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Potting Lucky Bamboo



Lucky Bamboo With Brown Tips – What’s Up?

Ask the Expert: The tips of my lucky bamboo plant leaves have turned brownish and dry.  I only put distilled water in the pot, mist the leaves, fertilize with the green drops occasionally, and keep the plant on my dining room table under the light fixture, away from direct sunlight. What could cause the brown, dry tips?  Should I cut them off?  Please advise. Thanks very much.

To Be Heavily Rooted Bamboo Or Not To Be

Ask the Expert: Bamboo

Is it best to keep bamboo well rooted/rootbound or is it better to periodically remove heavily rooted areas? Janet

What Is A Lucky Bamboo Node?

Ask the Expert: Lucky Bamboo Plant too tall.. What is a “node”?

You answered an earlier question about trimming down the height of a lucky bamboo plant. I read your reply, but am confused: Just what is a “node”? I am considering trimming my plant but don’t know where to start. Sent you a picture, maybe that will help. After looking at the pictures, DO I need to trim it down, it measures about 38″ tall from bottom of base to top tip leaf.
Thank You

Lucky bamboo showing node

We Are Not Always Lucky With Lucky Bamboo

Every week I get at least one lucky bamboo question. Yesterday I received a call from Stephanie who was having trouble with her lucky bamboo. During our conversation I ask if she could send me some photos of her lucky bamboo. She was gracious enough to do so and below are the photos she sent.

So often I have to explain the how to correct problems with lucky bamboo with out the benefit of photos. With Stepahanie’s photos I am going to walk through the procedures and reference the photos.

First Stephaine was having a common problem – Yellow stems. Lucky bamboo stems will turn yellow for a couple reasons — too much fertilizer or too much light.

Yellow lucky bamboo stalk

Lucky Bamboo Stem That Is Yellow

When lucky bamboo is in this advanced state of yellowing it will not come back. So it is best to cut the yellow parts off. If there is any green part to the stem then there is the possibility of starting a new plant. For example in the next two pictures, we can find a place where we can cut the lucky bamboo and start new plants.

Lucky bamboo stem

In the photo above, we could cut the lucky bamboo about an inch from the node (see the raise brown ring to the right of her thumb that is called a node – see the red line cut it there). I am guessing that the section with this node is attached to the roots. If we leave the section with the roots in water and start misting the cut end three days after it has been cut, new growth will form. In the lucky bamboo picture below, the end attached to the roots is unhealthy so we will have to cut the plant and encourage root growth. For example, I would make a cut an inch above the first node on the green stem (this will be to the left of the index finger in the picture – see the blue line cut it there). You will need some rooting hormone (the one we carry at our nursery & garden center is called Greenlight root tone but other brand have the same product just make sure it is in powder form). After you cut the stem dip it in the rooting hormone and let it dry overnight then place it in a container with water (use distilled water or let the water sit overnight to release the chlorine). In a few weeks you will see new roots form.

Lucky bamboo with yellow and green stem

In the lucky bamboo photo below, you can start a new plant in several placed. The key is finding a node and making your cut an inch above it following the procedures above. Stephanie was a little concerned with the paleness of the stem which could be caused by too much light or a little too much fertilizer. In a case like this I would put it in fresh water and move a little farther from the light source. Watch the stem if it starts to turn yellow you are losing the stem and will need to start new plants before it is too late.

Lucky bamboo stem with new shoot

In the next two lucky bamboo pictures we are concerned with the blackness of the cut end and the paleness of the stems. The black is not really a concern except that is accompanying a yellowing which indicates a problem. I would create two new plants from this one which will already have roots and another which will need to form roots. Cuts should be made an inch above the node at the bottom of the picture and will follow the same procedure as the first cut instructions above (this one will have roots already and will new to form new growth). The second cut will be made at the first node of the part that is growing form the curve piece at the top of the photo. This plant will need to form new roots and will need the rooting hormone treatment.

stem of lucky bamboo

cut end of a lucky bamboo

I hope these will clarify some of the issues with lucky bamboo. If anyone else has lucky bamboo pictures that you want discussed just go to the ask the expert page and upload your photos.

Will Lucky Bamboo Need A Bigger Pot As It Grows?

Ask the Expert: Do do bamboo plants need bigger pots as they grow?

My lucky bamboo plant is growing and I wonder if I need to provide a bigger pot as it grows?


Are Spiral Lucky Bamboo Born Or Created?

Ask The Expert: How does one tell the difference between the “Lucky Bamboo” plants that seem to twist and those that don’t twist — in their infancy?

Water is EveryWhere Except in the Dry Vase of My Lucky Bamboo

Ask The Expert: I was trying to reach someone by phone, to ask a question about a lucky
bamboo plant that I have. I have had this plant for three years now, it is beautiful and I have never had any issues with it. I went on vacation this past week and I literally forgot to have my co-workers water it for me and I have returned and the leaves are pure yellow. Please tell me what I should do for this. Should I peel them off? Or will this come out of it, I love this plant and I don’t want to loose it. It went for almost 10 days without water : Thank you so much. Paula


You have a couple of options. If the roots are still viable you can simply water the plant and ride it out; in a couple of weeks it should produce new growth. Completely yellow leaves are damage beyond recovery and you should remove them. Pale leaves may come out of it and be ok. If the roots seem too damaged to recover and the top stem is still firm and green, you can cut the top off and start a new plant. Our Caring For Lucky Bamboo page will tell you how to do this — read the propagation section at the bottom. Good luck

Lucky Bamboo PH needs.

Ask the Expert: Thank you for the information on the “Lucky Bamboo.” What should the pH of the water be? We have a filter that regulates the pH so we can get water at the following levels of pH: 2.5, 4.5, 5.5, 8.0, 8.5, 9.0 & 11.5. Which one should we use? Thanks! Susan


The minimum ph is 6.1 the maximum is 7.5. I would try to keep it between 6.5 and 7.0. Are the above ranges the only ones you can get?

Lucky Bamboo With Green Crystals & Yellow Leaves

Ask the Expert: Lucky Bamboo Dying

I have had it for 6 years. It has been great until the past week. The leaves and turning yellow and are “falling over” and there are some green crystals forming. I have not made any changes to sunlight or watering. What are the crystals? What can I do? Jen

Lucky Bamboo Plant Potted In Soil
Lucky Bamboo Stem


Do the green crystals look like the green scale in this picture from the University of Florida? Green Scale If so, you have an infestation of scale (an insect) and will need to use an insecticide to get rid of it. You may want to propagate your lucky bamboo and create new plants in an effort to remove some of the damage plant. Our Caring for Lucky Bamboo page has all the information you need to do this.