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Holiday Highlight: Christmas

The Christmas season has already begun, and we’re so excited for all the holiday festivities! Have you put flowers at the top of your nice list for the holiday season? They’re a great addition to all the Christmas celebrations you’ll be having, so we’ve got a few ideas for how to incorporate them! [Read more…]

Holiday Highlight: Thanksgiving

Sunflowers with corn cobs and the text "Holiday Highlight: Thanksgiving"

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and we are so excited for family, fun, and food. There’s another F of Thanksgiving we can’t let you forget about though—FLOWERS. They’re perfect to give as a thank-you to your host, or as a centerpiece on your own Thanksgiving table!  [Read more…]

Holiday Highlight: Halloween

Spooky season has arrived, and what better way to celebrate than with some stunning fall flowers? October 31st is the perfect time to showcase those creepy vibes in your decor—take it a step further with the flowers you display! [Read more…]

Holiday Highlight: Grandparents Day

Each year on the first Sunday after Labor Day, we celebrate some very special people in our lives: our grandparents! This year, Grandparents Day falls on Sunday, September 11th, and it’s the perfect time to show your grandparents some love and let them know you’re thinking of them! [Read more…]

Holiday Highlight: National Couples Day

Love is in the air this August! National Couples Day falls on August 18th, and it’s the perfect time to let your partner know how you feel about them. Want to know the best flowers to send your significant other? Keep reading to find out!

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Holiday Highlight: International Day of Friendship

Friends are the ones who are there for us through all of our great and not-so-great moments, and the International Day of Friendship on July 30th is the perfect time to celebrate them! Keep reading to learn more about the history of the holiday and the best flowers you can send your besties.

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Holiday Highlight: Father’s Day

On the third Sunday of June, there’s an extra-special reason to celebrate Dad! Father’s Day is the perfect time to give dad something he’ll love. Keep reading to learn more about the history and the best gifts for your father.

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The Best Mother’s Day Flowers

The Best Mother's Day Flowers

Your mom might tell you not to get her anything, but we all know she’ll love getting a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers! With Mother’s Day only a few weeks away, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite mom-approved bouquets just for you! [Read more…]

Holiday Highlight: Mother’s Day

Mothers should be celebrated every day, but on the second Sunday in May, we have a day dedicated to nothing but mom. Mother’s Day is the perfect time to send mom something special! Keep reading to learn more about its history and the best flower choices to send your mom.

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Fresh & Fragrant Easter Flowers

Easter is almost here! Add some gorgeous fresh flowers to your decor this Easter season! Fresh and fragrant, these bouquets are sure to stun and brighten your holiday festivities. [Read more…]