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FSN at the 2012 Alabama State Florist Association Convention

The Wizard of ASFA

Off to see the wizard… the wonderful wizard of ASFA!

Our team had the fabulous opportunity to attend the Alabama State Florist Association‘s 2012 Annual Convention this past weekend in Montgomery. How fun is a Wizard of Oz themed event, especially for florists? Just imagine all you can do with ruby slippers, Emerald City and yellow brick road inspiration!

Flower Shop Network was off to see the Wizard with our very interesting booth arrangement for this show.

FSN Booth at the Alabama Florist Association Convention

Can you see our Mr. Wizards?

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Hey! What’s THAT Flower?

We’ve all gotten flowers before and tried our best to guess what kind of flowers they are. Roses, lilies, carnations… those are the easy ones. What about the more-rare flowers that florists use? Have you ever received an arrangement with a unique flower that made you call your florist just to ask “Hey! What was THAT flower?”

We polled our florists on Facebook and they told us which flowers gets the MOST curious attention from their customers..

Red Protea Pincushion Pincushion Protea – This unique flower always has heads turning. “What flower is that?” Pincushions are native to Zimbabwe and South Africa. They grow naturally in sparse forests and mountain slopes. They are available year-round in colors of red, red-orange, orange and yellow. More about Pincushions
Green Trick Dianthus Green Trick Dianthus – You might be surprised, this is a cousin of the common carnation we all know so well. These super long-lasting, furry flowers that add interesting texture and form to any floral arrangement. So far, these are only available in shades of green to blueish-green. (Unless you florists know otherwise, let me know in the comments below!) Green Tick & Other Green Flowers [Read more…]

Discover Fall Flowers

Discover Fall Through Flowers

Discover Fall Through Flowers

Who can resist the palette of autumn hues? As the temperature gets cooler, fall into fall with the beauty of fall colors and flowers. Whether it be a basket of fall flowers, or a rustic mum houseplant, treat yourself to fall flowers. There’s no better way to celebrate fall than with the natural beauty of the season.

Top 10 Flowers For Fall [Read more…]

Florist Friday Recap 9/1 – 9/6: Wonderful Weddings

It’s FRIDAY! The day when we showcase all of the amazing floral design pictures real local florists share on our Facebook page. This week, florists were busy busy busy with wedding season, so obviously we’ve got a whole lot of wedding photos in our line up today. Without further adieu, lets get on with the pictures!

Wedding Bouquet Pictures

Pale Peach/Orange Wedding Bouquet by Monday Morning Flowers, Princeton NJ

Pale Peach/Orange Wedding Bouquet by Monday Morning Flowers, Princeton NJ

“We had 3 weddings and all were in shades of peach and orange. :)”

White wedding bouquet by MaryJane's Flowers & Gifts, Berlin NJ

Unique wedding bouquet by MaryJane's Flowers & Gifts, Berlin NJ Rose & calla lily bouquet by MaryJane's Flowers & Gifts, Berlin NJ

Beautiful wedding bouquets by MaryJane’s Flowers & Gifts, Berlin NJ

“A few shots from last weeks weddings…”

Wedding Tablescapes

Gorgeous purple wedding flowers by Monday Morning Flowers in Princeton NJ

Gorgeous purple wedding centerpiece by Monday Morning Flowers in Princeton NJ

“Just received this photo from a recent bride and finding the demand for purple flowers seems to be strong going into 2013. Are other florists noticing the same thing?”

Fall Wedding Display by MaryJane's Flowers & Gifts, Berlin NJ

Fall Wedding Display by MaryJane’s Flowers & Gifts, Berlin NJ

“Just sharing a piece we just took over to one of the bridal venues in this area the Mansions on main street…it is silks and dried, we were asked to do one for each season.”

What will next week bring? Who knows! Be sure to like us on Facebook for even more beautiful floral designs. If you’re a florist, we want to feature YOUR favorite design of the week right here on Facebook Friday Recap! Click here to see past recap posts!

September Newsletter: Season for Sunflowers

Season to Send Sunflowers

September: The Season For Sunflowers

No matter how hot it gets, summer is always a favorite time of year. The outdoor fun, cookouts, shorts and flip flops — what’s not to love? As summer draws to a close, its easy to catch the blues. This year, savor summer til the very last drop.

A great way to do this is by bringing the joy of summer indoors to enjoy at all times. How? Sunflowers! The sunflower is named after its huge, fiery blooms, whose shape is often used to represent the sun. Adding sunflowers to your decor will bring you happiness and warm-summer feelings during all hours of the day. They are also a great decor addition as we descend into fall.

Think of where you could use a little sunshine, perhaps the office? Of course! Pamper yourself with a little sun; send yourself sunflowers! It’s okay to spoil yourself once in a while.

Continue reading Send Sunshine & Sunflowers

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Pet Funeral Flowers to Memorialize Fido

Funeral Flowers for Dogs and other Pets

Funeral flowers for Fido.

Whether it’s a dog, cat or bird, loosing a pet is like loosing a member of the family to most pet lovers. As with any loss, a funeral or memorial service can help ease the grieving process. Your pet’s memorial service can be as simple or elaborate as you would like, it’s all about helping you say goodbye to a close friend.

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Send Sunshine & Sunflowers

Season to Send Sunflowers

No matter how hot it gets, summer is always a favorite time of year. The outdoor fun, cookouts, shorts and flip flops — what’s not to love? As summer draws to a close, its easy to catch the blues. This year, savor summer til the very last drop.

A great way to do this is by bringing the joy of summer indoors to enjoy at all times. How? Sunflowers! The sunflower is named after its huge, fiery blooms, whose shape is often used to represent the sun.

Adding sunflowers to your decor will bring you happiness and warm-summer feelings during all hours of the day. They are also a great decor addition as we descend into fall.

Think of where you could use a little sunshine, perhaps the office? Of course! Pamper yourself with a little sun; send yourself sunflowers! It’s okay to spoil yourself once in a while.

Summer Sunflowers

Sending Sunflowers

Think of others who may need a little summer pick-me-up; grandparents, relatives or friends you have not spoken to in a while. It’s time to let them know they’re on your mind by sending sunflowers.

Sunflower Symbolism

  • If you live in Kansas, your reason for sending sunflowers has just doubled! It’s the Kansas State Flower!
  • Live to ‘Go Green‘? The sunflower is the symbol for the green movement.
  •  Dating an art lover? Send her sunflowers in appreciation of the Van Gogh series.
  • Did you know the sunflower is native to the Americas and was originally domesticated in present day Mexico? Sunflowers make the perfect hostess gift at your next fiesta!

If you want to send sunflowers, contact your local florist. You can use FSN’s handy Local Florist Finder to find yours today!

Florist Friday Recap 8/25 – 8/31: Falling for Fall

Friday! Everyone’s favorite day of the week and our favorite day for blog posts! It’s the day we get to show off all of the magnificent designs our florist friends share with us on Facebook. This week, we are seeing early signs of fall; can you believe it? Tell us what you’re favorite arrangement is in the comments below!

Everyday Flowers

Sunflower & tropical arrangement by East Meadow Florist, East Meadow NY

Sunflower & tropical arrangement by East Meadow Florist, East Meadow NY

“Contemporary Color”

Orange flower arrangement by Old Dominion Florist, Tazewell VA

Orange flower arrangement by Old Dominion Florist, Tazewell VA

“Our favorite arrangement this week!”

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Fairy Garden at the Flower Shop Network Booth in NC

Fairy Garden Booth Flowers at the North Carolina State Florist Association Convention

Fairy Garden Booth Flowers at the North Carolina State Florist Association Convention

No question about it, our booth flowers at this year’s North Carolina Florist Association Convention were unlike any we’ve ever had before. Derek from Young’s Florist from Kernersville, NC shows off his creativity with this truly inspired, massive fairy garden.

Fairy Garden Details

FSN Fairy Garden Details FSN Fairy Garden Details

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Grandparent’s Day is Sept 9th – Spoil Them For A Change

Grandparent's Day is September 9th. Send flowers!

Grandparent’s Day is Sept. 9th, 2012

Grandparent’s Day is the time of year we get to spoil our Gram-gram and Pop-pop like no other. We go all-out for Mothers and Fathers Day; you can’t forget your grandparents who go all-out for you.

Grandparent’s Day is about honoring our family, but it’s also about learning from them and where you came from. Does your grandmother know a special skill or recipe? Spend time with her and learn it together as a family. Listen as a group to Grandpa’s stories as he tells you of a different time that has been all-but forgotten. This can be especially significant to small children who are learning about respect for their elders and their heritage.

Family Togetherness

Most importantly, this holiday is about family love and togetherness. Even if you can’t physically be together on Grandparent’s Day, making time to talk or express your feelings for them is so important. Flowers for Grandparent’s Day often say what words do not. This traditional gift is perfect to take to your grandparents, or a convenient way to send them a thoughtful gift from afar. Need Grandparent’s Day card messages?

Helping Others

Grandparent’s Day is more than a celebration for your grandparents, it’s to remind us to appreciate our elders everywhere. We should not forget about home-bound elderly and those who are in nursing homes who are unable to see their family for Grandparent’s Day. A simple visit with uplifting flowers can mean more than you will ever know. Keep these grandparent’s in mind as you celebrate this holiday.