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Help! Why Is My Peace Lily Green, Not White?

Ask The Plant Expert:

Peace Lily CareMy Peace plant flower is green, it should be white. What does it need?

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:

Could be a variety of things. What most people call the the bloom is actually called a spathe. This is sort of like a leaf and surrounds the spadix, which supports the actual flowers of the plant. The Spathes can range in color from a pure white to a pale whitish green.

Factors you can work with to achieve better blooms: humidity, water light and fertilizer. Giving the plant the proper humidity and water will help make the formation of leaves, spathes and flowers stronger. The right fertilizer and light will help with strength the color and structure of the plant. So, follow the care instructions for Peace Lilies (at the bottom). Hopefully this will change future spathes from green to white.

Hope this is helpful!

Florists On Facebook – Friday Recap

It’s our favorite time of the week – FRIDAY! No, not just because the weekend starts tomorrow, but because it’s time for our Friday Recap! Today is the day we show off all the great pictures you guys have posted on our Facebook page this week. Now onto the pictures! (Weddings are BIG right now!)

Monday Morning Flowers - Wedding Bouquet

By Monday Morning Flower Co. “From one of last weeks weddings. Such happy, summer colors and putting the hood of my hubby’s car to good use. The color was perfect, don’t you think?”

Monday Morning Flowers - Princeton NJ

By Monday Morning Flowers in Princeton NJ.

“We had so much fun with last weekends weddings (we had 4 of them) that I thought I’d share. :)”

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15 Snapshots Florists Should Keep In Their Phones

Important Pictures to Take on your Cell PhoneLet’s face it, as we age our memories are just not what they used to be. If you’re anything like me, you’d loose your head if it wasn’t attached! However, with new technology, there are lots of things you can do to help yourself remember, the most important of these is your cell phone! Whether you’re carrying and old Razr or an iPhone, make it work for you in more ways than just calling friends.

Most modern cell phones have some sort of camera on them. Sure, it’s great for grandkids, but it can also be used for many other things you might not think about, such as aiding our memory.

15 Photos Florists Should Keep In Their Phones

  • 1. Where you parked – For some deliveries, this will really come in handy!
  • 2. Pictures of any refills – Take pictures of the sizes, brand, or other specific information on refill-type products you might use in the store, such as: printer cartridges, specific flower food, light bulbs you use, gift items used often, etc.
  • 3. Common design recipes – Keep your best-sellers handy.
  • 4. Delivery vehicle license plates – Just in case something happens, or you need to know it when they are gone. You can also take a picture of the mileage when necessary.
  • 5. Hotel room numbers – When going on trips to florist conventions!
  • 6. Delivery drop offs – Keep a record of how the flowers looked when they are delivered.
  • 7. The White Board – If you have a white board or other place you write out shopping lists, take a picture of it right before you leave so you don’t have to copy it all down again! [Read more…]

Feng Shui: Colors & Flowers

Just what is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is an ancient art and science developed over 3,000 years ago in China. It is a complex ancient art that reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assure the health and good fortune for people inhabiting it.

Feng Shui CompassFeng means “wind” and Shui means “water.” Followers of Feng Shui believe the land is alive and filled with Chi, or energy. By focusing that Chi in the right ways, you can live a fuller, healthier, more balanced life. Harmony and balance with life are the major principles of Feng Shui teaching.

Feng Shui can affect every aspect of our lives. By simply adjusting the objects in our homes and lives, we can adjust the energies associated with them. We’ve all heard how color affects moods, well Feng Shui takes that idea to a whole new level. In this post, you will see how by simply ordering an arrangement of fresh flowers in a certain color or shape, you can enhance, balance or reduce specific moods in a space.

Feng Shui and You

Different people have different energy needs. Feng Shui offers a way to narrow down your specific needs. This can get very complicated and it can take a lifetime to master the art of Feng Shui, but with a bit of research, you can start opening up these energies in your life.

First of all, what is your Feng Shui birth element? This is where the research comes in, but it’s very simple! Simply go to this page and locate your birth year on the chart to identify your birth element. I was born in 1986, that makes my element Fire. Now that we know our elements, let’s take a look at how to put them to use!

Feng Shui and Color

Color is one of the easiest ways to shift the energy in your space with Feng Shui. Each color is an expression of one of the Five Feng Shui Elements: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood.

Remember, scientifically color is light, and light is our number one nutrient. Although you might not believe whole-heartedly in Feng Shui, there is definite logic behind the use of color and moods, aka Chromotheropy.

Let’s take a look at what Feng Shui has to say about colors and moods:

Fire Element

July Newsletter: Beat the Heat

Summer Flowers

Beat the Heat with Summer Flowers!

Looking for a good way to beat the heat this summer? Why not a cool flower arrangement?

I know what you’re thinking, how do flowers help keep me cool? Flowers give us the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of summer flowers but from the comfort of indoors! With this summer’s heat wave, staying indoors is a good idea. Summer flowers make the perfect centerpieces for backyard BBQs, block parties, and any other summer get-togethers. They are also a great hostess gift to bring when attending a festive party.

Know someone who is unable to go outside and enjoy the sunny season? They deserve flowers most of all. Flowers never fail to lift spirits and put a smile on someone’s face. Whether it’s temporary bed rest or something more permanent, share the beauty of the season with all who could use it

Sneak Peek: The 2012 Summer Olympics Bouquet

2012 Summer Olympics LogoWhen it comes to the olympics, summer or winter, the entire world stops to take notice. Athletes dedicate their lives to perfection in their sport and compete to take home so much more than a medal. Their accomplishments in the olympics translate into well-deserved glory and honor in their home countries.

The London 2012 Summer Olympics are scheduled to take place in London from July 27th to August 12th. From archery to gymnastics, cycling to water polo — you can bet competition at these games will be fierce, which is why winners deserve so much respect.

In addition to the Gold, Silver and Bronze medals, winners can also expect to receive a unique bouquet of flowers from the Jane Packer floral design studio. Some 4,400 floral ”Victory Bouquets” will be presented to athletes along with medals during the Victory Ceremonies.

Get your first look at the 2012 Summer Olympic Bouquet!

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Beat The Heat With Summer Flowers!

Summer Flowers

Looking for a good way to beat the heat this summer? Why not a cool flower arrangement?

I know what you’re thinking, how do flowers help keep me cool? Flowers give us the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of summer flowers but from the comfort of indoors! With this summer’s heat wave, staying indoors is a good idea. Summer flowers make the perfect centerpieces for backyard BBQs, block parties, and any other summer get-togethers. They are also a great hostess gift to bring when attending a festive party.

Know someone who is unable to go outside and enjoy the sunny season? They deserve flowers most of all. Flowers never fail to lift spirits and put a smile on someone’s face. Whether it’s temporary bed rest or something more permanent, share the beauty of the season with all who could use it.

Don’t miss these tips for keeping flowers cool!

Just remember, when sending flowers always always always use a real local florist. If you don’t know your hometown flower shop, use FSN’s handy local florist finder to find yours today!


Florists on Facebook – Friday Recap

Friday is finally here, and we couldn’t be more excited after our mid-week holiday! In this week’s photos from florists, we saw a lot of red white and BLOOMS of course for the 4th of July. Let’s not forget wedding season is also going strong with photos of beautiful bouquets. Now on to the pictures!

Marina's Flowers

Fourth of July Flowers by Marina’s Flowers, Staten Island NY

“Happy July 4th!!”

Crossroads Florist, Mahwah NJ

“Flames of Freedom” created by Crossroads Florist, Mahwah NJ

Flames of Freedom Olympic style torches made of glass vases and filled with acrylic nuggets fuel the “flames” of orange & yellow mokara orchids. Happy 4th of July!”

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Wedding Inspiration on Pinterest from FSN

Flower Shop Network Wedding Boards on Pinterest

Are you planning a wedding or other big event that needs flower inspiration? Don’t miss out on the resources from FSN! Flower Shop Network has been pinning away some of the best, most-inspirational wedding flower pieces in all the industry!

Whether you need ideas for bouquets or boutonnieres, we’ve got you covered and more. Flower Shop Network on Pinterest!

What is your favorite wedding board on Pinterest? Do you have a wedding board (or several??)? Share a link with us in the comments below!

New to Pinterest? Check out this post all about Pinterest: how it works and how to set up your own account.

Just remember, once you’ve picked out your wedding flowers, always always always order flowers from a real local florist. If you don’t know your local florist, use Flower Shop Network’s handy local florist finder to find a flower shop near you today!

Help! In What Hardiness Zone Can I Plant My Peace Lily Safely?

Ask The Plant Expert:

Can a Peace Lilly plant be planted outdoors? I received a peace lilly plant for Mothers Day. Would I be able to plant it outdoors in my flower bed, or is it strictly a house plant? – Mary

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Help! Why Won’t My Christmas Cactus Bloom?

Ask The Expert:

“I have had this Christmas cactus for 15 years, it’s bloomed once. What am I doing wrong?” – Elizabeth

Christmas CactusFlower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:


While you may think that temperature is a factor in blooming, daylight length is actually the key. Christmas cacti are triggered to bloom during short days. This can be achieved by placing the plant in a dark bedroom or by covering the plant for 15 or more hours a day. It may take up to a month to trigger the plant to produce bloom buds, but once the buds appear the plant can be returned to its usual viewing location. Remember to avoid extreme temperatures that would hinder bud release.

Click for more information on the Christmas Cactus.