Ask the Expert: Why wont my buds on my daffodils bloom?
My daffodils come up, get big buds on them but the buds never open???
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Ask the Expert: Why wont my buds on my daffodils bloom?
My daffodils come up, get big buds on them but the buds never open???
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Mary Ann,
They are several reason why daffodils wont bloom. Since you have buds, I think the problem is insect related and not a fertilizer, water or light issue.
Check your buds for thrips which are an insect that can cause bloom problems. Take a bud and break it open. If you see small creatures crawling around inside the bloom you have thrips. You can control the thrips organically or with an insecticide. Your local garden center should carry a product that is safe to use on your daffodils. I have seen this problem often in roses but I haven’t seen it in daffodils. However the Clemson Extension site discusses the infestation of thrips in flowering bulbs go to