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FSN Thanksgiving 2012

Mouth watering yet?

Today we had a feast at FSN! It was Thanksgiving and everyone brought their own delicious contribution to fill all of our buffet tables to the brim. Ham, turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes… you name it, we probably ate it today!

That doesn’t mean we aren’t doing our part to help those that need it. Since school started back, we’ve donated hundreds of items to our local food bank’s School Backpack Program to help students who may not get all that they need at home. Because it’s an ongoing competition between our departments, we have given a ton!

Here are more pictures from today’s Thanksgiving feast!

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All-Flower Floats In This Parade Will Blow Your Mind!

Bloemencorso Zundert Flower Float

I just saw photos from the 2012 Bloemencorso Zundert flower parade in Zundert Netherlands. To say the least.. mind blown!

Bloemencorso Zundert is the largest flower parade in the world entirely made by volunteers. The parade takes place on the first Sunday of September. Foats are large artworks made of steel wire, cardboard, papier-mâché and flowers.

In the Bloemencorso Zundert, only dahlias are used to decorate the objects, and it takes thousands of them just to cover one float.  The huge floats are made by twenty different hamlets and each of them consists of hundreds of builders, aged 1 to 100, who are all equally crazy about the bloemencorso.

Bloemencorso Zundert Flower Float

The older members of the hamlet are often responsible for planting and growing the dahlias, while the younger ones build the float in large temporary tents that are built exclusively for the event.  The bloemencorso is also a competition. A professional and independent jury decides which float is the most beautiful and which hamlet will be crowned the winner of that year.

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Thanksgiving Flowers – Always Tasteful!

Thanksgiving Day FlowersWith Thanksgiving on the horizon, most everyone’s thoughts this November are on the tasty, tasty food we will enjoy on the 22nd. No matter if it’s a extravagant get-together with extended family, or just a small gathering of friends, Thanksgiving is a very special time of closeness.

Skip the Casserole, Bring Flowers

If you’re attending a Thanksgiving party, you can’t arrive empty handed. Sure, you can bring another green bean casserole.. but why not something always tasteful — fall flowers!? They are a great way to say ‘Thanks!” to your hostess for all of her hard work. You’ll never have to worry about bringing the same dish as someone else..

Remember To Buy Local!

Just remember, before you head over to Grandma’s, stop by your local flower shop and pick up a beautiful fall bouquet as your dish to pass. Fall flowers – always tasteful for Thanksgiving dinner.

Florist Friday Recap 11/3 – 11/9: Autumn Hues

Time for this week’s Friday Recap! The response this week was almost overwhelming. We’ve got so many great flower arrangement photos in today’s lineup. You don’t want to miss this post! You can definitely tell we are well into fall from all of the beautiful colors of autumn — the reds, browns, yellows.. You’ll see all our favorite autumn hues in today’s post… now onto the pictures!

Fall Flower Arrangements

Fall flowers by Ann's Balloons & Flowers, Birmingham AL

Fall flowers by Ann’s Balloons & Flowers, Birmingham AL

“Fall Arrangement”

Sunflower arrangement by Bev's Floral & Gifts, Parowan UT

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Wedding Day Flower Ideas

While I was looking through the FSN archives, I noticed two really amazing wedding flower articles that really should not be missed for anyone planning their wedding flowers.

Wedding flowers by Botanica Creations, Klamath Falls ORWedding Flower Details

This post is filled with great ideas to add those finishing touches to your wedding day flowers. From personal flowers for your wedding party, to new ideas for the ring bearer, definitely worth the read! Not only is there ideas for where to put flowers, it also gives great flower and accessory suggestions to make sure your wedding decorations won’t soon be forgotten. Click to read more about Wedding Flower Details.

Wedding Ceremony & Reception Flower Ideas

This oldie-but-goodie post has even more great ideas that even I had never thought of (and I’ve been writing about flowers for almost 4 years now; our archives are so massive!). Great tips for aisle flowers, reception ideas, guestbook flowers, centerpieces and even more that you won’t expect! If you need wedding flower ideas, click here!

Although these blog posts were written way back in 2002, they’re chock full of GREAT ideas and deserve a little spotlight. So, go check them out!

Image credit: Wedding flowers by Botanica Creations, Klamath Falls OR

November Newsletter: Be Thankful

November Flowers

November: Be Thankful

November is here already! The month when we take time out of our busy lives to be thankful for the blessings we have. Sure, there is a day specifically devoted to being thankful, (Thanksgiving is November 22!) but why not observe what you are thankful for the entire month of November? No matter where we are in life, there are so many things to be grateful for.

November is also a month of beautiful flowers. A great way to say ‘Thanks!’ is by sending a beautiful fall arrangement. It doesn’t have to be much, but this simple gesture can make someone truly joyful.

Be thankful of the beauty all around us. Bring fall flowers into your home as an easy way to decorate for the remainder of the season. During Thanksgiving, when family is gathering to celebrate the bounty of our lives, why not display the beauty of fall flowers? Your local florist can create a gorgeous cornucopia flower arrangement for your Thanksgiving table centerpiece. The above flower arrangement, Thanksgiving Feast would look perfect setting near the green bean casserole on your buffet table.

Just remember your local florist this November, for all your fall decorating needs.

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Spice Up Dinner; Add A Dash of Fall Flowers!

Thanksgiving Cornucopia - Holiday DecorThere’s something about November that makes us think about delicious food.. oh yah! Thanksgiving! The pecan pie, turkey, dressing, cranberries, casseroles.. it’s all so good and brings families so close together. Most of us have at least one favorite memory of Thanksgiving with the family. Maybe it’s the first time you didn’t have to sit at the ‘kids table’ or the unbeatable taste of your great aunt’s pumpkin pie?

This Thanksgiving, create new special memories for your family in your own home. Of course, the food has to be delectable, but great fall decor has a way of making lasting impressions.

Add A Dash of Fall Flowers

Imagine your Thanksgiving table adorned with a lush fall cornucopia filled with cheery sunflowers, feathers, mums and tiny gourds. Your local florist can also create arrangements inside pumpkins and other fall veggies. Imagine your families’ faces as they enter the fall wonderland you’ve created. Create garland from colorful, fall leaves to string up over your mantel. There are so many fall options for decorations. Call your local florist today to get started on your Thanksgiving extravaganza!

Florist Friday Recap 10/27 – 11/2: Fall Favorites

It’s Friday and you know what that means! It’s currently the official week of Halloween so, of course, we’ve got even more Halloween designs than last week! We’ve got pumpkins, sunflowers and all the colors of fall. So, let’s get on with the pictures!

Pumpkin Flower Designs

Floral Pumpkin by Rittner's School of Floral Design Pumpkin Mug Floral Design by Rittner's School of Floral Design

Pumpkin designs by Rittner’s School of Floral Design, Boston MA

“Use the new Oasis Standing Spheres to make Halloween Pumpkins. Here are lots of examples from Rittners Floral School, in Boston.”

“Lots of designs made in Halloween Mugs, see them here and here.”

Jerry's Floral Shop, Greenwood SC

By Jerry’s Floral Shop & Greenhouses, Greenwood SC

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Say ‘Thanks’ With November Flowers

November Flower Arrangement of the Month

November is here already! The month when we take time out of our busy lives to be thankful for the blessings we have. Sure, there is a day specifically devoted to being thankful, (Thanksgiving is November 22!) but why not observe what you are thankful for the entire month of November? No matter where we are in life, there are so many things to be grateful for.

November is also a month of beautiful flowers. A great way to say ‘Thanks!’ is by sending a beautiful fall arrangement. It doesn’t have to be much, but this simple gesture can make someone truly joyful.

Be thankful of the beauty all around us. Bring fall flowers into your home as an easy way to decorate for the remainder of the season. During Thanksgiving, when family is gathering to celebrate the bounty of our lives, why not display the beauty of fall flowers? Your local florist can create a gorgeous cornucopia flower arrangement for your Thanksgiving table centerpiece. The above flower arrangement, Thanksgiving Feast would look perfect setting near the green bean casserole on your buffet table.

Just remember your local florist this November for all your fall decorating needs.


Halloween at Flower Shop Network 2012

FSN Halloween Group Picture

Halloween is one of our favorite holidays here at FSN… mostly because we love to dress up! This year, as usual, many of us went ALL OUT on our costumes. We had zombies, angels, witches, warriors, musicians, and a whole lot of other costumers you would not expect! To see all of our costumes close up, see the gallery after the jump!

For the office’s costume contest, we had 3 winners. 1st Place – Seymore (Josh) 2nd Place – Viking (Kyle) 3rd Place – Angel (Rebecca)

Which costume do you like the best? Vote at the bottom of this post!

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