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Can An Aloe Vera Be Propagated By Air-layering?

Ask The Expert: Is it possible to “air layer” an aloe vera plant that I just got from a friend? He didn’t know what he was doing and potted in too small of a pot. It’s about 3 feet high and the bottom and middle parts aren’t doing well. There are several smaller plants popping up from the sides at the base of the plant, which I will plant in smaller pots. If I can’t air layer, should I just cut it where it appears appropriate and root it and replant the two/three halves and the smaller shoots all in one pot? Please clarify if you can. Thanks, Vicki


The only way I have ever propagated Aloe vera is by division – removing the smaller shoots from the plant. I haven’t been successful with Aloe vera cuttings but I have had success with other succulents. If you try to propagate Aloe vera by taking cuttings, I would suggest tip cuttings only. Since air layering is normally used on plants with a herbaceus or woody nature, it is probably not appropriate for Aloe vera.