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Does Lucky Bamboo Bloom?

Ask the Expert: When does the Blooming “Lucky Bamboo” put on bloom
At what time of year can I expect this blooming lucky bamboo to bloom?  When I bought this one others were blooming and that was 11 months ago now.   Tippie



I haven’t seen lucky bamboo bloom.  Although all plants bloom at some point, the blooms may be small and [Read more…]

Lucky Bamboo Care: Changing the Water and Container

Ask the Expert: Bamboo plant
I bought a very small bamboo plant that needed some care. It seems to be coming back with some new growth. It’s in about a three inch square container. When do they need to be transplanted, can you use any type of container, does it take special rocks to put it in, how often does the water need to be replaced?  Michelle


I assume you are asking about a lucky bamboo plant and not real bamboo, since it is growing in water.  The nice thing about lucky bamboo is that it is fairly easy to care for and does not require a lot of space to [Read more…]

Why Do I Have Cloudy Water In My Lucky Bamboo Container?

Ask the Expert: Cloudy water in bamboo

I have read a bit about the bamboo, including a question from another person, but am still in the dark.
I have had several bamboo pieces for three years now, and just recently the leaves started to turn brown and the water was smelly and cloudy.  I have cleaned the stems and roots, as well as the rocks and containers, but they still turn the same.  This has never happened before.  I feel horrible that I have to throw one out because it has grown to over 3 feet!  Please help!  Alexis

Why Would Lucky Bamboo Suddenly Turning Yellow

Ask The Expert: Hello,
Please help me. I read your article on lucky house bamboo. I purchase 3 plants (stalks) in May 08 and until recently they were just fine. They did not grow much however I do have some plants growing out of them. I have them in water in a vase, which is how they were in the florist section of my food store. I noticed about a week ago that one of them is turning yellow. Is this a problem? Should I isolate it from the others? Is there anything I can do to help it return to green? Should I take the others out of the water and plant them in soil? These plants are 20 inches in height and the leaves growing from them are about 2 inches so far.

Thanks for answering with information you might have.


Are Massive Roots Causing Yellow Leaves In Lucky Bamboo?

Ask The Expert: My lucky bamboo is not really growing much although its roots are growing very fast.  I have to keep buying bigger containers to put it in as the leaves turn yellow.Can I trim the roots..appreciate any advise. its looks silly a small plant in a big pot.
thank you, cynthia arcese

What A Lucky Bamboo Wants

Ask the Expert: re Lucky Bamboo

Hello I have just purchased 3 Lucky Bamboo .
Two questions I have for you…
1) Mine has root “hairs” coming out not only at the bottom of the stem but on a couple of places further up the stem….so should I put in sufficient water to cover up to the highest roots on the stem.
2) My container is a tall blown glass vase bulbs at the bottom …then waisted….then flared out at the top. The 3 stems are well supported but do they need stones/marbles/glass beads or semi precious i.e. rose quartz…for food or energy value? Thank you for reading this. Rose.

Giving Lucky Bamboo A Fresh Start

Ask The Expert: Lucky Bamboo.  My bamboo plants are too tall.  Can I cut the roots off and put them back in the water and let them grow new roots? Sharon

Lucky Bamboo with Webs and Bugs

Ask The Expert: I have a Lucky Bamboo plant that is accumulating small webs and bugs on it.  What is the best treatment for that? Sheri

Trouble With Lucky Bamboo Potted In Soil

Ask the Expert: please tell me how to save my lucky bamboo

I live in the Caribbean and approx seven months ago, my mother gave me a soil potted lucky bamboo/dracaena sanderiana plant(which I fell in love with and have become attached to) as an additional wedding present. It was looking so healthy and growing tall (almost 5ft). However, the tips of the leaves started to turn brown so i assumed it outgrew the pot which it had come in, so I asked my husband who by the way normally has green thumbs, to help me to re-pot it. Since the new pots were not much larger than the old, we decided to attempt to separate the plant in two. The roots were tightly intertwined so we had to cut a few. For a few days after, the plants looked normal but a week later the leaves started to turn yellow first then brown. My husband thinks that our plant might be going through the shock of transplanting but honestly my heart is breaking to see it suffering. I pray that we haven’t killed my plants. Please help me to save them. I’ve been reading alot but haven’t come across any info about others in my situation. Any assistance from you would be greatly appreciated as I am presently in a state of panic. Thank you in advance.  Miriam

Lucky Bamboo – Yellow Stalks and Spring Water

Ask the Expert: lucky bamboo

Help my lucky bamboo’s stalks are turning yellow I change the water everyday and the water is spring water what am I doing wrong I do not want my plant to die it is inside out of direct lite ty for your help Lisa