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Photos From The Great Lakes Floral Expo

Rose & Tulip Arrangement - Great Lakes Floral Expo Photos

Recently, part of the FSN team visited Michigan for the 2012 Great Lakes Floral Expo! It is one of our favorite floral conventions and we look forward to going ever year. The over-all theme of the show this year was Sell-O-Bration and discussed how florists everywhere can rise to the top through Outperforming, Outmaneuvering, and Outselling their competition.

In the animal kingdom, survival of the fittest is the rule. Survival is good – no doubt about it – but thriving is better. The challenge for many floral professionals is going from surviving the current competitive business environment to thriving in it. – Dick Gleason, CF, Conference Vice Chairman.

There were several hands-on sessions, including presentations on wedding design, body flowers, flower photography and much more. Florists also attended presentations on marketing and online resources, and of course – everyone’s favorites – the floral competitions.

I could talk all day about the Great Lakes Floral Expo, but I know you’re here to see the pictures!! Without further adieu…

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FSN Spring Celebration!

It’s feeling like SPRING here at Flower Shop Network headquarters! Today temperatures reached over 80° — the perfect weather to cook out! And that’s just what we did!

FSN President Brock Atwill broke out the grill and cooked us all delicious burgers, chicken burgers, grilled chicken, hot dogs and bratwurst! OH YAH! The FSN crew also brought tons of sides and desserts that would make anyone’s mouth water! Well, it’s time for round 2! Enjoy these pictures:

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Add Fresh Spring Color With African Violets

Send Spring Color With African Violets

Looking for an easy way to add fresh color and interest to a room in your home? What better way to do that and bring spring indoors than with flowers?

African VioletsYou can’t go wrong with African Violets. Not only are they gorgeous, brightly colored and showy, they are safe around kids and pets! With an array of colors including violet, blue, red, white, pink, cream, soft yellow, and bi- or multicolored flowers, it’s easy to see why they are a favorite houseplant. Care of African violets is relatively easy and requires an environment of bright to moderate, but consistent light in an evenly moist and humid atmosphere. (Great for bathrooms and kitchens)

Where To Find African Violets

For the best selection of house plants, such as the African Violet, head on over to your local flower shop! You can rest assured they have had the best of care there. If you do not know your local florist, use FSN’s handy florist finder!

What Is Anthurium Clarinervium?

Ask The Plant Expert:

Have been trying to locate  and information on Anthurium Clarinervium? – Robert

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:

Anthurium Clarinervium are different that the anthurium plants we are used to seeing in stores. They are more known for their beautiful, heart-shaped leaves than their flowers, which are small and understated. Anthurium Clarinervium is native to Mexico and found almost exclusively in that country. Because the leaves feel a lot like cardboard, this plant is often called, Velvet Cardboard.

Anthurium Clarinervium is an easy plant to grow as a houseplant, and can be cared for much like other anthurium house plants. These plants need good, rich soil, a good choice would be soil recommended for orchids. They like to be moist, but not wet and misted often. Lighting should be bright, but indirect sunlight.

For more, visit this post: Anthurium Water & Fertilizer Requirements

Image via i-saint on Flickr.

Tornado & Storm Safety In Your Flower Shop

As tornado season is barely here yet, we’ve already seen some very powerful storms. Flower Shop Network wants all florists (and, well, everyone) to make sure they are ready in the event of a tornado. This post is all about developing your tornado plan, so that if it happens, you know what to do, where to be, and what to expect.

Before A Tornado

  • Tornado SafetyRadio + Batteries – If you’re in an area where tornado are common, be sure you’ve got a good weather radio with extra batteries somewhere in your shop.
  • Know the terminology – A tornado WATCH is issued when weather conditions favor the formation of tornadoes, for example, during a severe thunderstorm — be prepared to take shelter immediately if conditions worsen. A tornado WARNING is issued when a tornado funnel is sighted or indicated by weather radar — You should take shelter immediately!
  • Know the plan – have a plan and know all the safest places in your shop. Safe locations include: a basement or inside room on the lowest floor, such as a closet or hallway. Make sure ALL employees know the location of these safe areas.

Make sure your safe area avoids all: windows, glass doors (coolers), or other dangerous locations in the event of strong winds or hail.

  • Room For All – Make sure the safe area in your building has room for all your employees and more. (You may have customers or suppliers in your store during a tornado.)
  • Be Ready For Anything – Make an emergency kit for your store, including: flashlights, candles, the radio and extra batteries, and a first aid kit.
  • Consider Customers – Have an emergency plan for dealing with customers in the event of a dangerous storm. Make sure your employees know exactly how to handle customers in this situation. It may be a good idea to label your safe locations.
  • Potential Hazards – Evaluate your store for potential dangers. You may want to move vases from an upper shelf to a lower one. Secure wall decorations and anything else that may cause harm during a dangerous storm.
  • Outside Hazards – Identify any hazards outdoors. Secure any unstable items that may be outside your store, decorations, furniture, buckets, etc. Clear any potentially dangerous trees or branches that could fall, causing injury or damage.

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Interview with Betsy Hall

Florists For Change Interview With Betsy Hall

Over the weekend, our team headed to the 2012 Great Lakes Floral Expo in Grand Rapids, Michigan. There, we met up with Betsy Hall, Hall’s Flower Shop in Stone Mountain Georgia.

FSN’s own Brock Atwill had the opportunity to interview Betsy.

Thanks so much Betsy for the interview!

Keep an eye on the Bloomin’ Blog for more from the Great Lakes Floral Expo 2012!

March Newsletter: Spring Fever

March: Catch Spring Fever!

March Favorite Flower Arrangement

Favorite Flower Arrangement For March

March already? Wow! We are excited to bring you this month’s favorite flower arrangement: Lime Green Touch of Class. It may be a mouthful, but this little arrangement goes a long way! It’s roses and deep magenta carnations are romantic enough to send to your sweetie just because, yet playful enough to send to a BFF (best friend forever) to say “thanks!”

Other ideas for sending flowers in March:

  • Send lucky flowers for St. Patrick’s Day! (March 17th)
  • Send for a March birthday
  • Send to congratulate
  • Send to say “I miss you,” (Grandma/Aunts/Old Friends)
  • Say “Thanks” with flowers
  • Say “Job Well Done!”

Whatever your reasons to send flowers this March, always always always use a real local florist!

The Colors of Spring

Spring is just around the corner and I don’t know about you, but we can’t wait! Nothing is better than warm weather and being outdoors! If you want to get a jump start on spring, order a big bouquet of spring blooms — either for yourself, or as a gift! Here are some great spring flower inspirations based on color to get you started:

Yellow Spring Tulips Cherish Spring Flower Arrangement Lyrical Lavender - Featuring Larkspur

 Get More Spring Inspiration!

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Complete Guide To Facebook Timeline For Businesses

Quick Reference

Cover Photos
Likes, Apps & Features
Navigating The Timeline
Milestones Highlights & Stars
Exploring The Admin Panel

(It’s a good idea to read the post thoroughly at least once)

Well, Facebook finally released the new Timeline as an option for Pages. Currently it is just a option, but according to Facebook, everyone’s business pages will convert to the Timeline format on March 30th.

I know when Facebook usually makes these types of changes everyone goes a little nuts, but I’m going to show you why Timeline is going to make Facebook an even greater promotional tool than ever before.

Now let’s take a look at the new fantastic features.

Branding Your Page

Brand has become a new favorite buzz word among advertisers and business owners. Just what is a brand? The American Marketing Association defines a brand as,

“Name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.”

Branding your business is all about standing out from the crowd, but also to stand out in peoples thoughts — you want your brand to be memorable. When people in your area think flowers, they should instantly think of your flower shop!

Consistency is the key to branding your business. By using the same colors, logos, designs or other interesting feature on everything you can, you constantly remind your customers about your brand.

How To Use Facebook To Promote Your Brand

There are many new features of the Facebook Business Timeline that allows you to customize your page like never before.

Cover Picture Example

1. Your Cover Photo

The cover photo is the very large banner that now spans the entire top portion of your Page. This is a great new feature to visually engage your visitors right from the start! Do you update your store front monthly? Now you can show it off on your Facebook Page! There are a few rules, however, Facebook says:

  • This space is not meant for promotions, coupons, or advertisements.
  • Your cover photo should not be primarily text-based
  • You cannot infringe on anyone else’s copyright.
  • Cannot contain price or purchase information, such as “40% off” or “Download it at our website”
  • You cannot add any sort of contact information, such as web address, email, mailing address or other information intended for your Page’s About section.
  • Do not use references to user interface elements, such as Like or Share, or any other Facebook site features
  • Cover photos cannot contain calls to action, such as “Get it now” or “Tell your friends”
  • Covers must not be false, deceptive or misleading.
  • You may not encourage or incentivize people to upload your cover image to their personal timelines.
  • Cover images must be at least 399 pixels wide. (Tip: the bigger the better though, for clarity.)

Now, that’s a whole lot of rules, but the gist of it is, they want you to use photos or artwork only. Be creative and experiment with images your audience responds well to, such as holiday products, store fronts, delivery van photos. [Read more…]

What Kind of Flower Is This?

Ask The Plant Expert:

Someone gave my wife this plant. Her friend called it a “Mari lilly.” I cannot find any information at all about it. There are always four cone-shaped bright red flowers on each stalk. There are six petals each. There may be several stalks of flowers each season. The leaves grow out of the base only. – Paul

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:

Paul, looks like you have an Hippeastrum on your hands, AKA Amaryllis.

We have a great article about amaryllis that explains the name:

At one time, hundreds of plants were labeled Amaryllis from both the new and old world. After a closer look, it was understood that they actually are not from the same genus at all. The name Amaryllis now is used to describe plants from the old world, namely Africa. Plants from the new world are labled Hippeastrum. Currently, there are only two species in the true, Amaryllis genus; the most famous of these is Amaryllis belladonna. The horticultural trade has made little efforts to correct the mislabeled Amaryllis to Hippeastrum, and even if they did, it probably would do very little good.

Read more about this beautiful flower in Amaryllis: The Show-Stopping Diva of Houseplants

Send Luck With St. Patrick’s Day Flowers

Lucky St Patrick's Day

It’s March! Time to get LUCKY with St. Patrick’s Day flowers!

Do you know someone who needs a little lucky this month? Maybe they are taking a big test, trying to get a new job, or making some other big change in their life. By sending St. Patrick’s Day flowers, you not only say “Luck Be With You,” but also show how just much you care.

Choose your favorite green flowers to send or use a beautiful green vase. You could also send a fresh, green house plant, such as Lucky Bamboo. With the help of your local florist, the possibilities are endless!

Lucky flowers include: daffodils, bells of Ireland, white heather.

So send green flowers and avoid getting in a PINCH!