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Black Spot on Pohutukawa

Ask the Expert:our pohutukawa tree
Ours is 3 years old, growing in purpose-built greenhouse (heated as needed). We live in South Hampshire. This past week the leaves are showing black spots. Can I assume it is actually black spot and spray accordingly? I don\’t want to kill it off after all our efforts.
Thanks Janet

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:

Yes, you most likely have a fungal pathogen. It may not necessarily be “black spot” (Diplocarpon rosae) which is usually associated with roses. These type of fungus can all be treated with a fungicide. Pohutukawa are in the greater myrtle family and most all general purpose fungicides should be safe to use.

However to be on the safe side, examine the leaves closely to make sure no insect such as psyllids or a scale is causing symptoms. If turns out to be an insect problem, use a general purpose insecticide.

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