Ask the Expert: Black, Yellow and burnt leaves
I have a peace lily that sits in front of my window. I keep the blinds of my window open so that the plant can get some light because I have brown curtains and brown sheer panels at my window. I water my plant when it feels dry and also I give it a mist. Most of my leaves are yellow at the top with a burnt tip. Some are black on the sides. Even the newer leaves (smaller ones) look as though they are turning. I also noticed today some of the leaves are getting holes. I don\’t know if the holes are from the drooping or what. I love this plant. It\’s from my mother\’s furneral. So please help me to save this plant. P.s. I use tap water that runs through a filter on my sink. Angie
Plant Expert Reply:
I suspect that the peace lily (Spathiphyllum clevendii) is too close to the window and the intesified light is buring the leaves. Move the plant a little farther from the window. When you water the plant make sure to saturate the soil completely. Also, check to see if you have any insects on the plant that might be creating the holes. Should you have an insect problem, spray the peace lily with a houseplant insecticide.
Once you move the plant away from the direct light from the window, the plant should make a full recovery. Good Luck and keep me posted.
This plant questions was sponsored by the local florists in San Antonio.
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