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Is Tropical Hibiscus Hardy in Upstate New York?

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I received a hibiscus tree for a gift. I live in upstate New York. I know that some will tolerate the cold, but this one had no label on it, so now I am wondering if there is a way to tell if it will make it through a winter. Does anyone know how to yell if it is cold hardy? Thank you Mike

Tropical Hibiscus Tree

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Why Does My Lucky Bamboo Have Brown, Wrinkly Patches?

Ask the Expert: Bamboo rotting?

Hi! So I have been keeping my bamboo on a high shelf in good but indirect light, and feeding it bottled water/water left out for 24hrs. Today I took it down to move it and discovered two brown, wrinkly patches at the top where it curves. I couldn’t see them before, since that part was facing the wall.

My guess is that these patches died and started rotting at some point while on the shelf, but I’m surprised because in my experience when a part of a bamboo stalk starts to die, the whole thing has died within days. It’s also usually a bright yellow, not brown.

Do you have any idea what could have caused this? Is it going to keep spreading? I\’ve successfully removed the shoot from a dying bamboo plant in the past, but is it possible to remove the dead section of the stalk and have the rest of the stalk keep living?

Thanks! Renee

(P.S. Sorry for the bad photo quality. I haven’t got access to a real camera at the moment.)

Lucky Bamboo - Rooting issues & brown wrinkles Lucky Bamboo Infected with Colletotrichum dracaenophilum

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Help! Why Isn’t My Anthurium Blooming?

Ask The Plant Expert:

I inherited 2 anthuriums (one pink & one red) about a year ago. both had “blooms” at the time.  Since then nothing. I’ve been wiping the leaves off and don’t think I am over watering, although I think may need to change the soil medium because it appears to be just regular potting soil. As you will see in the pictures attached they are in bright but not direct light. (The large windows are to the right of the bookcase but face due south.)  There are brownish flake-like spots on them; which tend to come off when I wipe the leaves/stems off.  Also, they seem to let off a sticky substance that doesn’t seem to be hurting anything really; just need to keep shelf & floor below clean.  Any suggestions on what I’m doing wrong? – Tammie

Anthurium Houseplants

Anthurium Leaf Anthurium Leaf

Possible Anthurium Infestation

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What Is This Uniquely-colored Houseplant?

Ask The Plant Expert:

Can you tell me the name of this plant, and the care required? Thanks, Nanci

Calathea Roseopicta aka Prayer plant Calathea Roseopicta aka Prayer plant

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Help! Why Is My Peace Lily Green, Not White?

Ask The Plant Expert:

Peace Lily CareMy Peace plant flower is green, it should be white. What does it need?

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:

Could be a variety of things. What most people call the the bloom is actually called a spathe. This is sort of like a leaf and surrounds the spadix, which supports the actual flowers of the plant. The Spathes can range in color from a pure white to a pale whitish green.

Factors you can work with to achieve better blooms: humidity, water light and fertilizer. Giving the plant the proper humidity and water will help make the formation of leaves, spathes and flowers stronger. The right fertilizer and light will help with strength the color and structure of the plant. So, follow the care instructions for Peace Lilies (at the bottom). Hopefully this will change future spathes from green to white.

Hope this is helpful!

Help! In What Hardiness Zone Can I Plant My Peace Lily Safely?

Ask The Plant Expert:

Can a Peace Lilly plant be planted outdoors? I received a peace lilly plant for Mothers Day. Would I be able to plant it outdoors in my flower bed, or is it strictly a house plant? – Mary

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Help! Why Won’t My Christmas Cactus Bloom?

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“I have had this Christmas cactus for 15 years, it’s bloomed once. What am I doing wrong?” – Elizabeth

Christmas CactusFlower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:


While you may think that temperature is a factor in blooming, daylight length is actually the key. Christmas cacti are triggered to bloom during short days. This can be achieved by placing the plant in a dark bedroom or by covering the plant for 15 or more hours a day. It may take up to a month to trigger the plant to produce bloom buds, but once the buds appear the plant can be returned to its usual viewing location. Remember to avoid extreme temperatures that would hinder bud release.

Click for more information on the Christmas Cactus.

Why Does Over-Watering Kill Plants?

Why Does Over Watering Kill Plants?Ask The Plant Expert:

In the past, I have always started my cuttings in a glass of water, and once they got roots, tried to put them in dirt.  This sometimes works, sometimes doesn’t.

I broke a big chunk off one of my plants when trying to get it to grow the way I wanted it to. So I broke off all the stems, stuck them in some dirt, and have kept the dirt saturated with water. When I say saturated, I mean nearly liquid, there is standing water on top of the soil.

I think, after a week or so, I will start backing off on the water, and I will have a plant.

What I really don’t understand is if plants can grow as cuttings in a glass of water, why does over watering kill plants?  If it is impossible for water to kill a plant, and apparently it is, then there is some other mechanism at work when you over water. – Pete

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What Type of Flower Is My Princess Alexia Violet & Is It Safe For Cats?

Ask The Plant Expert:

Is a Princess Alexia Violet a type of lily? I have cats and I know that lilies are poisonous to them. I was wondering if a Princess Alexia Violet is a type of lily. -Lorriane

AnthuriumFlower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:


The Princess Alexia violet is a type of Anthurium, specifically Anthurium andreanum. I am not personally familiar with this plant, but I am very familiar with Anthurium scherzeranum, also known as Flamingo flower which is toxic to cats and dogs. I assume the Anthurium andreanum would be as well.

For more information on Anthurium Care click here.

Hope this information is helpful.

Help! Can I Use Gelatin As Fertilizer for Peace Lilies?

Ask The Plant Expert:

Gelatin as fertilizer for Peace Lilies? Read that dissolved gelatin in 1 liter of water, can be used as a fertilizer for peace lilies. True??? – Miranda

Gelatin Used As Fertalizer?Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:


I am afraid that is a new one on me.  I tend to be traditional when it comes to fertilizer, relying on the primary nutrients of N, P and K along with a few trace elements. Since I am unfamiliar with the composition of gelatin, I can’t recommend it. From what I know of gelatin, it is derived from animals bones and connective tissue and therefore probably contains some phosphorous.  So, it shouldn’t hurt the peace lily, but won’t give it the balanced nutrition it needs.

If you still plan to use gelatin, be sure it is unflavored and does not contain artificial sweeteners.

Hope this information was helpful.