Ask The Expert: I have been reading about the bamboo plants, I had a coworker tell me to wash mine and rinse out the rocks, so I did. But after reading your info.. I am afraid mine is fungus!! That can’t be good to breathe in!! Most of the stalks around the outside are black and mushy.. the coworker thought if I cleaned them they would be OK.. now I am afraid I set mold up into the air!!! Deana
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert: I wouldn’t worry too much about the fungus going into the air. However, any lucky bamboo stalk that is mushy has a problem. I recommend topping the lucky bamboo and starting new plants. Then discard the black mushy part of the stalk. Wash the rock and container with hot soapy water and rinse thoroughly. Then fill the container with distilled water and place the tops in the water. They should start to form new roots in a couple of weeks.
To learn how to root new lucky bamboo stalks read the following:
Turn Your Lucky Bamboo Top Into A New Plant
Topping Lucky Bamboo
What Is A Lucky Bamboo Node