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Upcoming June Florist Conventions

Attending a state florist convention is incredibly valuable for florists. You learn new tricks and trends, demo new products, learn new techniques from top designers and get business and marketing help from the pros. Why wouldn’t you want to attend!? Here are the shows coming up in June — convention season is just kicking off!

June 10-12, 2011: The Florida State Florists Association Convention will be hosted at the Marriott in Jacksonville, Florida. Florists who are members as well as non-member florists are invited to attend.

June 22-22, 2011: The Society of American Florist (SAF) Growth Solutions will be held at the Dallas/Ft. Worth Airport Marriott South in Dallas, TX. Florists and flower shop owners are invited to attend.

June 25-26, 2011: The Utah Professional Florists Association Convention will be held at the Deer Valley Resort in Park City, Utah. Florists who are members as well as non-member florists are invited to attend.

View More Florist Conventions & Flower Shows

If you know of a show we left out, let me know and I’ll add to the list! (Email me at social@flowershopnetwork.com)

Easy Twitter For Busy Florists

Facebook, Youtube, and TWITTER?! How can we keep up?

It’s true, social media is a big commitment, but the results are remarkable for social florists! Staying in close touch with your customer base is essential in our very visual business. Adding social media to your routine makes it much easier and faster to get things done. A smartphone is a good idea to add to your mix because it allows you to be social anywhere, anytime!

Twitter is a useful tool for your business, and I’m going to show you the easy ways to making it work for you!

Twitter + Facebook = Harmony

Combining Facebook and TwitterFirst DO THIS, make Twitter easy, make it automatic!

You update your Facebook often, why not have those feed into your Twitter? When you update a status, add photos or share a link, it will automatically send these updates to your Twitter followers — it’s that easy! This way, you have a presence on Twitter, but are not spending any more time than normal.
[Read more…]

New Facebook Feature Could Mean Big Help For Florists

I am so excited about the newest feature announced by Facebook yesterday! If you recall our post on Tips For Tagging Pictures For Business Pages, we explained how Facebook did not allow for individuals to tag Pages in their pictures, well…


What does this mean for you?

Facebook Tagging For Business PagesScenario 1: Sally Prom-Goer has just received her first prom corsage; she is so excited she instantly takes a picture with her phone and uploads it to Facebook for all of her friends to see. Included with her corsage was a card saying ‘Tag us on Facebook!’ and a address to your shop’s Facebook Page. She easily finds your Page, tags you in her picture.

So now she will forever have a picture of her corsage on her profile AND a link to your shop’s page. Of course, it’s the best looking corsage -ever- because it came from your shop, so all of her friends know exactly where to go when they need a corsage.

Scenario 2: Jenny Newlywed has just got all of her pictures back on a CD from her wedding photographer. Of course, she uploads them all to Facebook to show her friends and family. There are many beautiful pictures of the bouquets, reception flowers, and more designs from your flower shop. You send Jenny a private message in Facebook asking her to please tag your shop in the pictures of the flowers because they were so beautiful. You and Jenny got along great, and she instantly tags your shop in some 30 pictures.

Scenario 3: Robert Romantic sent his wife, Louis, 24 roses for their 10th wedding anniversary. Robert is at work when the flowers are delivered to their home, so Louis takes a picture of her arrangement with her mobile phone and uploads it to Facebook to show her friends, as well as Robert.

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Tips On Tagging Pictures in Facebook For Business Pages

[UPDATE] Facebook has added more new tagging features
that are outlined in this post: Tagging For Business Pages

A lot of talk is going on right now about image tagging in Facebook. Unfortunately, as it is currently, you are unable to tag business Pages in personal Profiles.

That means, when Sally Prom-goer posts her prom corsage pictures to her profile, she CANNOT tag your business Page in them. It would be a really cool feature, and maybe Facebook will add this later, but as it stands, no go.

You may have seen ‘business Pages’ doing this, but it’s because they are using a personal Profile. Many small businesses incorrectly set up personal profiles for their businesses because they were unsure how to originally do it. Facebook now has a Profile to Page migration tool to encourage businesses to stop using personal Profiles. Although being able to tag your incorrect business profile is a great feature, you are missing out on MANY of the draws to having a business page:

  1. Analytics Abilities – be able to track the number of interactions your page has with fans, view key demographics like sex, age, and location, and more.
  2. Get Found – people usually look for Pages when searching for a business on Facebook.
  3. Simplicity – instead of logging in from one account to the other, Facebook allows you to switch between your personal Profiles and business Pages with just one click.

Alas, you can still use tagging!

Tag PhotoIndividuals cannot tag your business Page in their pictures, BUT they can tag themselves in YOUR pictures.. So, create an album just for pictures of prom corsages you’ve made, and encourage girls to tag their corsages in YOUR pictures. Why? This adds the picture of your beautiful prom flowers to their page and shares it with all of their friends. Try the same thing with wedding flower albums. Events, holidays, the list goes on and on.. The more pictures you post, the more opportunity it is for your fans have to interact with your Page.

This post is brought to you by Missoula, MT florists.
Not in Montana? No worries, use Flower Shop Network to find your REAL local florist!

Quality Is Still King

Spring Flower ArrangementDid you know that customers ranked quality as the highest attribute when purchasing flowers (from a recent Floral Marketing Research Fund report)? Price ranked somewhere in the middle. What does that mean for florists? Without quality, all the marketing, advertising, social media and discount pricing, won’t guarantee repeat business.

Here are a few tips to help assure quality in your shop with your flowers:

Know your suppliers. Ask them how flowers are taken care of prior to delivery.

Follow good flower preparation procedures as soon as you receive your flowers.

Flowers are living things and need care as such. Make proper care and handling a routine to ensure quality products every time!

  • As soon as you receive your flowers, unpack immediately and allow them to breath.
  • Next, re-cut and condition as needed per plant type.
  • Use properly sanitized containers with about 8 inches of luke-warm water.
  • Add floral preservative to the water, making sure it’s well-dissolved.
  • Before placing flowers into the water, make sure all foliage is removed below the waterline.
  • Follow good flower shop employee hygiene. Use clean hands when handling fresh flowers. Dirt and sweat on the hands can potentially damage new flowers.
  • Let new flowers stand in containers for a few hours to ensure they are properly hydrated BEFORE you use them in arrangements.
  • Make sure each product variety is stored at the proper temperature and humidity. This differs depending on the plants, but generally around 35° and 80% humidity.
  • Store flowers properly. Understand the different shelf lives each flower and arrange accordingly. Develop a system for your shop to keep up with shipments.
  • Send care instructions with every arrangement sold.

Exceptions To The Rules – Flower prep differs from flower to flower, learn the methods needed to work with each flower you use. Here are some examples:

  • Daffodils – condition separately from your other product until the toxic sap drains.
  • Hydrangea – submerge flower heads into luke-warm water for about 2 minutes before recutting, to encourage hydration.
  • Phalaenopsis orchid – float in lukewarm water for about 15 minutes to encourage hydration. Spray a light coating of white floral paint on the backs of the petals to seal pores and discourage bruising.

These aren’t the only flowers that need special prep. Always

If flowers are near the end of their shelf life, don’t use them in arrangements. Instead use them as specials or bargain items. Just be sure to inform the customer that these bargain flowers may not last as long as your premium ones.

Quality can make or break a shop. Make quality a number one priority.

This post is brought to you by local Ann Arbor MI florists.
Not in Michigan? No worries, Flower Shop Network connects you to YOUR local florist!

The Future Is Coming! Are YOU Ready?

The success of flower shops, now and in the future, depends on the ability of florists to connect with, and cultivate the Generation Y (People from 20 to 35 years of age) consumer. Fortunately, there are only two things you need to know about Generation Y.

Number 1. It’s ALL about them

Make it all about them by communicating on their level. How?

Connect with them on Facebook or other social media sites.

If your shop is still not on Facebook, what are you waiting for!? It’s the easiest, FREE way to market yourself online! A Facebook Business page has become almost as essential to businesses as a website and phone number.

Create a strong online presence — a website with mobile abilities.

Your website is the most important online asset to your website. Keep it in mind when promoting yourself everywhere on the web. Share pages of your website on Facebook. Make sure it’s also advertised on your business cards, and any print material.

Court them. They are more interested in what you can do for them than what your accomplishments are.

AIFD, PFD, CMF — the list goes on and on. While these are impressive accomplishments, Gen Y is more interested in what you can do FOR them than what your background is. Show them by having pictures available online, and in the shop of your past designs, events you’ve done and anything else that will show them just what you’re capable of!

Appeal to their visual need for information.

Generation Y loves visuals, graphics, pictures, video, it’s time for you to start using more! Of course on your website and Facebook Page, but also offline as well. [Read more…]

SCAM ALERT: Fake Google Promo Scam

Our FSN reps have been getting calls from our florist friends about a phone scam that is targeting small businesses.

Florists are receiving phone calls with call ID’s listed as private or unknown. The caller says the local business has been using a promotional code or a special promotion from Google and it has expired. They claim the florist owes Google a specific amount of money (around $500 in one case) or Google will remove them from their ranking. In most cases, the scam artist knows specific information (including the owners name) about you and your business.

[update] Scammers are using Yahoo local and other search engines and directories for this scam, not just Google.

BE AWARE of this scam and protect yourself and your staff from giving any information to the scam artist.

Tips for if this happens to you

Request a signed copy of any promotional materials you allegedly agreed to be faxed to you.

Request a copy of any recording of any phone conversation where you might have agreed to this.

Request an email with links or further documentation where you would have agreed to this.

(After one florist requested proof, the scammer hung up.)

You can also contact your State Consumer Fraud Line.

See more florist scam alerts

Easter Marketing & Promos

What are the key icons of the Easter we can use in our designs? pastels colors, spring flowers, crosses, Easter lilies, dyed eggs, chicks, rabbits.

  • Decorate your store window with everything spring and Easter. Make sure everyone thinks YOUR STORE when they think EASTER! Use large, creative displays to set yourself apart from the Easter aisle at your grocery store!
  • Create a few Easter flower arrangements and advertise them on your Facebook page as special/limited editions.
  • Suggest to local businesses and restaurants to buy your limited edition arrangements for easy decorations for their shops.
  • Contact local restaurants about using simple spring flowers on their tables as centerpieces. Offer this for free if they will let you attach a small ribbon or card to the flowers with the name of your shop and your website URL.
  • Check the dollar stores, party stores or FGmarket for assorted, inexpensive Easter party favors and accessories to include in your most fun arrangements. [Read more…]

Promoting During Prom Season

First off, if you rely on teens to come by corsages at your store because you’re the only flower shop in town, you’re missing out on A LOT of opportunities. If these kids don’t know what is available to them, they won’t expect anything more than just a rose and ribbon for their wrist. Let’s make it our job as a florist to SHOW them what’s out there and exactly what we can do!

Our goal at prom season is, of course, to make money. The best way to make MORE money this prom season is by producing quality, creative designs girls will instantly fall in love with! Go the extra step to dazzle her with the details.

Ahh! Prom — Where do we begin?

Creative Prom CorsageThe key to creating the perfect corsage for a teen is by complementing their own, particular style and the dress they’ve picked out. This is a problem because, for the most part, the guy buys the corsage. Don’t be discouraged, with technology and teenagers today you can possibly get a picture of the dress in just a few minutes. If the mom of the boy calls ahead of time, ask her then to somehow send a picture of the dress in order to match the style and colors. Have the pictures sent through text or email them to the shop. Let them know it’s not necessary, but it is a way to get the very best results! It may be easy if her dress is black and white, but some colors are a little more fuzzy. Your idea of blue-green maybe totally different that someone else. The dress also gives you a good idea of the price point for the customer.

The next thing to consider is the style. Is the girl going for a classic, vintage look; perhaps it’s more of a playful, colorful look? She may be into a more edgier, Lady GaGa style. Whatever the look, have fun with it!! This is YOUR TIME to show your talents! Suggest flowers in complementary colors instead of perfect matches. The prom corsage should make the dress POP and really complete the over-all look! Don’t settle for just a rose-and-ribbon corsage when you can have so much more!

Extra Selling Points For Prom

Corsage Bar: A great way to spike your prom sales this season is with the new and popular Corsage Bar! Bring out all of your fantastic prom accessories, ribbon, and gems for display in a buffet-like setting. This allows corsage-buyers to pick and choose their favorite accents. Everyone loves customization, and allowing the customer to personalize their corsage their way, it really makes them feel even more connected to the design. As they are looking through your prom accessories, suggest interesting options that they might not think of that really work great with their look!

Body Flowers: Who’s to say flowers belong only on the wrists? We’ve seen prom flowers for the hair, prom flowers on the shoes, prom flower rings, over-the-shoulder flowers… the list goes on and on. This is another feature that depends on the style of the dress. If it’s short, make flowers for the shoes and ankles; is it off one shoulder? — adorn it with flowers! Remember to do everything tastefully and fashionably. We want them to look stylish, not decorated. Show them your talents for matching color and style, they won’t soon forget it!

Prom Corsage Alternatives and Extras

Beautiful Bouts: Boutonnieres can be just as fun and funky as corsages and body flowers! This can be the selling point to really get the guy’s mom into it. Show her masculine options to complement the date’s corsage.

Polka Dot Prom Corsage Polka Dot Prom

On Display: Pre-make a few creative and over-the-top styles. With all of the playful prom styles out this year, you’d be surprised what the teens go for! If you have a local formal-wear store in your town, call them to ask what styles and colors are most popular in your area. You might have to use silks to ensure they last through the prom season. If you can’t pre-make corsages for your store, create a prom inspiration flip-book with past designs, magazine clippings, printed pictures from the internet, etc. Remember, if they can’t see it, they won’t ask for it. [Read more…]

Great Lakes Floral Expo – We’ll See You There!

Great Lakes Floral ExpoThe Great Lakes Floral Expo

Friday March 4th — Sunday March 6th, 2011

DeVos Center – Grand Rapids, MI

Just a reminder, the Great Lakes Floral Expo is coming up THIS WEEKEND!

The Great Lakes Floral Expo is one of the nation’s premier floral shows. Hosted by the Michigan Floral Association and held at the DeVos Center in Grand Rapids. This show is a must attend event to those in the floral industry. This event is unique in the floral industry because it is held in conjunction with the West Michigan Home and Garden Show and there are events for the general public.

The Michigan Floral Association brings together the TALENT of floral industry experts to showcase today’s top trends and the up-to-date information all florists need to know. Come join us and see every show! For more information, visit their website.

The Flower Shop Network crew will be there!
Be sure to visit our booth at the trade show! We can’t wait to meet you!