Ask the Expert: please give me tips on china doll aralia plants
every year i buy one of these but with no luck. is there a secret i am missing? i can grow almost anything inside and out.please help thank you Rosemary
Plant Expert Reply:
Here are a few plant care guidelines for China Doll Aralia (Radermachera sinica):
- Keep it away from temperatures below 65 degrees and away from heaters or radiators.
- Place in full bright light but avoid light sources that shine directly on the plant.
- Check the need for water frequently. You will need to let the soil dry to the point of almost wilting but not beyond.
- Fertilize the plant once a month with a water soluble during the growing season (spring & summer) and bi-monthly the rest of the time.
- All growth comes from top. Prune occasionally. After pruning you might need to cut back on watering for a while.
- Watch for signs of Aphids, Mealy Bugs and Spidermites.
These plants tend to go through severe transplant shock. It is important to place them in the optimum location as soon as you bring it home. The first few weeks will be the most difficult for the plant. Don’t fertilize and watch your watering very closely. Good luck. Keep me posted.
I am curious if the China doll can be put on a patio facing East in Eastern Oklahoma???
If the patio is in full sun, you may want to choose another location. They like very bright, but indirect, sunlight.