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Discover the Treasures of Fall Flowers

Discover Fall Treasures In Flowers

This year seems to have flown by. Can you believe it will be October in just a couple of days? For October, we’ve chosen Fall Treasures to be our favorite flower arrangement of the month. It’s the perfect arrangement to discover the fantastic flowers of fall. Sunflowers, roses, carnations, and snapdragons – all in the harmonious hues of the season.

Fall Treasures can be sent to yourself or a friend as a little pick-me-up to get a jump-start on the fall season. I know what you’re thinking, “I can’t send flowers to myself..” Of course you can! Sometimes it pays to treat yourself once in a while, especially before you jump head first into the upcoming holiday season.

Of course, sending flowers to a friend or loved one is almost doubly rewarding. If you know someone who could use a fresh start this fall, why send this arrangement and let them discover Fall Treasures for themselves?

Just remember, always always ALWAYS use a local florist when sending flowers. If you don’t know the local florist in the city you would like to send flowers, use our handy florist finder to find them directly.

Get Your Pink On This October

Think Pink - Breast Cancer Awareness Month

"Think Pink" Flowers for Breast Cancer Awareness MonthOctober is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the time of year the whole world turns PINK! Because breast cancer can almost always be cured with early detection, it’s very important to keep up awareness. This is why we THINK PINK in October.

How can you help promote awareness this October? The first step is easy – wear pink. It can be anything from wearing a pink ribbon or corsage, to a full-on pink suit. When someone asks you about your pink, explain to them that you are helping save lives!! 1 in 8 women will be stricken with breast cancer in her lifetime. Until there is a cure, breast cancer awareness and early detection is the key. With early detection, we all win!

Remember these key steps to awareness:

  • Know your risks.
  • Get screened.
  • Know what is normal for you.
  • Make healthy life choices.

Real life heros: If you know someone who has championed their fight with breast cancer, send them Think Pink flowers this October to let them know how happy you are to have them in your life.

FSN Booth Flowers at the Arkansas Florist Convention

FSN Booth Flowers at the 2012 Arkansas Florist Convention

Aren’t these flowers beautiful? When FSN has a booth at a florist convention or show, we always order display flowers from a local florist in the area. This arrangement was for the 2012 Arkansas State Florist Convention‘s Diamond Jubilee by Terry Bates of The Arrangement in Hot Springs AR. The white and silver arrangement is filled with subtle details that hint at the show’s theme — diamonds!

Diamond inside calla lily. Diamond inside calla lily.

Can you spot the diamonds inside these calla lilies? Absolutely beautiful details.

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Looking for Romance?

Spark romance with your sweetie with the spontaneous gift of flowers! No matter if you’re inside the doghouse or out, flowers are an easy gift, but can mean so much.

Roses for Romance!

Roses have been the go-to romantic gift for centuries. Carry on the tradition by bringing home roses for your sweetheart tonight! Make it a practice to pick her up a bouquet of flowers once or twice a month.. (but never the same day to keep it spontaneous!) Choose her favorite flowers and colors. Nothing keeps the flames of love alive like being romanced.

Stop by your local flower shop on your way home! Most florists have bouquets of flowers ready and waiting for you to take to your sweetheart! Florists make it so easy to be a good romantic.

Florist Friday Recap 9/15 – 9/21: Autumn Allure

It is, of course, our readers favorite day of the week – Friday! The day when we showcase all of the incredible designs our florist friends have shared with us on Facebook this week. Although tomorrow (Sept 22) is the official first day of fall, florists have had a jump on it for a few weeks now! So let’s get on to the pictures and enjoy the allure of autumn colors.

Fall Flower Arrangements

Early fall flower arrangement by Trigs Floral & Home in Minocqua, WI

Early fall flower arrangement by Trigs Floral & Home in Minocqua, WI

“Feeling fallish…?”

Fall flowers by Monday Morning Flowers, Princeton NJ

Fall flowers by Monday Morning Flowers, Princeton NJ

“Folks have started asking for fall flowers. So much fun!”

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Your Hometown Florist = Your Lifetime Florist

“I have used Sharen’s Florist for over 20 years and have not been disappointed once!” – Michele, FL

A family florist, one who knows you, your family, and your style, takes years of working together to establish. Moving away from your hometown doesn’t mean you have to get a new florist. In fact, your florist is now your new best friend. They’re your tried-and-true gift and delivery service to your family members back home. When you can’t be there in person, your florist can deliver the perfect gift for the occasion: birthdays, anniversaries, thank yous,  just because and anything else!

A Lifetime Florist

Sharen’s Flowers & Gifts in Treasure Island FL is an excellent example of a florist who keeps up their relationship with those who’ve moved away. They are known for their well-designed, long-lasting arrangements. Once a person uses Sharen’s, they’re hooked for life.

“We’ve been ordering flowers from Sharen’s for 25+ years, including our wedding. We no longer live in St Pete, but continue to use Sharen’s now for Mothers Day delivery and other occasions for family in St Pete. They are a small shop, and the arrangements are always fresh, beautiful and priced right. Highly recommended.” – Michael of WA reviews

Remember, many flower shops carry and can deliver more than just flowers, such as: houseplants, gift baskets, jewelry, chocolate, and more. It’s your one-stop-shop for gifts to your family back home!

Gift Basket Spa Day Gift Basket

“I purchased a basket of treats for my dad for Father’s Day. I live in Alberta, and he lives in Florida, so sometimes it’s hard to send things. Plus, what do you get the man who has everything? He really enjoyed the basket of goodies.” – Jessica from Canada reviews Sharen’s Flowers

Put your hometown florist on speed dial, you’ll be needing them when the next birthday comes around!
(Video: Importance of Local Florists)

The Colors of Fall – Trends for 2012

Possibly the most beautiful season of all, the colors of autumn are something we look forward to all year. The rustic reds, dusty oranges, and saffron yellows tantalize our senses like no other hues. However, it’s often the POP of accent color that takes everyone by surprise.

Last year, a washed-denim blue was a popular favorite. It was everywhere you would see fall color — wedding flowers, fashion trends, and especially home decor. This fall, blue is back but in even more colors and shades. You will also see a lot of unexpected colors, such as: lime greens, purples, magentas and other jewel tones.

2012 Fall Flower Color Trends

Let’s take a look at a few fashion-inspired color palettes you can use for your fall flowers and decorating.
(4Florists: Create and promote designs using these trendy colors and you’ll do more than turn a few heads this fall!)

Early Fall - Fall color trends Contemporary Autumn Flowers

Early Fall

The colors of early fall give re-energize us and get us excited for the season to come. In the color palette above, you see an abundance of bright greens and yellows, just like the first stages of the changing leaves. Pops of rusty brown and burgundy really make this color scheme a big trend for the season.

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3 Hints from Heloise For Sending Flowers

Recently reading through the always-helpful Hints from Heloise advice column in my local newspaper, I saw where a florist Hints from Heloisehad expressed a few frustrations that can easily be fixed.

She explains that sometimes people are in a hurry and do not fill out all of their information when sending flowers. Not only is this time consuming to the florist who has to look everything up, but think of how your friend will feel getting flowers with their name spelled wrong.

Here are a few tips to make sure you are sending flowers that will make your friends smile, not scratch their head and wonder who sent them.

  • 1. Make sure the recipient’s name is spelled correctly.  A florist must write the name exactly as you give it. Double-check to make sure you’ve got the correct spelling, even if it’s a nickname.
  • 2. Use both first and last name. “Many families know more than one ‘Jim or Mary.'” It’s important to specify who you are. Unless your name is Cher, use more than just a first name.
  • 3. Give your correct address for thank you cards, as well as for the florist’s records.

Sending Flowers Send flowers from a real local florist! Send flowers from a real local florist

A few other flower-sending suggestions from us: [Read more…]

Florist Friday Recap 9/10 – 9/14: Fall Descent

It’s Friday! The day of the week we post all of the fabulous pictures florists have shared with us on our Facebook Page. This week, we’ve really started to see fall flower designs showing up in full force! The reds, the oranges, the yellows – it’s time for the descent into fall. So let’s get on with what you’re waiting for – the pictures!

Everyday Flower Designs

Fall flower design by Lady Bug Studio in Olds, Alberta CA

Fall flower design by Lady Bug Studio in Olds, Alberta CA

“It’s harvest time in Alberta!”

Anthurium flower design by Inspirations Studio in Lock Haven, PA

Anthurium flower design by Inspirations Studio in Lock Haven, PA

“We were “inspired” by these anthurium :)”

Fall design by Back to the Fuchsia Florist, Saugatuck MI

Fall design by Back to the Fuchsia Florist, Saugatuck MI

“A “fallish” piece with the coming of autumn…”

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Central Allied Florists of Mississippi’s Christmas Conference 2012

Amy at the entrance of the Mississippi Christmas Show

FSN’s Amy at the entrance of the CAF Mississippi Christmas Show

Flower Shop Network was in Jackson Mississippi this past weekend for an inspiring Christmas show by the Central Allied Florist Association. Attendees were treated to hands-on workshops and design shows, as well as a Christmas-themed vendor showcase.

Frank from Southern Oaks Florist in Hattiesburg MS

FSN’s Shelly with Frank Cade from Southern Oaks Florist in Hattiesburg MS

One of our favorite aspects of going to these conferences is meeting florists in our network face-to-face. In the photo above, you see Frank Cade from Southern Oaks Florist in Hattiesburg MS.

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