There’s something about the winter that makes us a little blue. It could be the shorter days, the chill in the air, or maybe the end of the year that get’s us down. This is why it’s so easy and so important to chase off the winter blues before they get you down.
Did you know flowers have healing powers? While not strong enough to cure acute illnesses, they can help boost your spirits and lift you up out of the dreary winter funk. How is this possible, you ask? Think of it this way:
Light is a nutrient to living things, just like food. Our bodies need light (the sunshine vitamin), just like plants need sunshine to grow. Well, we all know light is energy, but did you know color is light? That’s right! Color is simply light vibrating at different frequencies. So, if light is energy, and color is light, than that means color = energy!
There is growing evidence that humans respond, both physiologically, mentally and emotionally to different colors. Simply seeing these different colors can be therapeutic, also known as chromotherapy. Read more about chromotheropy.
So you can see, a colorful bouquet of flowers for yourself or a friend is a great way to cure those winter blues! Think about having them on your desk in your office, or some other place at work where you would see them often. Maybe in the kitchen to get you through making all the holiday meals this year. Put flowers wherever you need to feel a little pick-me-up.
Click here for more great ideas for get well flowers!
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