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How Do I Love Sansevieria Plants? Let Me Count The Ways!

When I think of houseplants that are easy to care for, simple for beginners to gardening, and rather enjoyable to behold, I count Mother-in-law’s Tongue among the tally. This starter houseplant is amazing! It is tolerant of slight neglect, only needs to be watered moderately, prefers partial shade but can survive in full Arkansas sun (the proof is in the picture), and grows quickly so that I have a beautiful plant to look upon for months at a time! Thankfully, I’ve discovered that you can also buy Mother-In-Law’s Tongue houseplants for nearly anyone because of just how simple it is to care for them!

I’ll admit it. I traded a green thumb for other talents. While I still contend that the powers that be have brilliantly gifted me with these, it does my heart no good to enjoy a home with pitiful-looking houseplants. For people like me who have had to earn our gardening merits, a really great basic is the Mother-In-Law’s Tongue houseplant. With the ability to produce beautiful white to cream-colored blooms next to the bold interweaving of light and dark green striped leaves, Mother-In-Law’s Tongue beautifully completes the décor of any home or garden.

Also known as Snake Plant or by its scientific name, Sansevieria trifasciata laurentii, Mother-In-Law’s Tongue delivers boldly striped beauty in a very proud fashion for homes needing a subtle dash of attitude in the home décor. Unfortunately, my house is filled to the brim with this type of confident charm and our houseplants need only add casual visual appeal. The good news for me is that Mother-In-Law’s Tongue houseplants can be stylish, subtle, casual, bold, decorated creatively, or used just to add color to a bland room. The sky, rather the ceiling I suppose, is the limit with Snake Plant houseplants.

My good friend Jamie Jamison Adams of the Ask The Expert blogs has proven that Mother-In-Law’s Tongue is also a very sustainable garden plant. Even better! Arkansas heat can sometimes feel like Calcutta in July only more humid. Though typically thriving in indirect light, Jamie’s Sansevieria plant accents her garden and has bloomed nicely in full sun and a healthy dose of Arkansas heat. While Jamie is an expert plant care provider, experienced gardeners, beginning gardeners and everyone in between should feel at ease with caring for Mother-In-Law’s Tongue plants. Busy lives seem only to be getting busier. For the busiest of us all, these plants are simple and hardly time-consuming, in other words, perfect houseplants!

Snake Plant Bloom.jpg Buy Sansevieria For Your Garden!

Want Easy Plant Care? Get Excited About Terrariums!

We’ve all been there. The beautiful terrarium gift from a friend resides on the mantle, the piano, a table, a shelf, or somewhere around the house but mostly because terrarium plant care is lost on us. Luckily for those of us with a less than green thumb, terrariums are very easy to care for. Terrariums thrive best with slight neglect, normal amounts of light, and almost no watering and fertilization. The easy care of terrariums make them wonderful gifts for houseplant beginners as well as experienced planters.

Plant care for terrariums is pretty simple. Leave it alone! Neglect it for a while! Terrariums tend to recycle their own moisture so it is essential not to over water the plants. Check the water level of the soil monthly and apply more water when the soil has become almost completely dry. Terrariums are self-contained for the most part because they live off of the moisture and nutrients already present. Therefore, replenishing the soil is rarely necessary but may be done from time to time by scraping off the top layer of soil and replacing with a fresh layer of well-draining potting soil. This will keep the appearance of the houseplants in royal order while maintaining a healthy plant. Care for terrariums by placing them in areas with a moderate amount of light but never direct sunlight. If you can read by the light, your terrarium plant can live off of it. Pruning your terrarium is also easy. Simply pinch off new plant growth for a bushier appearance once the plant has nearly reached its desired height. That’s it! It’s as simple as that.

There are several plants suitable for terrariums. Fittonia (Nerve Plant), Podocarpus (Buddhist Pine), Creeping Fig, Sinningia, Boxus (Boxwood), miniature African Violets, several small palms, many small ferns and more are appropriate for small to medium terrariums. Some larger houseplants are also suitable for medium to large terrariums. Philodendron, one of the most popular houseplants, does very well in large terrariums. Golden Pothos houseplant care gains a new level of excitement inside large plant terrariums. Arboricola, tall palms, Dracaena plants, and Prayer Plant are just a few of the plants that perform beautifully in terrariums.

Looking to buy plant terrariums for a friend? Florists are now adding terrariums to the product mix. Terrariums make great gifts for loved ones in a variety of ages. Aquarium terrariums are a fantastic way to recycle those unused glass boxes by turning them into fantastic terrariums for kids. After all, it’s never too early to perk a child’s interest in science and nature. Glass terrariums beautifully accent a variety of home décor styles so you can never go wrong with this gift idea when you see terrariums for sale. Contact your local flower shop for more great terrarium gift ideas and care information. Oh, and fret no longer. That terrarium is now in good hands!

Powerful Flower Arrangements For The Feisty Leo

Born July 23rd through August 22nd, Leos are powerful and confident people who are the “fearless leader” of the group. Sincere and trustworthy, Leos are the premier leadership choice of the zodiac sign. Providing this kind of reliable guidance can take it out of someone very quickly. Though they like to be the center of attention, Leos need positive interaction and feedback from others. When buying a birthday gift for this fiery sign, fill their hearts with the affirmation and attention they crave by sending a zodiac-inspired flower arrangement.

Even the flowers represented by the Leo astrological sign scream “power!” The Venus fly trap is a carnivorous plant. I’ve yet to see more powerful foliage. Cactus and red hot poker need no explanation. These unique plants compliment the feisty side of your Leo. Sometimes the most amazing people are the ones that throw us for a loop. For a Leo with a softer side, contact your local florist for a flower arrangement made of peony, carnations, hibiscus, or anthuriums. You know your sweetheart better than anyone else so visit your local flower shop today for a treat that your honey is sure to adore!

Peony Flower Arrangement.jpg Powerful peonies flower arrangement for your Leo!

Kitchen Window Garden

Ask the Expert: Kitchen Garden Window

What would be a good plant(s) to put in a garden window that faces East?  Janet

Home Grown Hydrangeas For Wedding Bouquets

Ask the Expert: What is the best Blue Hydrangea for bouquets?

Could you give me info about what type of blue hydrangea works best for a hand tied wedding bouquet and tips for timing & using the fresh cut blooms from my yard..thanks! Jen

Creating A Rock/Wheel Landscape – Got Ideas?

Ask the Expert: Sunny wanderer

Hello,  I am in the process of making a rock/wheel landscape area in my yard.  It gets full sun all day.  Any suggestions on what to plant around this?  Also if you have any suggestions on a climbing, trelling plant/flower that can handle the full sun.  the wheels have spokes on them and thought it would look nice to have something vining through and around.  Thank you, Mary

Good Coffee Table Houseplant

Ask the Expert: Easy care Plant for Coffee table? I want to purchase an easy care green plant for my coffee table that receives morning bright filtered light. I don’t want a plant that gets very big. Which species would work for me?

Peace Lily Blooms a Little Green instead of White

Ask the Expert: I have a question and was in hope you could help me. I have a peace lily and it is beautiful. It blooms continous but the blooms are always a light green instead of white. What can I do to change to white? Thank you. Patrick

Croton (Codiaeum) Versus Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica) for Southeast Window.

Ask the Expert: Croton vs. Rubber plant?

I want to purchase either a croton or varigated rubber plant for my southeast window to be placed about4-5 feet away. Which would do better for that location and which would be easier for me to care for?

Houseplants For Low Light Levels

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How can I condition houseplants (and which specis) to accept lower levels of light from a southeast window?