieria trifasciate. I love this plant. I have two huge pots of these wonderful plants. Mine has even bloomed in the passed. Although the flower isn’t really much to speak of.
  • Plant 79 (pictured 3rd) is hard to identify from the picture. Do you know if the plant was started from a seed — if so what did it look like? Or, was it taken from a cutting from a mother plant?  It looks like it is in decline. Do you know if the leaves had more color than what they are showing in the picture?
  • Plant 114 (pictured 4th) looks like something from the Zingiberaceae family maybe something from the genus Hedychium. If you could tell me a little more about where the plant was found, I might be able to make a better identification.

Hope this helps.

Tips For Keeping Christmas Flowers Fresher, Longer!

Keeping Christmas Flowers Fresh

So, you’ve got your beautiful holiday centerpiece, maybe a gorgeous Christmas flower arrangement or a lovely red poinsettia, but now what? With a little extra care, you can keep your holiday flowers all the way to New Years!

For Christmas Arrangements & Centerpieces

  • Christmas FlowersKeep flowers watered. The water level of your arrangement needs to be high enough to cover all stems. If your flowers came in a tray with foam, keep the water topped off.
  • It’s important to add fresh water every day.
  • Carefully remove any wilted or dead leaves from the arrangement. Make sure there is no foliage dipping down into the water.
  • It’s time to change the water if it gets cloudy!
  • When changing water, re-cut stems with a sharp knife at a 45° angle before adding new flowers. This will help them absorb more nutrients.
  • If your florist provided you with floral preservative, use according to directions when changing your flower arrangement’s water.

Caring For Your Poinsettia

Keeping the soil moist, but not soggy, is essential when caring for poinsettias. This can be accomplished by watering it thoroughly when the soil is dry to the touch. Make sure the container has drain holes. It is imperative to remove any excess water from the saucer.

Poinsettia Plant CarePoinsettias do best in high humidity with a temperature range of 60 degrees at night and 72 degrees during the day. Avoid exposing poinsettias to temperature swings from cold drafts, heating vents or doorways. Poinsettias need approximately six hours of indirect light. Do not fertilize when the plant is blooming.  – From 2007’s Legend of the Poinsettia

What Causes Poinsettia Problems

  • Temperature swings
  • Over-watering
  • Under-watering
  • Over exposure and lack of light will cause stress to the poinsettia.
  • Stress of any type will cause the bracts to have a shorter life.

Poinsettia care if done properly will keep your plant healthy for a long time.

By following these tips, you can keep your holiday flowers lasting well into the New Year!

Florist Friday Recap 12/15 – 12/21: Holiday Cheer

We’re just days away from one of the biggest holidays of the year, Christmas! Every week florists from all across the nation post their favorite arrangements of the week on our Facebook page. It’s no wonder almost every design in this week’s recap is full of holiday cheer! So let’s get on with the pictures!

Christmas Flower Arrangements

Vintage Christmas Flowers from The Petal Patch, McFarland WI

Vintage Christmas Flowers from The Petal Patch, McFarland WI

“I love to encourage my customers to think outside of the box and bring me their vintage pieces to put flower arrangements into. This one was for a “Christmas party in the boathouse.” I would have loved to buy the minnow bucket from her!”

Christmas Flowers by The Petal Patch, McFarland WI Christmas Flowers by The Petal Patch, McFarland WI

Christmas Flowers by The Petal Patch, McFarland WI

“Another matching little cute one~ I make multiples of similar types, so my customers can pick up one to take to each of their parent’s houses.”

Unique Christmas flowers from Buds N' Bows, Crawford GA

Unique Christmas flowers from Buds N’ Bows, Crawford GA

“Our Christmas arrangements are usually created in the traditional reds, golds, and whites, per our customer’s requests. Today we had a request for a bright and colorful Christmas arrangement that did NOT have red & white–a little different & a lot of fun.. :-)”

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Don’t Let The World End Without Sending Her Flowers

Don't Let The World End Without Sending Her Flowers

Not only is tomorrow the winter solstice, it could be the very last on earth, that is if you believe the ancient Mayan calendar. If tomorrow really is your last day on earth, maybe you should show the one you love just how much she means to you! (Whether it ends or not, it’s a good idea!!)

Just What Did The Mayans Have To Say?

The Mayans were masters of astronomy. They mapped out stars and planets much like their European counterparts. They created and kept three separate, but interlocking calendars. The “long calendar” ends on Dec. 21, 2012. This calendar began on August 11, 3114 B.C. and ends tomorrow. Whether you believe the end is upon us or not, you have to admit it’s a day worth observing.

What does NASA have to say about all of this?

“The world will not end in 2012. Our planet has been getting along just fine for more than 4 billion years, and credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2012.”

No matter what you believe, we will find out the truth tomorrow… Why not send your sweetheart a favorite arrangement of flowers, just in case?

Merry Christmas 2012 from FSN!

Happy Holidays from FSN!

Happy Holidays from FSN!

Today was our annual Christmas celebration and our first ever Ugly Festive Sweater Day! We had everything from jingle bells, to ornaments to even lights! It was so much fun seeing everyone with so much holiday spirit!

Wedding & Party Network Christmas Tree Sales/Customer Service Dept's Christmas Tree The Front Office's Christmas Tree

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Happy Kwanzaa!

Flowers for Kwanzaa Celebrations Flowers For Kwanzaa "Ruby Red Regalia" Vase Arrangement

Make your Kwanzaa celebration beautiful and memorable this year with a special flower arrangement in the traditional Kwanzaa colors of red, green and black. Kwanzaa celebrations last 7 days; observed from December 26 to January 1 each year.

Kwanzaa Decor

Celebrating Kwanzaa means focusing on family and community, so you know there’s going to be food involved. Why not decorate your food table with a beautiful arrangement of Kwanzaa flowers? Talk to your florist about ways to interpret the Principles of Kwanzaa (Nguzo Saba) for the arrangement. For instance, you might have a candle with two or more wicks to represent Unity (Umoja).

Celebrating Kwanzaa

Kwanzaa is a unique celebration that really bonds a family and community together. During the week of Kwanzaa, observers light candles for each of the 7 days. The candles are displayed in a candle holder called, Kinara and are usually surround by 7 symbols. The main colors of Kwanzaa are derived from the Pan-African flag. However, all bright colors are welcome. No matter what your race, religion or background, the principles of Kwanzaa are values we can all support. They not only are building blocks for ourselves, our family and community, but serve to reinforce and enhance them.

For more information on Kwanzaa: the principles, colors & symbols, click here.

Please Help Our Friends in Connecticut

This is a note sent out by  Bob Heffernan the Executive Director at Connecticut Floral Association (CFA) concerning the tragedy this week in Connecticut. If you or someone you know could help with these points, please email the contacts below. If you would like to send a donation, you can do so via the Michigan Floral Foundation, details at the bottom of this post.

 Connecticut Floral Association Special Notice

"Peaceful Comfort" Sympathy FlowersBecause there is the potential for a huge amount of funeral flowers this week for the funerals of the victims of the Newtown school murders, CFA will coordinate our industry’s response:

  • Volunteer designers. There’s only one real florist in the town (Newtown Florist) and one funeral home. They may be overwhelmed with orders on this, the busiest week of the year. If you would like to be on a stand-by list to volunteer for design help, please send an email to ctflorists@aol.com.
  •  Assistance to Newtown families in need. We don’t yet know if there are lower-income families of the victims. There could be a major draw on flowers for memorial services. President Obama may also come to Newtown. If you are a wholesaler who would like to make donations of flowers or product, OR if you simply would like to contribute to providing the funeral pieces in some other way (financial, product, etc.), please send an email to ctflorists@aol.com.

We all know that flowers can and will ease the pain of the families and loved ones of the Newtown victims, as they do for every other person who suffers a great loss.

Send Your Donations via Michigan Floral Foundation

The Michigan Floral Association has established an account for cash donations to be used to help the CFA provide for the victim’s families that are in need. If you would like to make a donation please make checks payable to the Michigan Floral Foundation and note CFA on the memo line and mail to MFF – PO Box 67 – Haslett, MI 48840.

If you would like to use a credit card please call Cindy at the MFA office (517) 575-0110. She will be able to assist you over the phone. The MFF will send 100% of your donation to the CFA to help with their efforts. You may also contact Cindy via email here cindy@michiganfloral.org.

Thank you for your support, this is going to be a difficult week for our industry friends in Connecticut. Thanks so much to Rodney Crittenden for sending this to us so that we can share with others.

Shades of Emerald Green – The Color of the 2013!

Send Emerald Green Flowers - the 2013 Color of the Year

Pantone, the global authority on color, has named PANTONE 17-5641, or Emerald Green the color of the year for 2013!

Why Emerald Green for 2013?

 “Most often associated with brilliant, precious gemstones, the perception of Emerald is sophisticated and luxurious. Since antiquity, this luminous, magnificent hue has been the color of beauty and new life in many cultures and religions. Also the color of growth, renewal and prosperity, no other color conveys regeneration more than green. For centuries, many countries have chosen green to represent healing and unity.”

“The most abundant hue in nature, the human eye sees more green than any other color in the spectrum,” said Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute®. “As it has throughout history, multifaceted Emerald continues to sparkle and fascinate. Symbolically, Emerald brings a sense of clarity, renewal and rejuvenation, which is so important in today’s complex world. This powerful and universally-appealing tone translates easily to both fashion and home interiors.”

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