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Help! Why Isn’t My Anthurium Blooming?

Ask The Plant Expert:

I inherited 2 anthuriums (one pink & one red) about a year ago. both had “blooms” at the time.  Since then nothing. I’ve been wiping the leaves off and don’t think I am over watering, although I think may need to change the soil medium because it appears to be just regular potting soil. As you will see in the pictures attached they are in bright but not direct light. (The large windows are to the right of the bookcase but face due south.)  There are brownish flake-like spots on them; which tend to come off when I wipe the leaves/stems off.  Also, they seem to let off a sticky substance that doesn’t seem to be hurting anything really; just need to keep shelf & floor below clean.  Any suggestions on what I’m doing wrong? – Tammie

Anthurium Houseplants

Anthurium Leaf Anthurium Leaf

Possible Anthurium Infestation

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Florist Friday Recap 8/18 – 8/24: Ritz & Glitz Summer Florals

It’s our favorite day of the week! Why? Because we get to recap all of the beautiful floral design photos our florist friends have shared with us on Facebook! This week we’ve got a lot of ritzy-glitzy pictures from corporate parties and events, as well as beautiful wedding and every day designs. So, keep scrolling to see these fabulous florals!

Corporate Flower Pictures

Lobby flowers by Crossroads Florist in Mahwah NJ

Lobby flowers by Crossroads Florist in Mahwah NJ

““Stripes & Curls” Only 2 types of foliage are used in this Florascape. Glass cylinders lined with Halla Flax leaves, support spheres of Aspidistra leaf curls.”

Corproate event flowers by Bliss Flowers, Jagna, Bohol, Philippines Hotel flower display by Bliss Flowers, Jagna, Bohol, Philippines

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What Do You Get A Gold-Medal Gymnast? Puppy Flowers!

Like many others this August, I couldn’t get enough of the Summer Olympics. Not only was I watching, I was keeping up with the scores and following my favorite athletes on social media. One of my favorites to follow is McKayla Maroney, the American gold medal gymnast and vaulting specialist. When I saw this posted on Instagram, I just had to share!!

Puppy Flowers?! Too Cute!! - McKayla Maroney loves puppy flowers!

That’s right, McKayla Maroney loves puppy flowers! (But who can resist their cuteness?) She says, “NO WAY.. puppy flowers!! tooo cute” with addition of a few flower icons from the iPhone.

Puppy Flowers at the Illinois State Florist Convention

Puppy Flowers at the Illinois State Florist Convention

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What Is This House Plant With Red Leaves?

Ask The Plant Expert:

I received this from a funeral, and I’m trying to find out what it is so I can find how to care for it. – Ronna

Cordyline House Plant

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FSN At the 2012 Arkansas Florist Association Convention

2012 Arkansas Florist Association Convention Entry Way 2012 Arkansas Florist Association Convention Entry Way

Last weekend, Flower Shop Network attended the Arkansas Florists Association‘s 60th Annual Convention – the Diamond Jubilee! AFA took pride in their past as they remembered their long heritage of florist greats.

Flower Shop Network's gorgeous booth flowers. Flower Shop Network's gorgeous booth flowers.

Speaking of diamonds, the Flower Shop Network booth was full of shimmer with this gorgeous silver and white arrangement by Terry Bates of The Arrangement in Hot Springs AR. Everywhere you looked there was new details to see: silver leaves, shimmery wire, and even little diamonds were used on the flowers themselves to look like water drops. It was truly something special. Thanks again, Terry!

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Florist Friday Recap 8/11 – 8/17: Back to School

It’s Friday! Time for our flower picture recap of all the great photos shared with us on our Facebook page. This week, back to school flowers were a new addition! (Can you believe it’s time for school already?) We also had a great collection of wedding flower pictures and a very unusual sympathy flower arrangement that you must see, plus so much more. So, without further adieu, onto the pictures!

Back to School Flower Pictures

Brenham Floral Company, Brenham TX Back to school flowers by Brenham Floral Company, Brenham TX

Back to school flowers by Brenham Floral Company, Brenham TX

“We are ready for the first day of school. Our pencil version of our in house made cube for back to school.’

Sorority Flowers by TCU Florist, Fort Worth TX

Sorority flowers by TCU Florist, Fort Worth TX

“Our arrangement for the Chi Omega house.”

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North Carolina State Florist Association Convention 2012

North Carolina State Florist Association Convention 2012 Tropical Tiki Flowers at the North Carolina State Florist Convention

We had the wonderful opportunity over the weekend to attend the North Carolina State Florist Association Annual Convention themed “Fantasies, Dream, Imagine and Create.” Florists took this theme to heart as they created imaginative and whimsical designs.

Attendees were treated a very unique competitions, including: Body-fashion flowers, headdress-hat competition, a mask contest, a miniature contest and also a talent contest! That’s just a few examples of the agenda at the NCSFA show.

Flower Shop Network booth - Fairy Flowers

Even the Flower Shop Network booth was in on the fantasy. Our booth flowers was one of the most unusual flower displays we’ve ever had. Derek from Young’s Florist from Kernersville, NC did an incredible job on this massive fairy garden. You can see the little mushrooms in the middle, butterflies, fairy houses and even fairies! (More detailed pictures of our fairy garden display will be featured in the very blog soon!)

See all the pictures we took at the North Carolina State Florist Convention below:

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FSN’s New Networker Is Out!

FSN's Networker

Florists, watch your mailboxes! Flower Shop Network’s Networker just mailed out! The Networker is chocked full of great ideas for florists to use, including: Phone Etiquette tips, new container ideas, new announcements and much, much more!

Can’t wait!? Here’s a sneak peak of the Networker Vol 5, #3.

Are there topics you would like to see in The Networker?

Email your suggestions to TheNetworker@FlowerShopNetwork.com and we’ll send you a Flower Shop Network tote bag.

2012 AIFD Symposium – An Unforgettable Experience

One of the florists in our network had the marvelous opportunity to attend the AIFD National Symposium in Miami and has shared her story with us. Lori Himes, AIFD, CFD from A’Bloom LTD in Walkersville MD tells us all about this once-in-a-lifetime floral experience.

AIFD Fun Arrangement Interesting Floral Design, AIFD 2012 Symposium

“Caliente means Hot, it was in Miami.. but it was hotter here [Maryland] than in Miami,” Says Lori.

“My first [symposium] was in California. And that was what… 5 years ago?” Lori has been hooked every since. And why not? The AIFD Symposium is one of the biggest floral design shows in the world. Lori not only attended this year’s conference, but also helped out behind the scenes.

WOW - AIFD Symposium

“We did probably $100k worth of decor before we were done. That’s something I’ll never get to help with again in my life. [Read more…]

Take Her Breath Away – Bring Home Roses Tonight

Bring Home Romantic Roses Tonight

It’s not her birthday. It’s not Valentines or an anniversary, but it is the perfect day for a little passion. Why? Because any day can become romantic, especially when it’s spontaneous.

Take her breath away by bringing home the beauty and romance of roses, the traditional gift of romance. Your local florist will always have exactly what you need to show your sweetie how much she means to you. It’s so easy to stop by your flower shop on the way home from work and pick up a bouquet in her favorite color.

2 Dozen RosesYou could also choose your roses based on their color meanings, here are a few suggestions to get you started:

  • Lavender rose – Enchantment
  • Orange rose – Fascination
  • Pink rose – Thankfulness, perfect happiness
  • Red rose – Love, I love you
  • Red & white mixed rose – Unity
  • White rose – Purity, heavenly, I am worthy of you
  • Yellow – Friendship

Away on a business trip? Send roses to show your sweetheart she is always on your mind. Let them keep her company until you return to her loving embrace.

If you need help finding a local florist, use FSN’s handy florist finder to find a flower shop near you.