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Florists on Facebook – Friday Recap

Easter is THIS WEEKEND! You can really tell from the photos shared with us this week that florists are really getting a HOP on this holiday! We loved all the pastel-icious pictures of Easter flowers! Check them out:

Devine Designs - Fulton NY

By Devine Designs in Fulton, NY.

“You’ve heard of Chocolate Smidgens, right?…and how you can’t just have them for yourself, you have to share them… Well…This is one of our Plant Smidgens… They’re small and you can’t just have one…you have to share the holiday with everyone!!! LOL!!! This is one of our most popular cash and carry specials!”

Platte Flower Shop, Platte SD

Platte Flower Shoppe, Platte SD.

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April Newsletter: Blushing Beauty

April Flowers

Favorite Flower Arrangement For April

This month’s favorite flower arrangement is simple, yet perfect for this season. Lilies and April go together like peanut butter and jelly. These soft pink blooms are long-lasting and full of character. Blushing Beauty is the perfect name for this arrangement. You can see these blooms look like they are blushing with shyness. If pink isn’t your style, you might also choose white, orange or whatever other color lily your local florist may have. Just give them a call!

Easter is this Sunday; there’s still time to order flowers! Remember to always use a real local florist!

Miniature Flower Arrangements? Okay!

Some of the first flowers of spring come from tiny grasses. As I walk my dog every day, I always notice new types of grass flowers that only get the chance to bloom between mowings. The tiny, yet beautiful flowers foreshadow all the colorful blooms of spring. As florists, it’s easy to overlook these little gems. They simply cannot be used in floral design… or can they? Below is my attempt at trying!

 Miniature Flower Arrangement

Continue Reading About Miniature Flower Arrangements!

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The Easter Lily

Easter Lily

Easter Lilies (Lilium longiflorum)With Easter just around the corner, we had to highlight the holiday’s favorite flower – the Easter lily!

Easter Lily History

The lily has long symbolized purity, virtue and faith for Christians. Medieval depictions of the Blessed Virgin Mary often show her holding these flowers and even in King Solomon’s Temple there were designs of lilies on the columns.Lilies were also found growing in the Garden of Gethsemane after Christ’s agony. Tradition has it that the beautiful white lilies sprung up where drops of Christ’s sweat fell to the ground in his final hours of sorrow and deep distress. For this reason, you will see Easter lilies on decorating pulpits, alters and more in churches all across the world.

Easter Lily Today

The regal, white lily is a fitting symbol of the greater meaning of Easter. Gracing millions of homes and churches, the flowers embody joy, hope and life. Whether given as a gift or enjoyed in your own home, the Easter Lily serves as a beautiful reminder that Easter is a time for rejoicing and celebrating.

By Louise Lewin Matthews, this poem captures the spiritual essence of the Easter Lily:

Easter morn with lilies fair
Fills the church with perfumes rare,
As their clouds of incense rise,
Sweetest offerings to the skies.
Stately lilies pure and white
Flooding darkness with their light,
Bloom and sorrow drifts away,
On this holy hallow’d day.
Easter Lilies bending low in the golden afterglow,
Bear a message from the sod
To the heavenly towers of God.

-Louise Lewin Matthews

Whether you’re tending an Easter lily from years past, buying a new one for yourself, or sending a lily as an Easter gift, always always always use a real local florist when you buy plants and flowers. You can use Flower Shop Network’s handy florist finder to find a florist near you!

Florist Stories: First Day, 100 Roses & The Rolling Stones

This Florist Story was shared with us by Angelique, The FlowerGurl of Cottage Flowers & Gifts in Pasadena TX.

Red Roses

“It all started when I was a sophomore in high school. My Aunt used to run a floral shop in town. Back in the day, the shops use to close at 10:00 pm. My Parents use to make me go after school to the floral shop to keep my Aunt company so that she would not be there by herself. I would walk to the floral shop after school and listen to the radio and or TV, while at the same time doing my homework, and spending time with my Aunt. I would finish my homework and sit there just watching my Aunt do these amazing things with flowers. I would ask her, how in the heck can you come out with something like that from all that? I was intrigued by it all.

Puttin’ On The Ritz

I knew nothing about flowers. I liked them, I loved receiving them, but what she could do out of nothing at all was beyond me. So needless to say I spent a lot of time with my Aunt and watched her do all these beautiful designs that I just had to try it one day. Well from just watching and observing all that time, I surprised myself. I could not believe, nor did my Aunt, I could actually wrap some flowers in pretty paper and make them look so pretty. Well from there I moved on to bigger things like dressing plants and greening her vases. I figured if having the concept of greening a vase was so easy, then I can take the next step of puttin on the ritz.

Well she walked me through it, and to my amazement, I did it again. I could actually design flowers in a manner that it sold within an hour. I was so pleased that it just made me want to try harder. My Aunt said that I had it in me all the time. Who knows, maybe I did? Her Boss liked what I did and hired me to start work the next day.

The First Day & All of It’s Surprises

I was so excited cause I got to run the shop all by myself. I had an interesting visitor that night. This hippie-looking guy walks in and wants to buy all the red roses we had on-hand. I called my Aunt right away and told her what the guy wanted. She told me to go ahead and give him a good price and let him buy what he wanted. He bought all 4 bunches (100) we had on hand. Before he left he handed me two tickets to the Rolling Stones concert that was taking place that same night. Oh to my surprise, he was one of the members of the band!

Memories I’ll Never Forget

So sad I was unable to attend the concert, but I still have the tickets as a souvenir. My Aunt has moved on, and so have I. She is and will always be my mentor. I am the owner/designer of my own Floral Shop and I have my Aunt to thank for showing me the knowledge. She is now retired and we call her the Retired Floral Critic. That she is, because every time I send her flowers through a wire service (she lives out of town) yep, she sure does call me, to let me know, yea or nea.

I have been in business for over 15 years, and still love it like I did the first time I laid my eyes on those beautiful blooms.”

– Angelique The FlowerGurl

Whether you are a florist or someone who just loves flowers, we want to hear your story. Use our Share Your Story page to submit yours today!

Best of Easter 2012

Best Easter Articles

We’ve had a lot to say about Easter in the long history of the Bloomin’ Blog. Check out our favorite Easter articles to put you in an egg-cellent mood for this weekend. Easter is April 8th!

Easter Bunny FlowersWhen it comes to sending Easter flowers, just what do you send? This article gives great ideas for the kids, family and even the extended family. Wish everyone a Happy Easter with beautiful pastel blooms.

Lilies are truly a favorite symbol of Easter, but how much do you really know about this beautiful flower? Check out this post for lots of lily facts, trivia

Let’s face it, little kids LOVE Easter and for good reasons: dying eggs and getting messy; hunting them outside in the sunshine; getting more candy than you know what to do with; AND there’s an Easter Bunny?? Sure, there’s more to Easter than that, but to a small kid, it’s all about the bunny!

Easter flowers mark the awakening of spring and the celebration of it’s most highly regarded holiday. Easter lilies are a standard gift during the Easter holiday and for good reason. Easter lilies symbolize purity and grace, which succinctly fit the meaning of Easter.

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April’s Favorite Flower Arrangement

April Flowers

This month’s favorite flower arrangement is simple, yet perfect for this season. Lilies and April go together like peanut butter and jelly. These soft pink blooms are long-lasting and full of character. Blushing Beauty is the perfect name for this arrangement. You can see these blooms look like they are blushing with shyness. If pink isn’t your style, you might also choose white, orange or whatever other color lily your local florist may have. Just give them a call!


Help! I Can’t Get Stephanotis Stems To Stay Fresh!

Stephanotis StemAsk The Expert:

Hi, I can’t get stephanotis stay fresh stems in the UK, so wondered if you could tell me either how to make them or how to wire one. Would cotton wool soaked work at the end? And what gauge wire to use! Thanks so much,

Flower Shop Network Expert Reply:

For the best possible answer, we asked our florists on Facebook. Here is a great reply:

“Upon arrival, open box & make sure cotton/tissue in base is damp. If they’re looking wilty spray them with water or Crowning Glory, recover, close box & into cooler. Upon using, we use the packaged “stephanotis stems” & spray them good with Crowning Glory, been doing this 30+ years & never a problem.” via Janet Frye of The Enchanted Florist in Asheville, NC.

You might also check out this post: How To Keep Stephanotis Fresh In A Bridal Bouquet

Florists on Facebook – Friday Recap

Florists were all about bright and cheery spring colors this week on Facebook this week. For those who don’t know, Flower Shop Network is THE place to be on Facebook for florists. Florists from all across the nation posts pictures of their favorite arrangements created every single week. We love them so much, we started posting them in a recap a few weeks ago. Well, let’s get to the pictures!

Crossroads Florist, Mahwah NJ

By Crossroads Florist in Mahwah, NJ. “Tropic Dreams Bamboo frames outline each arrangement. Green cymbidium orchids perched above are visually connected to the base by strands of steel grass. This florascape would be great as a focal point on a buffet table at a poolside party. Where else could a arrangement like this be used?”

Sassy Flowers, Rexburg Idaho

By Sassy Flowers in Rexburg, ID. “Wanted to share this fun piece we did for a bridal shower over the weekend!”

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What Is Pinterest & How Can It Work For Florists?

Pinterest Explained

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a Virtual Pinboard. It lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes.

Other reasons people use Pinterest:

  • Express yourself through pictures and images relevant to your life.
  • Remind yourself what you want to do, buy or revisit
  • Share or recommend things you think others should know about
  • Learn and explore specific or random topics.
  • Search and discover new or specific things to do, buy, look at or read.
  • All Pinterest members are active parts of the online word-of-mouth marketing team.

Best of all, you can browse pinboards created by other people. Browsing pinboards is a fun way to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests.

Pinterest Example

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What Kind of Palm Tree Has Artichoke-like Fruit?

Ask The Plant Expert:

What kind of palm tree has artichoke-like fruit? Trying to figure out what it is. Comes from a palm tree in central FL (Sarasota area). – Alicia

Screw Pine Fruit

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert:

Because I am not completely familiar with Florida palm trees, I contacted the Plant Sciences Department of the University of Florida to confirm it’s identification. Here is what they said,  “Looks like the fruit of a Screw Pine which is not a pine (Pinus) it is in the genus Pandanus.”   The Pandanus genus are palm-like shrubs (although not closely related to palms). Hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if I can help with anything else.