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Florists & Superstorm Sandy

Hurricane SandySuperstorm Sandy has pummeled much of the east coast and many businesses, including florists, have been effected. We will do our best to make contact with all of our florists in Sandy’s wake, although with power outages and flooding, it will take time.

If you are in the potentially impacted area, here are the key reminders right now:

  • Follow the direction of local officials – if told to evacuate, do so immediately.
  • Make final preparations – If you’re further inland, now is the time to make final preparations. Be ready for power outages and stock up on emergency supplies of food, water, medications, and other supplies.
  • Know the forecast for your area – Sandy is a large storm with potential impacts from wind, coastal flooding, inland flooding, rain, and snow.  Listen to your NOAA weather radio and local news reports, or visit weather.gov for the conditions in your area.
  • Check on your neighbor – make sure they’re ready too.

Northeastern FloristsIf FSN could be of any assistance with orders, your website, or anything else, please call us at 877-376-7363.

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Florist Friday Recap 10/20 – 10/26: Halloween Is Here!

It’s Friday and we’re on the verge of Halloween! All week long florists have been creating Halloween flower arrangements that are just to-die-for! Check out what our florist friends have been posting on the FSN Facebook page this week! So many great flower arrangement pictures in this post, I think it might be one of our best!

Halloween Flowers

Wicked Flowers by Crossroads Florist, Mahwah NJ

Wicked Flowers by Crossroads Florist, Mahwah NJ

““Wicked – Black calla lily “witches” and arachnis orchid “spiders” circle around the pumpkins creating an eerie Halloween florascape.”

Halloween Flowers by Colleyville Florist, Colleyville TX

Halloween Flowers by Colleyville Florist, Colleyville TX

“Here is one of our Creepy Crawly Creations!”

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Halloween Hostess Gifts

Halloween Mum

If you’re attending a Halloween party or other spook-tacular event, don’t forget the hostess gift! But, what type of hostess gift do you bring?

You might be surprised at just how creative local florists are getting with their holiday specials, and Halloween is a great time to try out-of-the-box styles. Florists enjoy creating hauntingly beautiful creations for you to use for Halloween parties and decor.

Halloween Topiary with orange lilies, mums and mini pumpkin Hocus Pocus Halloween Floral Design "Boo!" Flower Basket

Whether you’re going to a themed Halloween party, or just a good old-fashioned costume party, you’re local florist is able to create Halloween flowers especially for you.

Cascade Bouquets Make A Comeback

Cascading Fall Bouquet By Monday Morning Flowers, Princeton NJ

Cascading Fall Bouquet By Monday Morning Flowers, Princeton NJ

The trends of wedding bouquets change just as often as any other fashion trend. In recent years, the round, hand-tied bouquets are practically all you see… until now.

Cascading bouquets were extremely popular in the 80’s. Thank Princess Diana and her legendary wedding to Prince Charles. It’s easy to see why this type of bouquet was chosen for a princess. All of those flowers, the trailing cascade — it’s so beautiful.

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Scare Up A Smile With Halloween Flowers

Scare Up A Smile With Halloween Flowers

Halloween is just around the corner. Need a quick way to scare up a few smiles for this fright-filled holiday? Look no further than your local florist. They can create something specifically for you. Using purple and black for your Halloween colors? Your florist can create a spook-tacular design to match! No matter what your theme or style, flowers can be creatively adapted to add a special uniqueness to your decor.

Let your boo-tiful flower arrangement bewitch your entry way as trick-or-treaters stop by. Easily become the most festive house on the block with flowers from your local florist. Halloween flowers also make great gifts! If you are attending a Monster Ball or Zombie Bash, spooky flowers for a hostess gift is sure to make her howl with delight!

Halloween is not complete without a trip to your local flower shop!

Don’t know your local florist? Use our handy local florist finder to find yours today!

Florist Friday Recap 10/13 – 10/19: Color Diversity

Today’s the day we showcase the work of our fab florist friends on Facebook. These photos of amazing designs were all recently created by real local florist all across the US and Canada! The diversity of designs is always amazing. You can definitely tell it’s fall from these floral designs, but there are a lot of other colors besides the autumn palette this week. Lots of variety this week. Check them out and see all the beautiful colors for yourself!

Everyday Flowers

Fall flower arrangement by Personal Touch Florist, Galax VA

Fall flower arrangement by Personal Touch Florist, Galax VA

“Fresh pumpkin arrangement.”

Pink flowers for breast cancer awareness by Bev''s Floral & Gifts, Parowan UT

Pink flowers for breast cancer awareness by Bev”s Floral & Gifts, Parowan UT

“Pink flowers for breast cancer awareness month.”

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What’s Wrong With My Split-leaf Philodendron?

Ask the Plant Expert:

I have been in charge of caring for a heart-leaf philodendron for a worker who passed away earlier this year. The plant was growing rapidly & bearing big, beautiful, green leaves. I water it on Fridays before the weekends & make sure it is not in direct sunlight.

Last Friday when I went to water it, I noticed there was standing water that the plant was not soaking in. Come Monday, the plant had an odor to it. I figured it needed the next size pot since it had grown so much. So, I re-potted it with Miracle-gro, and there’s no smell, but it looks sick. Please help. – Beth

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Bosses Day at Flower Shop Network

Bosses Day at Flower Shop Network

FSN Presidents Brock & Loranne Atwill pose with our donation in their honor to the local food bank kids program.

Today is Bosses Day! We couldn’t let it pass without doing something special for our own bosses. So, what do you get the bosses that have everything?

Our sales team came up with a fantastic plan with benefits that go beyond FSN. Many (very many) of our staff have kids in school. Instead of having a party or buying them a cake (we of course got them flowers!!), they all chipped in and brought items to donate to our local food bank’s kids Backpack Program. All of the items donated are easy for kids to make themselves. These will be given away to kids in need at local schools.

FSN has a huge heart for kids. We have frequently been apart of the local backpack program here in town. This donation in honor of our great bosses for Bosses Day might be our biggest yet! Way to go team!

What did you get your boss today?


Florist Helps Couple Celebrate 65th Anniversary

This incredibly sweet story was shared with us by Maryjane’s Flowers & Gifts, Berlin NJ.

65th Wedding Anniversary Dance

Being a florist is a very fulfilling job because you get to help people celebrate the most important and special occasions in their life. That was just the case for Sandra Hooper of Maryjane’s Flowers & Gifts in Berlin NJ. She was asked to help a couple at an assisted living center celebrate their 65th (no, not a typo!) wedding anniversary.

Original Wedding Photo Wedding Portrait

Sandra was given a copy of their wedding portrait and was able to copy the original wedding bouquet almost exactly. What memories that must have stirred up!

Wedding Bouquet Remake Beautiful Bride With Vintage Replica Bouquet

Here you can see the beautiful bride and her wedding bouquet remake of the original. “She said it couldn’t have matched it better!!!”
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Send The Beauty of Fall Through Flowers

The Beauty of Fall ColorsThere’s nothing more beautiful than a good fall. This year, fall has came early to many areas of North America. Because of the intense drought we saw this summer, fall 2012 is predicted to be one of the most beautiful and colorful autumns we’ve seen in a long time. Here in Arkansas, the leaves are just about to turn, and I know I couldn’t be more excited.

With our dwindling daylight and cooler overnight temps, you could be just now seeing hints of fall color, or might have already seen the peak of your fall beauty. No matter what the case, you can easily enjoy the beauty of fall. Order flowers for yourself, your home, and friends!

Take advantage of the season before it’s gone! Be sure to get out for a long, Sunday drive. Go camping. Visit a local state park. Just get outside and enjoy it while it lasts!

(Check out: Fall Foliage Guide via TheWeatherChannel)

Decorating For Fall

We decorate for fall like no other season. This is probably because it is one of the most naturally-beautiful and colorful seasons. Fall decor and Thanksgiving go hand-in-hand. Why not start early? The best way to decorate for fall, or any season, is to visit your local flower shop. They’ve certainly got you covered for all-things autumn. [Read more…]