Attending a state florist convention is incredibly valuable for florists. You learn new tricks and trends, demo new products, learn new techniques from top designers and get business and marketing help from the pros. Why wouldn’t you want to attend!? Here are the shows coming up in June — convention season is just kicking off!
June 10-12, 2011: The Florida State Florists Association Convention will be hosted at the Marriott in Jacksonville, Florida. Florists who are members as well as non-member florists are invited to attend.
June 22-22, 2011: The Society of American Florist (SAF) Growth Solutions will be held at the Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport Marriott South in Dallas, TX. Florists and flower shop owners are invited to attend.
June 25-26, 2011: The Utah Professional Florists Association Convention will be held at the Deer Valley Resort in Park City, Utah. Florists who are members as well as non-member florists are invited to attend.
View More Florist Conventions & Flower Shows
If you know of a show we left out, let me know and I’ll add to the list! (Email me at