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FSN At the 2013 Northeast Floral Expo

North East Floral Expo 2013

The FSN crew recently returned from Groton Connecticut where they attended the 2013 Northeast Floral Expo. This show is one of the largest florist conventions offered in the States with over 1000 floral industry attendees from more than 9 states.

Welcome to the Northeast Floral Expo!

Wedding work from the Northeast Floral Expo Cascading arrangement from the Northeast Floral Expo Wedding work from the Northeast Floral Expo

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First Day of Spring – Celebrate Spring Equinox

Ah, spring! This season brings more sunshine, warming temperatures, and the rebirth of flowers everywhere.

Warsaw Equinox Festival PhotoThe first day of spring is also the Vernal equinox. The word equinox is derived from the Latin words meaning “equal night.” Days and nights are both approximately 12 hours long, with daytime increasing afterwards. Spring is heralded by the blooming of deciduous magnolias, quince, tulips and daffodils. Life everyone seems to ‘spring forth’.

The celebration of spring takes place in all corners of the world — from India’s Holi color festival, to the hot air balloon festival at the Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico, people everywhere celebrate this ancient solar holiday.

What do many of these celebrations have in common?

  • Spring Flowers – Flowers have been an steady constant in spring celebrations throughout time for people all across the globe. From the symbolic Easter lily that represents a person’s faith in western cultures, to gifts, offerings and blessings of flowers to gods and ancestors in many eastern cultures — flowers are an essential part of most spring celebrations.
  • Spring Cleaning – We do it every year to prepare for summer fun, and you know how great it makes you feel to clear out the junk that seems to pile up during the cold months. In many cultures, the spring clean is a crucial part of practicing their faith.

How can you celebrate spring?

  • Decorate your home – Use spring colors and lots of fresh flowers. Replace anything using dark, winter colors with a fresh new breath of spring.
  • Celebrate family heritage – Take some time to research how your ancestors might have celebrated the solar holiday. For instance, if you come from an ancient Celt background, you might light a bonfire to observe the ancient Gaelic spring festival of Imbolc, in honor your past.
  • Family reunion – That’s what they do in Japan for the vernal equinox, in addition to visiting family graves.
  • A day for Mom – Honor mom with springtime gifts, including flowers and plants. In many Arab countries, the period of the equinox is set aside to honor mothers. Yes, we have Mother’s Day for that, but why wait when you can double her joy?
  • Sunrise celebration – Throughout time, cultures all across the globe have celebrated during sunrise on the morning of the vernal equinox. Why not wake up a little early just to watch the sun rise, especially if the weather is warm enough?

There’s no right or wrong way to celebrate the beginning of spring. Find your own way to welcome the new and highly anticipated season. If you have any suggestions, please add them in the comments below!

Photo via National Geographic

Florist Friday Recap 3/9 – 3/15: Spring GREEN

We are just days away from St. Patrick’s Day 2013 and you can definitely tell from this week’s photo recap! There are so many all-green designs that are perfect for this spring GREEN holiday — Check them out!

Just In Time For St. Patrick’s Day: Green Flower Arrangements

Elegant green floral design by Crossroads Florist, Mahwah NJ

Elegant green floral design by Crossroads Florist, Mahwah NJ

“Black & white simplicity ( with some green of course) Made this arrangement for display on a trade show table for a dental convention”

Green Floral Martini by Honeysuckle Lane, Aurora NE

Green Floral Martini by Honeysuckle Lane, Aurora NE

“Anyone need a drink?”

All-green design by Inspirations Floral Studio, Lock Haven PA

All-green design by Inspirations Floral Studio, Lock Haven PA

“St. Patrick’s Day arrangement”

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March Newsletter: Time For Easter!

Easter Time!

Easter will be here March 31st! 

Celebrating Easter With Flowers

The Easter Lily: For many, the white Easter Lily represents the spiritual side of the holiday and symbolizes purity, virtue, innocence, hope and life. You will find white lilies gracing pulpits, churches, and other places of worship. (Learn more history and fun facts about lilies here.)Flowers For Kids on Easter

Kids Easter Baskets: Easter is one of the most fun holidays for kids: the egg dying, egg hunting, Easter Bunny, and all that candy. This year, why not fill it with other Easter and springtime favorites, such as flowers! Flowers teach kids about spring and the changing seasons, as well as the different types of flowers and how to take delicate care of them. Include little plastic eggs filled with candy, bunny stuffed animals and other fun treats. (Click for more Easter ideas for kids)

Easter Baskets: Who says Easter baskets have to be for kids? Why not send a colorful basket of flowers to your favorite distant relatives, or send one to yourself? A lovely basket full of beautiful flowers not only enhances home decor, but also puts you in a springtime mood. (Read more about how baskets make all the difference.)

Don’t forget your Easter card message when sending flowers as gifts!

Colors of Spring Through FlowersThe Colors of Spring

Spring is just around the corner and I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait! Nothing is better than warm weather and being outdoors!

If you want to get a jump start on spring, order a big bouquet of spring blooms — either for yourself, or as a gift!

In this article, you will find flower arrangement examples in all the favorite colors of spring, including color information, best flower choices and even the color compliments. So check it out!

Continue to see the Colors of Spring in Flowers

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Celebrating Easter with Flowers

Easter will be here the very last day of this month, March 31st. Can you believe it? Whether you’ve been stocking up on egg dye, or completely forgot (it happens), we’re taking a look at how you can perk up your Easter activities with the aid of flowers!

The Easter Lily

Photo of an Easter lily houseplantFirst of all, we can’t forget the spiritual significance of the holiday. For many, the white Easter Lily symbolizes purity, virtue, innocence, hope and life. According to the legend, lilies were found growing in the garden of Gethsemane after Christ’s agony. Tradition has it that the beautiful white lilies spring up where drops of Christ’s sweat fell to the ground in his final hours of sorrow and distress. You will find white lilies gracing pulpits, churches, and other places of worship. (Learn more history and fun facts about lilies here.)

Easter lily poem:

Easter morn with lilies fair
Fills the church with perfumes rare,
As their clouds of incense rise,
Sweetest offerings to the skies.
Stately lilies pure and white
Flooding darkness with their light,
Bloom and sorrow drifts away,
On this holy hallow’d day.
Easter Lilies bending low in the golden afterglow,
Bear a message from the sod
To the heavenly towers of God.

-Louise Lewin Matthews

Easter Baskets

Basket Garden FlowersWho says Easter baskets have to be for kids? Why not send a colorful basket of flowers to your favorite far-away relative? Or maybe ones not-so-far away? And who says you can’t order flowers for yourself? No one! A lovely basket full of beautiful flowers not only enhances home decor, but also puts you in a springtime mood.

There are many different options when ordering Easter baskets from your local florist. You might choose something like what’s pictured left — a colorful, springtime treat. Or you could go with something a little more elegant, such as an all-white basket of flowers with a braided vine handle. Stop by your local florists’ or friend them on Facebook to preview their Easter collections. And if you don’t see what you’re looking for, don’t be afraid to ask! (Read more about how baskets make all the difference.)

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FSN at the 2013 Illinois State Florist Convention

Illinois State Florists' Association - Wonderland 2013 Convention

We just got back from the Illinois State Florists’ Association’s annual convention for 2013 themed, Wonderland. What a wonder it was. From design shows to floral competitions, grants and more — florists from Illinois and surrounding states had their inspiration batteries charged at this show!

Trade Fair Entrance

Trade Show Entrance using over-sized flowers, butterflies and bees, just like you’re stepping into wonderland.

Flower Shop Network's Trade Show Booth

FSN’s Trade Show booth where we gave away our big green tote bags to all who attended.

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March 2013 Flower Sending Opportunities

Who doesn’t love getting flowers? Sending them is just as fun — plus there are so many great excuses to send flowers this March, let’s take a look…

St. Patrick’s Day Flowers

St. Patrick's Day FlowersFlowers for St. Patrick’s Day? Well why not? An all-green bouquet is so beautiful and unique, anyone would love and appreciate receiving it. Maybe someone you know needs a little luck, or maybe you want to thank them for bringing blessings into your own life. Flowers are the perfect way to send these messages.

When To Send? Today! St. Patrick’s Day is Sunday, March 17th. If you send flowers now, your Lucky Charm will be able to enjoy them all week long. Then when the day comes, they can pluck one of the little green flowers to wear on the lapel and avoid the dreaded PINCH!

What To Write?

  • “Hope a bit o’ Irish luck and a bit o’ Irish cheer will snuggle down inside your heart and stay all through the year! Happy St. Patrick’s Day.”
  • “Pinch me! I can’t believe I’m lucky enough to be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with you!”
  • View more St. Patrick’s Day card messages

What To Send? Green of course! You could go with an all-green flower arrangement, or mix in some of the colors also associated with St. Patrick’s Day, such as white and yellow. You might also consider a green house plant.

Spring Flowers

Blooming With Admiration BouquetFlowers almost instantly come to mind when you think Spring. It’s a great excuse to send flowers to someone for a little pick-me-up. Spring flowers make us happier and more energetic. The very first day of spring this year is March 20th.

When to Send? Anytime! Spring last all the way until June, so anytime one of your friends needs to add a little spring in their step, send spring flowers!

What To Send? You can go with so many different approaches when sending spring flowers. From all pastels, to multi-colored, to all one color — the color possibilities are endless. There are some favorite spring flowers to consider: daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, and irises are great choices. Take a look at our Spring Flower Photo Gallery to see a large choice of options.

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Florist Friday Recap 3/2 – 3/8: Blushing Blooms

We sure have a great mix of beautiful designs on tap in this week’s florist recap! The majority of today’s pictures are daily designs from local florists all across the country — these are arrangements you can order and bring into your own home! (Just remember to always use a real local florist.) It’s very obvious spring is just around the corner with the beautiful colors of blushing blooms in today’s lineup.

Everyday Flower Designs

Creative flower arrangement by The Flower Patch & More, Bolivar MO

Creative flower arrangement by The Flower Patch & More, Bolivar MO

“Customer requested ‘creative energy’.”

Unique design by First Class Flowers, Calgary AB CA

Unique design by First Class Flowers, Calgary AB CA

“Unique centrepiece made for a weekly standing order.”

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FSN at the 2013 Great Lakes Floral Expo (Photos)

Unusual photographer themed design at the 2013 Great Lakes Floral Expo

A couple of our FSN team members headed north this past weekend to attend the Michigan Floral Association’s Great Lakes Floral Expo — an event we look forward to every year! Once again the amazing talent at the show blew us away. There were so many fascinating presentations, competitions and enough inspiration to last the entire year.

The Great Lakes Floral Expo is one of the nation’s premier floral shows. This show is a must attend event to those in the floral industry. This event is unique in the floral industry because it is held in conjunction with the West Michigan Home and Garden Show and there are events for the general public.

If you want to get a taste of what the Great Lakes Floral Expo has to offer, check out the photos after the jump:

Convention season has just started. Check out our Florist Conventions & Flower Shows and start planning your trip to one near you!

Send Flowers To Your Lucky Charm

March Flower Arrangement of the Month

Can you believe March is here already? This month is all about spring green and the luck of the Irish. Sunday, March 17th is St. Patrick’s Day — a day when the whole world turns green. As they say, “Everyone is Irish on March 17th.”

Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day In A Whole New Way

While St. Patrick’s Day is not necessarily a floral holiday, sending green flowers is a great way to say thank you to your Lucky Charm. It could be your significant other or even a best friend who has stuck by your side through thick and thin. It could be a study partner who has got you through crunch time. Maybe a last-minute babysitter who makes escape nights possible. Ask yourself, “Who do I need to thank for being a Lucky Charm?” You just might be surprised by how much luck you have through others. The arrangement pictures above, White & Yellow Roses, is a beautiful example of Lucky Flowers to send to your Lucky Charm.

Just remember to always always always use a real local florist when ordering flowers. You will not only be helping your community, but also getting the best quality flowers available. Happy March everyone!