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Florists on Facebook – Friday Recap

It’s Friday! Time for our reader’s favorite post of the week — Friday Recap! In this post we show off the talent of our wonderful florists friends on Facebook. Again this week the big theme is WEDDINGS! I have done something a little different this time and broke it out into segments for each type of picture submitted, for today’s post we’ve got Wedding Flower Pictures, Everyday Flower Pictures and Sympathy Tribute Pictures. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for even MORE amazing florist pictures!

Wedding Flower Pictures

Classic white bouquet by The Petal Patch, McFarland WI

Classic white bouquet by The Petal Patch, McFarland WI

“Traditional and Classic… but look at the great movement in this one! I never tire of the beauty of the natural flow of flowers.”

Fresh Gerbera bouquet by Lasting Florals, Midlothian VA

Fresh Gerbera bouquet by Lasting Florals, Midlothian VA

“Here’s a pretty funky Bridal bouquet I designed.”

[Read more…]

Big News At The Memphis Botanic Garden

Here on the FSN Blog, our Plant Expert answers hundreds of your plant care and identification questions. However, when we’re stumped, we often turn to the Memphis Botanic Garden for their advice. This week, they received BIG news and we thought we’d share in the excitement!

Weeping Blue Atlas CedarThe Memphis Botanic Garden just received a huge endorsement for their tree program by being designated the first Center of Excellence for Urban Forestry in Tennessee.

As a Center of Excellence, they will sponsor educational programs, help with arboretum certification, actively promote tree health and growth, and be the arm of the Tennessee Urban Forestry Council in West Tennessee. There will be three COE’s total for the state, theirs will be the only one in West Tennessee.

In a blog from last June, we wrote about the Garden’s already-extensive tree program:

Memphis Botanic Garden offers visitors 96 acres of small gardens and trails, thousands of flowers, but also thousands of unique trees. With 152 different species of trees, the Memphis Botanic Garden is classified as a Level IV Arboretum by the Tennessee Urban Forestry Council. This Level IV designation makes the Garden one of four in the state and the only one in West Tennessee. “We estimate there are at least 2000 trees in the Garden – with lots of duplicates,” says Adult Education Manager Laurie Williams. Read more about the trees at the Garden.

Patrick Haller, TUFC President, commented that “This is a definite step forward for urban forestry in Tennessee and we are excited about this program.”

Congratulations again for a well-deserved honor. If you’re in the West Tennessee area, be sure to pay them a visit!


Log Cabin Florist’s ‘Spot The Van’ Contest

Log Cabin Florist - Spot Our Van!

Log Cabin Florist in Bakersfield CA knows exactly how to get their community excited about flowers!

Every month, they begin a new “Spot the Van” contest. When someone spots their fabulously floral van and snaps a photo, they can enter it into a contest to win a free arrangement from Log Cabin Florist to be delivered locally to themselves or a friend. How cool is that?

The contest runs during the summer months of June, July and August. To spread the word about Spot The Van, the flower shop sends out emails, announces it on their Facebook page and at the workshops they host. This contest is a terrific way to get the community of Bakersfield excited about flowers and florists. Way to go guys!

Is your local florist hosting any summer contests or workshops? Are you a florists doing something like this? Share your experiences, thoughts or ideas in the comments below!

2012 Texas State Florist Convention: Recap & Photos

Texas State Florist Association's Annual Convention

Over the weekend, part of the FSN Team traveled down to the Lone Star State for the Texas State Florist Association‘s Annual Convention. This year’s theme was, “Floral Paradise” which is exactly what they created. In their unusual location, The Hanger Hotel (an actual airplane hanger!) they brought paradise to life with only the flair florists can bring.

TSFA Vintage Car With Flowers

Metro retro. The old hanger definitely had a retro vibe. Love the way these creative Texas florists work it into their show. Looks like something you’d see in a old war-time postcard or something. [Read more…]

Send Summer’s Color-ific Blooms!

Colorful Summer Flowers

What is your favorite thing about summer? The lake? Picnics? Poolside? Chances are, it has something to do with the outdoors! As we move into the dog days of summer, it’s not quite as easy to stay outdoors.

You’re in luck; it’s easy to bring the colors and fun of summer inside with a lush bouquet of flowers. Your flowerbed may be suffering outside, but inside you can be greeted with beautiful summer blooms.

Perhaps you know someone who is unable to get out and enjoy their summer. Flowers are a great way to send cheer and let them know you care.

Best colors for summer:

  • Yellow – Think sunshine and sunflowers.
  • Orange – Because it’s hot!
  • Magenta – Jewel-toned beauty.
  • Bright Green – Fresh grass.
  • Coral – Beach memories.
  • Sky Blue – Bright skies.

Just remember, when it’s time to order flowers, always always always order from your local florist! Use our handy florist finder to find your local flower shop today!

Facebook Friday Recap – Wedding Season

Friday! Friday Friday Friday! It’s they day of the week with our favorite blog post, and this week is one of the best Friday Recaps we’ve ever had! Wedding season is in FULL SWING! It’s obvious from all the pictures florists across the US and Canada posted on our Facebook page. Before we get to the pictures, let’s see what our florists had to say about what’s trendy for the 2012 wedding season.

  • “Purple and plum colors with lots of other bright accents… also a lot of natural stuff… grasses, burlap, barn weddings…”Every Blooming Thing, Akron OH
  • “Greens, purples, blues and magenta” –  Cottage Flowers, Pasadena TX
  • “Now that you mention it…yes, we have seen quite a bit of purple this summer. Gerberas have been a more popular choice than usual for bridal work as well. We’re starting to see a shift away from the compact round hand-tied bouquets to a looser, less uniform shape with lots of different textures.” – The Flower Patch & More, Bolivar MO
  • “Both the weddings I have so far have black as a main color.”A Lovie Creation, Gresham OR

2012 Wedding Season Photos

Back To The Fuchsia, Saugatuck MI

Beautiful wedding bouquets by Back To The Fuchsia, Saugatuck MI.

“A beautiful bride surrounded by gorgeous flowers from Back To The Fuchsia!! Thanks Alisha!”
Photo by McConomy Photography.

Botanica Creations Bouquet

Beautiful mixed bouquet by Botanica Creations Bouquet, Klamath Falls, OR

“One of our July Weddings!”

Bling bouquet by La Petite Jaune Fleur

Bling bouquet by La Petite Jaune Fleur in Red Deer AB, CA

“A little bling from la petite Jaune Fleur”

[Read more…]

Bingo! The Perfect Funeral Flower Memorial

Funeral Flower Tribute - Bingo!

Jean Everly of Heart to Heart Flower Shop in North Cape May, NJ shared with us the story of a recent sympathy tribute. Who says flowers for a funeral have to be the same? This lady loved her weekly bingo game. This beautiful floral memorial is a great way to lift spirits at such a somber occasion. It is a perfect conversation starter for reminiscing the best memories of the departed.

“She loved her Bingo game. Every week she was there until  her illness took her away. Her friends decided this was the only flower arrangement proper for her service.” – Jean Everly

Have an interesting story from your flower shop or about flowers? Share it with us!

Upcoming Florist Shows & Conventions

Floral conventions and flower shows are excellent ways to boost your creativity! No matter if you’re a florist or just someone who enjoys the beauty of flowers, these shows are just for you. Bring a notepad; you’ll be busy!

There’s nothing like a flower show to a florist. Not only will you find so much inspiration and new techniques, but you will meet fellow florists and form life-time friendships in this industry. Grab your bags and get going; maybe we’ll see you there! (*** Indicates Flower Shop Network will be there!)

JULY 2012 — Floral Conventions and Flower Shows

Photo from Texas Florist Convention 2011***July 20 – 22, 2012: The annual Texas State Florists Association will be held at the Hangar Hotel in Fredericksburg, TX. Florists who are members, as well as non-member florists may attend.

***July 27 – 29, 2012: The annual South Carolina Florists Association Convention will be held at the Marriott Hotel, downtown in on Columbia, SC. Florists who are members, as well as non-member florists may attend.

***July 28 – 29, 2012: The annual Oklahoma State Florists Association Convention will be held at the Doubletree Waren Place Tulsa, OK. Florists who are members, as well as non-member florists may attend.

AUGUST 2012 — Floral Conventions and Flower Shows

***August 3 – 5, 2012: The annual West-Texas New Mexico Florist Association will be held at the The Midland Center in Midland, TX. Florists who are members, as well as non-member florists may attend. [Read more…]

Local Florist’s Quick Tips For DIY Flower Arranging

We just found this great video from back in 2007 that features one of our member florists and thought I’d share! Meghan Carter, host of Ask the Decorator visits with Vickey Wenshrup of Amelia Florist Wine & Gift Shop in Amelia, Ohio to learn a few DIY flower arranging pointers.

Don’t miss the video at the bottom of this post!

DIY Flower Arranging

At the beginning of the video, Meghan asks, “How hard can it really be to make a floral arrangement?” By the end, she adds, “flower arranging isn’t as easy and you would think!” There is a whole lot more that goes into flower arranging that just putting flowers into a vase. Florists are truly artists, but also have to be meticulous in their efforts to keep your flowers lasting as long as possible. Sure you can DIY a flower arrangement, but for the absolute best results, give your local florist a call!

If you’re interested in DIY flowers, keep an eye out for workshops available in your area. Florists all over the country offer flower arranging classes where you can learn the ins and outs of creating flowers.

[Read more…]

Summer Love Blooms Here!

Summer Flowers = Summer Love

Oh how sweet it is to be in love in the summer. There are so many great activities and parties in the summer, there’s no excuse not to have fun with the one you love.

Whether you’ve just had your first date or you’re going on 50 years, summer is the time to kindle or rekindle the love you have in the seasonal heat. What better way to do this than the always-romantic gift of flowers?

Let’s face it, we’re almost into the dog days of summer where we’ll be spending most of our time indoors beating the heat. Why not bring the romance of flowers inside for your summer love? If your partner is off on business or other reasons, why not send a surprise, summer flower arrangement to let him or her know you care?

Let your summer love bloom with flowers from your local florist. Don’t know yours? Let FSN help with our handy local florist finder; get started spreading summer love today!