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Brown Edges On A Peace Lily Flower

Ask The Expert: My neighbor just gave my a peace lily from his wifes funeral. It has beautiful white flowers on it, but some of them the edges of the flower is turning brown. He had it outside for a little bit and then moved it to the garage. He said things have been very busy and he didn’t water it like he should. Could that be the problem? The leaves are not brown just the flower.


  1. You have a combination of the natural life cycle of the bloom and a little water stress.

    The blooms will naturally start to die and occasionally turn a little brown. I am sure this process has been accelerated by the water issue. Since the leaves are healthy I would just treat it like nothing was wrong and get it on a regular water schedule.

  2. 1flowerexpress says:

    When flower has turned brown in color usually the flower did not get enough water, but do not worry, you can start to water the flower bit by bit, flower will get to the fresh and green after few days..