At least, that’s what J M. H. Schwanke, aaf, AIFD, PFCI said about Belvedere Flowers in the flip video below. In the video, he even goes on to say, “Belvedere Flowers is one of the best places to buy flowers, ever.”
Although J Schwanke and Belvedere Flowers say this is “J Schwanke’s shameless promotion of Belvedere Flowers,” I disagreed. I thought this was a very clever way for J to demonstrate the importance of being connected and actively participating in the flower community. And if anyone should know how important it is to be connected in the floral industry, it is J. He has devoted his life to the floral industry, and, in particular, to educating florists.
Anyone familiar with Belvedere Flowers in Havertown, Pennsylvannia knows exactly how connected they are to their flower community. They have a blog, a facebook page and all sorts of cool videos. Like the one of Adam’s Dad creating prom corsages. The music is so appropriate. Rock on, Poppy!!! It proves Belvedere Flowers really does rock!
We can all take a few pointers from this video:
1) We all need to connect with “our” flower community.
2) You never know where the next opportunity to connect will be. So be prepared.
3) Enthusiasm is a natural draw. Let people know how much you love being a florist.
Technology has given us many opportunities in which we can connect to our customers, friends and colleagues. Try embracing one or more of these fantastic platforms (facebook, blogs, videos, photos etc.) as a way to connect. I look forward to seeing how you choose to connect.
To J – Thanks for the great marketing tips, and I can’t wait to check out uBloom’s new flower guide.
To Adam at Belvedere Flowers – Keep up the great work. You Do ROCK!!!!
To All Flower Shop Network Florists – I would love to see your videos. Send them to me – Show me how you rock!
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