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Florist Friday Recap 8/4 – 8/10: Truly Inspiring

Friday is our favorite day on the FSN Blog because it’s the day when we get to compile all the amazing pictures submitted on our Facebook page into one great post! This week, we’ve got some truly inspiring designs for you!

Wedding Flowers

Bridal Bouquet by Swannanoa Flower Shop, Swannanoa NC

Beautiful all-white bridal bouquet by Swannanoa Flower Shop, Swannanoa NC

Fall Wedding Bouquet by A'Bloom LTD, Walkersville MD

Fall wedding bouquet by A’Bloom LTD, Walkersville MD

“Emily Douds Pieklo and Lori Himes AIFD from Abloom Ltd. have just returned from the Tennessee State Florists Convention in Franklin, TN. Lori did a presentation on Autumn Saturday Morning. This was the hand tied bridal bouquet created around a stem of ornamental Kale. Check out our page to see more. We visited with FSN while there. Such nice folks!”

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FSN at the 2012 Tennessee State Florist Association Convention

Flower Shop Network Booth at the Tennessee State Florist Convention

We spent our weekend at the Tennessee State Florist Association Convention in Franklin TN. What a show it was this year! So many unique designs to recharge florists with all the creativity to last all year!

Tennessee State Florist Association Convention Banquet Centerpiece

How often do you get to be surrounded by as much world-class floral design as you can handle for multiple days?! Not only the presentations, workshops and competitions, but even the dinners are full of eye candy! Every where you look, no two centerpieces are the same!

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August Newsletter: Enjoy Summer

August Summer Flowers

August Already?

Can you believe August is here already?? I know I can’t! The heat is definitely still on, but fall is just around the corner. Celebrate the remaining days of summer with our favorite arrangement of flowers, Share A Little Sunshine, from your local florist!

Beauty of Summer Indoors. In this heat wave, my flower garden is looking pretty shriveled. Luckily I can still bring the beauty of flowers indoors with the help of my florist. You can too! No matter what your favorite style or budget, your florist can work with you. It’s amazing what the power of flowers will do!

Perfect For Parties. If you are throwing a party or get-together, this would make a perfect addition to your decor. Spruce up your event quickly and easily with the beauty of flowers. Whether you’re grilling with friends or hosting a book club party, flowers are the way to go!

Share a Little Sunshine is a beautiful arrangement that fits all occasions, or check out our Summer Flower collection available from a florist near you!

Send Red-Hot Flowers To Your Summer Love

Summer love is blooming everywhere. Whether it’s a new summer love or re-kindling the romance through summer activities, everyone is feeling closer together. There is always something fun to do during the summer: trips to the lake, hiking, camping, picnics, out-door parties, etc. These are only better when you’re with the one you love.

Red-Hot Summer Flowers

So guys, how do you spark romance during the summer? Send her red-hot summer flowers! Think about it – It’s Monday, you’ve got big plans for the weekend and you both can’t wait to get outdoors again. Send her red-hot flowers to remind her the weekend is almost here and soon the fun will begin again!

Read more about summer love ideas!

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FSN’s Summer Splash Picnic 2012

The Flower Shop Network Annual Summer Splash Picnic was yesterday, August 7th! Long name — absolutely awesome event! Paragould Arkansas, our hometown, might not be very big on the map, but we are lucky enough to have an incredible Aquatics Center. Pools, diving boards, slides, kids play center and as many sprinklers and water sprayers as you can imagine in our community center!

FSN Summer Splash Picnic 2012

Brock and Loranne Atwill, FSN’s presidential duo, rent out then entire place just for the Flower Shop Network crew! Even I was surprised just how big our family has grown. Check out the pics:

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FSN at the 2012 Oklahoma State Florist Convention

Flower Shop Network had the fantastic opportunity to attend the 2012 Oklahoma State Florist Association‘s Convention July 28 – 29th! A convention filled with beautiful flowers, great workshops and top-notch competitions, including the Oklahoma Cup Competition!

Flowers in the Flower Shop Network Booth

Gorgeous flower arrangements in the Flower Shop Network booth. These were created by the talented Tammy Martens, designer at Generations Flowers & Gifts, Broken Arrow OK.

Tammy Martens, Oklahoma Cup Winner

Here is Tammy Martens with her award from the Oklahoma State Florist Association. Way to go Tammy! (The biggest arrangement in the photo above was created specifically for the FSN booth [and we loved it!], the others were used in the competition.)

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Send Flowers For The First Day of School

Flowers make Back To School Special

Can you believe it’s already back-to-school time for a lot of places? It will be here for everyone before you know it. How can you make this year extra special? Kick off the school year by sending your child flowers.

Have you ever forgotten any time you’ve gotten flowers? Of course not, it’s always memorable and special. There’s something about flowers that makes us swell with pride. What better way for a kid to start school than with confidence in themselves and a boost of self-esteem? Knowing their family is backing them 100% they are ready to face any challenge.

Parent tip: You can dry or press these flowers and hold onto them for a special keepsake.

What to know about sending flowers to a school

Schools often have policies regarding delivered gifts. Most florists are aware of their local school policies and can give you advice on the best way to send flowers to your child. If your school does not allow delivered gifts, you could have it waiting for them when they get home from school, or set the flowers up the night before so they wake up to a beautiful surprise.

The most important thing to remember when sending flowers is to always always always use a real local florist. Not only will they know all about your school’s gifting policies, they will be able to help you choose the perfect arrangement for your kiddo! If you don’t know your local florist, use FSN’s handy local florist finder to find yours today!

Florist Friday Recap 7/28 – 8/3: World-Class Florals

It’s Friday! It’s our favorite blog post of the week thanks to our talented florists and their incredible flower pictures showing off their work. We’re kicking off today’s recap with our most popular Facebook photo EVER! Plus lots and lots of wedding photos from the on-going wedding season. Keep reading to see all the fab flower photos!


Olympic-inspired Flowers By Crossroads Florist in Mahwah NJ

“Go Team USA” by Crossroads Florist in Mahwah NJ

““Go Team USA” A great way to support the colorful Olympic rings are with coordinating vases of fresh flowers.”

This has been one of the most popular pictures of all time on our Facebook page. Go team Crossroads!

Coctail Party Flowers by Brenham Floral Company, Brenham TX

Coctail party flowers by Brenham Floral Company, Brenham TX

“Delivery today for a cocktail party.”

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South Carolina Florist Association Convention 2012

We had such a blast at the South Carolina Florist Association‘s annual convention this past weekend! The show was themed “Inspiration for Innovation” and it was just that. With great presentations, competitions and opportunities for networking, this was the place to be for florists.

Bernard of Rosewood Florist, Columbia SC Flower Shop Network Trade Show Booth

Check out the amazing floral design in the Flower Shop Network Booth! It was created by Bernard (pictured left) from Rosewood Florist in Columbia, SC. It was filled with lush hydrangeas, gorgeous gladiolus, bells of Ireland, roses and much more!

FSN Booth Arrangement

Here is a closer view of the FSN booth arrangement before it was put into the booth.

Streetlight Flowers For Competition Streetlight Flowers For Competition

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FSN’s Favorite Flower Arrangement for August

August Summer Flowers

Can you believe August is here already?? I know I can’t! The heat is definitely still on, but fall is just around the corner. Celebrate the remaining days of summer with our favorite arrangement of flowers, Share A Little Sunshine, from your local florist!

Beauty of Summer Indoors. In this heat wave, my flower garden is looking pretty shriveled. Luckily I can still bring the beauty of flowers indoors with the help of my florist. You can too! No matter what your favorite style or budget, your florist can work with you. It’s amazing what the power of flowers will do!

Perfect For Parties. If you are throwing a party or get-together, this would make a perfect addition to your decor. Spruce up your event quickly and easily with the beauty of flowers. Whether you’re grilling with friends or hosting a book club party, flowers are the way to go!

Share a Little Sunshine is a beautiful arrangement that fits all occasions, or check out our Summer Flower collection available from a florist near you! If you don’t know your local florist, we’ve got a handy local florist finder to help you out!


Send Red-Hot Flowers To Your Summer Love

Summer love is blooming everywhere. Whether it’s a new summer love or re-kindling the romance through summer activities, everyone is feeling closer together. There is always something fun to do during the summer: trips to the lake, hiking, camping, picnics, out-door parties, etc. These are only better when you’re with the one you love.

Red-Hot Summer Flowers

So guys, how do you spark romance during the summer? Send her red-hot summer flowers! Think about it – It’s Monday, you’ve got big plans for the weekend and you both can’t wait to get outdoors again. Send her red-hot flowers to remind her the weekend is almost here and soon the fun will begin again!

Tip: If you know her favorite color or flower, send her those instead! Take it from a girl who knows, we love it when our guys pay attention to the little details.

And remember, always always always use a real local florist when sending flowers. Don’t know your local flower shop? Use our handy florist finder to find yours today!