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What Cause Yellow Tips On Lucky Bamboo?

Ask the Expert: Why are the tips of my lucky bamboo turning yellow. I use bottled water (purified drinking water). I also use 10 drops of Green Green once a month. It is a four stalk lucky bamboo approximately 24″ tall from root to top. It sits on a file cabinet near west windows. However, because we are in a high rise office building with other mid-rise buildings around it, the sunlight is indirect. Carolyn

Plant Expert Reply:
Let’s look at the reasons lucky bamboo leaves turn yellow. Leaves turn yellow because of too much light or tow much fertilizer. It doesn’t sound like a light issue. Since it receives fertilizer once a month, fertilizer could be the issue. Although the plant is acclimated to this amount of fertilizer. Just to be on the safe side, empty the container and fill with fresh water.

There are a few factors that could also be the culprit. Low humidity can cause the leaf tips to turn brown. However, they might yellow first. Try misting the plant every couple of days. Other factor could be a change in temperature. If the office windows are creating a colder climate around the plant, the leaves may turn yellow. In this case you may need to move the lucky bamboo to a warmer location.

Traveling Lucky Bamboo Turning Yellow

Ask the Expert: lucky bamboo plants
I’ve recently brought 2 bamboo plants from Scotland to Barcelona in Spain and one of these plants has recently started to turn yellow from not quite the top of the stalk and this colour is travelling down the stalk.  At the bottom of the stalk where it”s still green are new leaves coming out of a new little stalk.  There’s still a leaf coming out of the top of the stalk (where it’s still green).  The other plant seems to be fine.  I’ve put both these plants together with a 3rd plant which has always been in our house in Barcelona – also healthy.  I’m particularly keen to know what to do with the plant turning yellow as they were my dad’s plants and he just passed away a couple of months ago and I obviously want to keep them.  Could it be the change of location or different type of water?  I was using tap water here in Barcelona but have now changed to bottled water, having read some other postings.  Also, what should I do about the new shoot at the bottom of the stalk!
?  I’s still healthy but because it’s quite low down is inside the large glass container I keep them in, about an inch above the water. I’m scared the yellow colour is going to spread down and infect that part too!   I keep them inside where they get some light but not bright direct sunlight.
Thanks very much in advance. Catherine

Plant Expert Reply:

All plants will go through transplant shock when moved. Wilting, pale coloring and lack of growth  can all be a result of transplant shock. Normally we recommend leaving the plant alone during this period. However with yellowing in lucky bamboo, we look for other causes as well. In lucky bamboo, yellowing is usually caused by one of two factors: too much light or too much fertilizer.  Too much light usually occurs from top down— while too much fertilizer occurs from bottom up.  In your case, the yellowing seems to be from the middle traveling downward. This makes me think it is a damage issue and not the normal transplant shock or yellowing issues.

Check the stalk. Do you see a slight wound or rust spot? If you do, the stalk has been compromised and now has a pathogen causing the yellowing. To treat this problem remove the infected stalks from the other stalks. Now you will need to take the infected stalk and remove the damaged part.  You will do this the same way you would propagate a new lucky bamboo stalk.  Place the healthy green part attached to the roots in its own container filled with distilled water.  If the top still has a healthy green part propagate a new stalk (be sure to use the rooting hormone) and place in the conatiner with the stalk with roots. Throw the yellow part of the stalk away.

Good Luck and keep me posted on the prgress of your lucky bamboo.

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Lucky Bamboo From Water To Soil

Ask The Expert: I have a lucky bamboo plant that I have had for 2 years. It is doing very well in water.  I would love to put it in soil, though, thinking that it would do a lot better.  I was thinking of buyin a good peet moss.  Would that be alright, or should I get just a flower pot mulch? Greg

Plant Expert Reply:

Although lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) is normally potted in soil, I would not recommend it after it has been grown in water.  If you decide that it must be in soil, pot it in a basic houseplant medium.  You will need to keep the soil very moist to begin with and then reduce to a medium moisture level.

You will need to watch for root rot.  When you transfer it to a very moist soil, you have a chance of root rot occurring.

Help, Lucky Bamboo In Soil Is Yellowing!

Ask the Expert: lucky bamboo plant
My son gave me a lucky bamboo about 1 1/2 years ago. When I received it, it was in soil. One of the stalks is turning really yellow now. Should I put it only in water. I don”t want my son to think I don’t just love it and I don’t want to lose it either. Can you help me to bring it back to life. Shirley

Plant Expert Reply:
Lucky bamboo that has been grown in soil should not be place in a water only environment. If the yellow stalk is completely yellow it will continue to die. You need to remove it from the soil and discard it, unless the stalk contains a healthy green section. If it has a healthy green section, you can propagate a new stalk. Read one of our previous posts that explains how to propagate lucky bamboo which also includes pictures. You can place the newly cut piece in water or soil.

To keep the other stalk from turning yellow, you need to watch out for a few issues. One make sure the soil is moist but not soggy.  Soil that holds to much water and can’t drain will cause lucky bamboo to turn yellow.  Watch your fertilizer – too much can cause lucky bamboo to turn yellow. Last but not least, make sure your lucky bamboo does not receive too much light or a severe change in temperature.

Good luck and keep me posted.

Is Distilled Nutrient Water Good For Lucky Bamboo?

Hi Jamie,

I found your email on a post of yours on a gardener website.  My lucky bamboo has a yellow stalk (stem) but the bottom is green and plant part is green.  What can I do to save this plant…  If anything.  I bought some distilled nutrient water from health food store.  I had to move plant as I was moving and at some point it may have gotten a bit more of sun then it liked.  I emptied water refilled container with distilled, although didn’t take it out of the gravel rocks in container when changed the water.  Kids used tap water and I may have at some point forgetting about the water issue.  Now I have a gallon of distilled w/minerals and hoping to fix it.  Can I, also is another option to do a cutting from above the stalk part or must it have that.. maybe that’s a foolish question.  But, I’m not very good with plants with the exception of a spider plant I’ve had for 10 yrs. Darien

Jamie’s Reply
I am not familiar with distilled nutrient water.  I assume that if it came from a health food store it has been supplemented with nutrients for human consumption. You can check the label for the nutrients that have been added to the water. Although humans and plants need the same basic nutrients, this water may not be the best thing to use for your plants. Lucky bamboo is very sensitive to certain chemicals and minerals which is why I recommend distilled water. The distilling process removes minerals and chemicals from the water.

I would go back to using a plain distilled water. I would also remove the yellowing part of the lucky bamboo.  You can cut the top of the lucky bamboo off and the remaining stalk and roots will allow the plant to form new leaves.  If the top of the lucky bamboo is green you can cut it and new roots will form.  I wrote a post a while back that demonstrates how to propagate new lucky bamboo from this type of situation.  The photos and detailed explanation in the above post will help you determine how and where to cut your lucky bamboo.
Good luck and keep me posted.

What To Do When Lucky Bamboo Stalk Can’t Support Itself

Ask the Expert: Hi,

I have a question about caring for my lucky bamboo plant.  I have had the plant for 2 and a half years, and the branch has gotten so large that it cannot even stand up straight anymore because of the weight.  It seems like the base node of the stalk is too thin to support it, though it is green and looks healthy.  What would you recommend?  Should I try to find some kind of wooden pole for support.  Your advice is highly appreciated.

Best Regards,
Alaina Kiskaddon

Plant Expert Reply:

Lucky bamboo stalks that are flimsy because they are too long need to be topped.  This gives you a great opportunity to create new stalks.

Before you top your lucky bamboo, you will need a few things: a sharp knife, rooting hormone, a container for the new stalks, and a water mist bottle.  I recommend using distilled water with lucky bamboo, but you can use tap water. If you use tap water it will need to aerate it overnight  before you use it.

Once you have assembled your tools, determine how short you want your existing stalk to be after you top it.  Now find a node close to the height you want the stalk to be.  The node is the raised ring on the lucky bamboo stalk.  Cut the lucky bamboo stalk off an inch above the node.  The part that is still attached to the roots will form new leaves and the part (top) that is left will become a new lucky bamboo stalk.  Dip the cut end of the top in rooting hormone and let dry.  When the rooting hormone has dried, place it in the new container filled with water.

In a couple of weeks the top will develop roots.  In a few weeks the existing stalk will form leaves. However, to help the leaves form you new leaves you will need to mist the stalks.  Start misting the stalk a couple of days after you have topped it.  Mist it once or twice a day until the leaves form.

You can create new stalks any time by repeating the process. Good luck and keep me posted.

Picture of a lucky bamboo node.

Is Well Water Making My Lucky Bamboo Yellow?

Ask the Expert: Lucky Bamboo

Yellowing Lucky Bamboo

Yellowing Lucky Bamboo

I have a Lucky Bamboo and it was doing fine. All of a sudden the leaves have turned brown and are limp. It has stopped growing in height also. I have made sure that it doesn’t dry out. We have well water here and I was wondering if there could be something in that, and this is why the plant is now this way, or is it possible that it has outgrown its container?
Any suggestions???? BARB

Plant Expert Reply:

Do you keep the jar filled with water?  If you are only watering evey few days, the lack of water would be the porblem.  Lucky bamboo grown in water needs at least 3inches of water at all times.  The problem is more likely a fluoride problem. Believe it or not private well water oftem contains fluoride which can cause yellowing in lucky bamboo.  I suggests you pour some of your well water into a container with a wide mouth and let it set over night.  The fluoride will evaporate during this period.  You can then use it to water your lucky bamboo.   I also suggest cutting the tops opf your lucky bamboo off  – the stalks will create new leaves.

All Good Things Come To An End Even Lucky Bamboo

Ask the Expert: Why is my lucky bamboo yellowing and droopy
My 5yr old lucky bamboo is in a small pot glued in under pebbles and can’t be repotted.  It’s leaves used to stand straight up, but over the last month, it’s leaves have begun to yellow and are now yellowing rapidly.
The stalks are still dark green, but the leaves are drooping badly.  Can I save my plant? Jan

Plant Expert Reply:

All good this come to an end and so has your lucky bamboo and it’s container.  The container no longer gives the lucky bamboo what it needs – a good home.

I suggest you propagate new lucky bamboo stalks.  To do this you will need rooting hormone (a powdery substance from your local garden center), a new container, a sharp knife and some distilled water.  Begin by locating a node (raised ring on the stem of you lucky bamboo stalk) that is half way up the stalk.  Now take the knfie and cut the stalk at a 45degree angle about an inch above the node.  Now you have a top with no roots and a bottom with no leaves.

Take the top and dip the cut side in rooting hormone.  Wait any where from 2 hours to 24hours and place the top in the new container with water. In a couple of weeks, this stalk will form roots and you will have a new plant.

Usually the bottom will develop new leaves beside the cut.  However since the container is small and glued in this may not occur.  I would still give it a try.  Beginning 2 days after cutting, start misting the plant twice a day.  Do this until you see new shoots for on the sides of the cut.

Once you have roots and leaves treat your plants as you did before you propagated them.  Good Luck and Keep me posted.

Changing Lucky Bamboo Containers

Lucky Bamboo Pot Option

Lucky Bamboo Pot Option

Ask the Expert: Re-plant my Lucky Bamboo
As you can see from the pictures my lucky bamboo plant has (I think) all but outgrown its original glass planter.
I would like to re-plant it in the new planter (see picture).
Will it look okay in this new planter?
Can I use rocks to fill it (along with the small pebbles it came with) and if so what kind of rocks I should use?
Clean and wash them?
What else do I need to be aware of?

Plant Expert Reply:

I think the lucky bamboo will look fine in the crytal shoe.  You have two options: 1) You can place river rock pebbles in the container.  You will need to wash the rock first with warm soapy water and then rinse them before placing them in the shoe. 2) Don’t place any pebbles in the container – I have had lucky bamboo in a vase without pebbles.

When you transfer the lucky bamboo use distilled water.  You might lightly prine the roots at this time. The lucky bamboo may go into transplant shock for a couple of weeks. Don’t panic just let it be and it will come out of it.

Gelatin Like Substance On Lucky Bamboo Roots

Ask the Expert: Lucky Jello?

Lucky Bamboo Roots

Lucky Bamboo Roots

My Lucky Bamboo was a birthday present from my mother almost 3 years ago. I guess I never really looked at the plant, but today I noticed a gelatinous substance in the roots. Also my plant has stopped absorbing water as often. . .

Lucky Bamboo With Gelatinous Substance

Lucky Bamboo With Gelatinous Substance

I don’t know what to do.   I’ve attached pictures of the mysterious gelatin-like substance that’s permeating the roots of my plant. And a picture of the roots just in case that would be helpful. Dee

Plant Expert Reply:

Your plant may have come with water crystals ( a polyacrylamide substance that helps retain water).  These crystals absorb water so that later they can release water when the plant needs it.  I don’t know why some lucky bamboo sellers do this – it is unnecessary.  After all the lucky bamboo is in water.  The crystals shouldn’t cause a problem.

However if the substance seems more organic or has a bad odor, decaying material may be the problem.  The rooting plant material may have caused a fungus which will cause problems with the lucky bamboo stalks.

Either way you can get rid of the gelatin-like substance by washing the roots.  It may also be a good time to prune the roots or move the stalks into a larger containers. Before you place the stalks back in the container, test all the stalks making sure that they are all firm.  Remove any stalk that feels soft. This way if any disease has occurred, you will be removing it.

If your plant looks healthy, I wouldn’t worry to much about the water intake.  It could be related to a humidity factor in the environment.